Éric Grenier

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Éric Grenier.

New Brunswick still a toss, but could be a Liberal-leaning one

New Brunswick still a toss, but could be a Liberal-leaning one

New Brunswick’s sched­uled elec­tion in Octo­ber looks too close to call. But that view…

B.C. NDP position worsening, but it's still the narrow favourite to win

B.C. NDP position worsening, but it's still the narrow favourite to win

It wasn’t too long ago that the B.C. New Democ­rats were poised to win the 2024…

Weekly Writ 8/21: Box-checking vs. seat-flipping

Weekly Writ 8/21: Box-checking vs. seat-flipping

Par­ty lead­ers’ sum­mer tours are like a Rorschach test. Look hard enough and you…

Is Quebec about to flip?

Is Quebec about to flip?

There’s noth­ing like a sur­pris­ing poll result to make politi­cos sit up.…

Weekly Writ 8/7: Why Pierre Poilievre's fundraising edge is different

Weekly Writ 8/7: Why Pierre Poilievre's fundraising edge is different

Like clock­work, the Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty post­ed anoth­er record-break­ing…

Weekly Writ 7/31: Last chance byelections?

Weekly Writ 7/31: Last chance byelections?

Just a few days after nam­ing their can­di­date for the rid­ing of…

One year out (or sooner), Nova Scotia PCs heavily favoured to win

One year out (or sooner), Nova Scotia PCs heavily favoured to win

The next elec­tion in Nova Sco­tia is sched­uled for July 15, 2025. The province was the…

LaSalle–Émard–Verdun: The Liberals' next test

LaSalle–Émard–Verdun: The Liberals' next test

The sum­mer began with a high-stakes byelec­tion that the Lib­er­als lost, send­ing…

Weekly Writ for July 3: Should Trudeau stay or should he go?

Weekly Writ for July 3: Should Trudeau stay or should he go?

Justin Trudeau’s hold on the lead­er­ship of the Lib­er­al Par­ty, fol­low­ing the…

Weekly Writ for June 26: Another canary in the Liberal coalmine

Weekly Writ for June 26: Another canary in the Liberal coalmine

Well, that esca­lat­ed slow­ly. Yes, it wasn’t until just before 4 AM ear­ly…

Toronto-St. Paul's Byelection: A Swing Big Enough to Wipe Out 55 Liberal Seats in Ontario

Toronto-St. Paul's Byelection: A Swing Big Enough to Wipe Out 55 Liberal Seats in Ontario

This was not any ordi­nary byelec­tion. The stakes were high. I went to bed…

What to watch in Toronto–St. Paul's

What to watch in Toronto–St. Paul's

Today’s byelec­tion in Toron­to – St. Paul’s is one that would be an easy win for the…

Weekly Writ for June 19: Are Canadians not in 'decision mode' yet?

Weekly Writ for June 19: Are Canadians not in 'decision mode' yet?

On Mon­day, Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau appeared on CBC’s Pow­er and Pol­i­tics,…

The State of the Writ, Year 3

The State of the Writ, Year 3

Time flies when you’re hav­ing fun — and so it’s remark­able that it is already the…

Weekly Writ for June 12: Will climate change be a ballot box issue?

Weekly Writ for June 12: Will climate change be a ballot box issue?

Cli­mate change and the envi­ron­ment have been impor­tant issues for sev­er­al fed­er­al…

New Brunswick election still a toss-up

New Brunswick election still a toss-up

New Brunswick’s elec­tion is lit­tle more than four months away, but the out­come is no…

Weekly Writ for June 5: Battleground spotlight on Atlantic Canada

Weekly Writ for June 5: Battleground spotlight on Atlantic Canada

When the polls shift­ed last sum­mer, nowhere was the move­ment as dra­mat­ic and…

Is Trudeau a drag on Crombie? Maybe not

Is Trudeau a drag on Crombie? Maybe not

The Ontario Lib­er­als had hopes they could win last week’s provin­cial byelec­tion in…

Weekly Writ for Apr. 24: Battleground spotlight on The 905

Weekly Writ for Apr. 24: Battleground spotlight on The 905

With the new elec­toral map now in force and the num­bers of months before the next…

Weekly Writ for Mar. 27: Alberta NDP leadership race bombshell

Weekly Writ for Mar. 27: Alberta NDP leadership race bombshell

Yes­ter­day, the Alber­ta NDP lead­er­ship race was shak­en up by the with­draw­al of…

