Tonda MacCharles Ottawa Bureau Chief

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Cocaine, romance and murder: Justin Trudeau and his government targeted by disinformation campaign in wake of India allegation

Cocaine, romance and murder: Justin Trudeau and his government targeted by disinformation campaign in wake of India allegation

Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment say online attacks and dis­in­for­ma­tion aimed at…

Justin Trudeau tries to calm fears after Sikh leader's killing, as Indo-Canadians worry about who could be next

Justin Trudeau tries to calm fears after Sikh leader's killing, as Indo-Canadians worry about who could be next

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau tried Fri­day to allay Indo-Cana­di­ans’ fears about…

I've seen 'very credible' intelligence that links India to B.C. killing, Jagmeet Singh says

I've seen 'very credible' intelligence that links India to B.C. killing, Jagmeet Singh says

OTTAWA – NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh says he was briefed on the ​“clear intel­li­gence”…