Zi-Ann Lum

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Zi-Ann Lum.

Trump destabilized Canada in 2016. Trudeau doesn’t want it to happen again.

Trump destabilized Canada in 2016. Trudeau doesn’t want it to happen again.

It could be a prob­lem for Cana­da that Don­ald Trump doesn’t like Justin Trudeau.…

Trudeau: ‘Like a child star’

Trudeau: ‘Like a child star’

REGAL POLITICS — Jour­nal­ist STEPHEN MAHER has had a busy year and a half. He…

Tucker Carlson brings MAGA tour to Calgary: ‘I’m gonna go liberate Canada’

Tucker Carlson brings MAGA tour to Calgary: ‘I’m gonna go liberate Canada’

A year ago, Tuck­er Carl­son was call­ing on Amer­i­cans to invade and ​“lib­er­ate”…

How Justin Trudeau lost his grip

How Justin Trudeau lost his grip

Justin Trudeau could lose Canada’s next elec­tion because he’s just not as angry as the…