Anthony Housefather's dilemma in Mount Royal

Anthony Housefather's dilemma in Mount Royal

Lib­er­al MP Antho­ny House­fa­ther says he is in ​“reflec­tion” about his future with…

Weekly Writ for Mar. 20: Eby's NDP still on track for big win

Weekly Writ for Mar. 20: Eby's NDP still on track for big win

With only sev­en months to go before British Columbia’s elec­tion, David Eby’s New…

Weekly Writ for Mar. 13: Naheed Nenshi is in

Weekly Writ for Mar. 13: Naheed Nenshi is in

So, Naheed Nen­shi is mak­ing a return to active pol­i­tics and vying to become the…

Weekly Writ for Mar. 6: What Durham tells us

Weekly Writ for Mar. 6: What Durham tells us

The impor­tance of Monday’s fed­er­al byelec­tion in Durham is not what the results…

What to watch in the Durham byelection

What to watch in the Durham byelection

There might not be a lot of sus­pense ahead of today’s Durham byelec­tion. The…

Weekly Writ for Feb. 28: Pharma deal gives Liberals more of the only thing they have left — time

Weekly Writ for Feb. 28: Pharma deal gives Liberals more of the only thing they have left — time

Looks like there won’t be a fed­er­al elec­tion in 2024 — if it was ever like­ly…

Weekly Writ for Feb. 21: The seats that would give Poilievre a majority government

Weekly Writ for Feb. 21: The seats that would give Poilievre a majority government

With the kinds of polling num­bers we’ve seen over the last few months, Pierre…

Weekly Writ for Feb. 14: A new polling normal that's not normal at all

Weekly Writ for Feb. 14: A new polling normal that's not normal at all

A few recent polls have the Con­ser­v­a­tives at or above 40% sup­port while the…

Weekly Writ for Feb. 7: A deep-dive into Poilievre's fundraising machine

Weekly Writ for Feb. 7: A deep-dive into Poilievre's fundraising machine

The Con­ser­v­a­tives raised a lot of mon­ey last year — and espe­cial­ly a lot…

Conservatives come out ahead on new electoral map but don't need the help

Conservatives come out ahead on new electoral map but don't need the help

Let’s be clear. The new elec­toral map is prob­a­bly not going to decide the next…

Weekly Writ for Jan. 24: Which cabinet ministers are in danger of defeat?

Weekly Writ for Jan. 24: Which cabinet ministers are in danger of defeat?

Plus the count­down for the next fed­er­al byelec­tions is on; what the lat­est polls are…

It'll be a closer election, but Sask Party remains heavy favourite in 2024

It'll be a closer election, but Sask Party remains heavy favourite in 2024

With a lit­tle less than 290 days to go before Saskatchewan’s elec­tion, the…

Weekly Writ for Jan. 10: Crisis and opportunity when MPs retire

Weekly Writ for Jan. 10: Crisis and opportunity when MPs retire

It’s nor­mal when an elec­tion approach­es for MPs to start eye­ing the exits. Sign­ing…

Weekly Writ for Dec. 20: Taking stock and looking forward

Weekly Writ for Dec. 20: Taking stock and looking forward

As we pre­pare to get nes­tled all snug in our beds for the hol­i­day sea­son,…

Weekly Writ for Dec. 13: When it comes to Poilievre and Quebec, let's be realistic

Weekly Writ for Dec. 13: When it comes to Poilievre and Quebec, let's be realistic

There’s been a bit of chat­ter recent­ly about the Con­ser­v­a­tives’ polling gains…

No clear front runner as New Brunswick nears election year

No clear front runner as New Brunswick nears election year

Next year’s elec­tion in New Brunswick is look­ing like a real nail-biter, with both…

Weekly Writ for Dec. 6: When and where did the polls move?

Weekly Writ for Dec. 6: When and where did the polls move?

Look­ing at how fed­er­al polls have shift­ed in 2023, plus what’s changed in Ontario…

Weekly Writ for Nov. 29: What 1st ballot score secures a leadership win?

Weekly Writ for Nov. 29: What 1st ballot score secures a leadership win?

On Sat­ur­day, we’ll find out who will be the next leader of the Ontario Lib­er­al…

New Golden Horseshoe map no solace for troubled Liberals

New Golden Horseshoe map no solace for troubled Liberals

The new elec­toral map in the swathe of rid­ings run­ning from Durham Region around the…