Touria Izri

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Touria Izri.

Mexico visa-free travel a ‘bilateral irritant’ for Canada-U.S. relations

Mexico visa-free travel a ‘bilateral irritant’ for Canada-U.S. relations

The Lib­er­al government’s deci­sion to lift the visa require­ment for Mex­i­can…

7 in 10 Canadians say they feel the country is ‘broken’: Ipsos poll

7 in 10 Canadians say they feel the country is ‘broken’: Ipsos poll

Cana­da Day is around the cor­ner, but many Cana­di­ans are not nec­es­sar­i­ly in…

Despite Toronto-St. Paul’s loss, Freeland says Trudeau should stay as leader

Despite Toronto-St. Paul’s loss, Freeland says Trudeau should stay as leader

Deputy Prime Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land says she still has faith in Prime Min­is­ter…

Support for Trudeau nears ‘rock bottom’ as 68% want him to step down: Ipsos

Support for Trudeau nears ‘rock bottom’ as 68% want him to step down: Ipsos

As the House of Com­mons pre­pares to break for the sum­mer, a major­i­ty of…

Interference inquiry to ‘shed light’ on allegations parliamentarians colluded

Interference inquiry to ‘shed light’ on allegations parliamentarians colluded

The pub­lic inquiry into for­eign inter­fer­ence will probe explo­sive alle­ga­tions…

So far, ‘deflection,’ no answers on politician collusion allegations: experts

So far, ‘deflection,’ no answers on politician collusion allegations: experts

A for­mer RCMP super­in­ten­dent says the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment is pass­ing the buck by…

Can alleged parliamentarian colluders face consequences? CSIS chief weighs in

Can alleged parliamentarian colluders face consequences? CSIS chief weighs in

Canada’s spy chief says that polit­i­cal lead­ers could take steps to make sure…

RCMP ‘aware’ of intelligence related to foreign interference and parliamentarians

RCMP ‘aware’ of intelligence related to foreign interference and parliamentarians

Canada’s nation­al police force says it is ​“aware” of a ​“broad” range of intel­li­gence…

No answers on if parliamentarians allegedly aiding foreign states can run again

No answers on if parliamentarians allegedly aiding foreign states can run again

There are no clear answers on whether fed­er­al politi­cians accused of ​“wit­ting­ly”…

Via Rail paid $11 million in bonuses amid travel delays and losses

Via Rail paid $11 million in bonuses amid travel delays and losses

Via Rail hand­ed out mil­lions of dol­lars in bonus­es to exec­u­tives and employ­ees,…

CSC told staff not to inform public about Luka Magnotta transfer: docs

CSC told staff not to inform public about Luka Magnotta transfer: docs

Three days before mur­der­er Luka Mag­not­ta was trans­ferred from a max­i­mum to…

U.K. takes aim at allies like Canada, wants higher NATO targets

U.K. takes aim at allies like Canada, wants higher NATO targets

Britain’s For­eign Sec­re­tary David Cameron is urg­ing the U.K.’s allies, includ­ing…

Joly says Israeli Rafah invasion would be ‘unacceptable,’ urges ceasefire

Joly says Israeli Rafah invasion would be ‘unacceptable,’ urges ceasefire

As Israeli forces seize con­trol of the Rafah bor­der cross­ing between Gaza and Egypt,…

Some 2019 candidates ‘appeared willing’ to engage with foreign interference: Hogue inquiry

Some 2019 candidates ‘appeared willing’ to engage with foreign interference: Hogue inquiry

A hand­ful of can­di­dates in Canada’s 2019 fed­er­al elec­tion ​“appeared will­ing” to…

Ottawa to propose new asylum rules to allow for faster deportations

Ottawa to propose new asylum rules to allow for faster deportations

The Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment is propos­ing to make changes to Canada’s asy­lum claim…

Is the ‘Seinfeld theory’ coming for Justin Trudeau’s political future?

Is the ‘Seinfeld theory’ coming for Justin Trudeau’s political future?

The Trudeau gov­ern­ment released its 2024 bud­get with a promise to bring…

Trudeau briefed on alleged interference in Dong’s riding before 2019 election: document

Trudeau briefed on alleged interference in Dong’s riding before 2019 election: document

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau received brief­in­gs about for­eign inter­fer­ence…

New foreign interference documents raise questions about ‘special rapporteur’ report

New foreign interference documents raise questions about ‘special rapporteur’ report

New intel­li­gence doc­u­ments pub­lished by the fed­er­al for­eign inter­fer­ence…

Trudeau not saying if Han Dong will return to Liberal caucus after testimony

Trudeau not saying if Han Dong will return to Liberal caucus after testimony

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau did not say whether he would allow for­mer Lib­er­al MP…

Housing asylum seekers at Niagara hotels cost Canada more than $100 million

Housing asylum seekers at Niagara hotels cost Canada more than $100 million

New­ly released fig­ures from Immi­gra­tion, Refugees and Cit­i­zen­ship Cana­da show the…

Luka Magnotta transfer was flagged twice to then-minister’s office: CSC

Luka Magnotta transfer was flagged twice to then-minister’s office: CSC

A year before the trans­fer of ser­i­al killer and rapist Paul Bernar­do to…

Inside the 72 hours while Canada debated grounding the Boeing MAX-8

Inside the 72 hours while Canada debated grounding the Boeing MAX-8

Just hours before then-trans­porta­tion min­is­ter Marc Gar­neau announced the ground­ing…

Poilievre vows no MAID mental illness expansion if he wins next election

Poilievre vows no MAID mental illness expansion if he wins next election

The Lib­er­als have delayed expand­ing med­ical assis­tance in dying for men­tal ill­ness…

Iran’s growing influence may be missed as inquiry begins, experts warn

Iran’s growing influence may be missed as inquiry begins, experts warn

The high­ly antic­i­pat­ed pub­lic inquiry into for­eign elec­tion inter­fer­ence is set…