Alex Kohut

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Alex Kohut.

Conservatives lead by 19

Conservatives lead by 19

Lib­er­als los­ing the left, right, cen­tre right, and have only a nar­row…

Conservatives lead by 19

Conservatives lead by 19

Lib­er­als los­ing the left, right, cen­tre right, and have only a nar­row…

Budget reaction: Housing plan popular, capital gains tax divides, deficit disappoints.

Budget reaction: Housing plan popular, capital gains tax divides, deficit disappoints.

New spark*insights polling shows sup­port for some key bud­get poli­cies, but low recall…

Budget reaction: Housing plan popular, capital gains tax divides, deficit disappoints.

Budget reaction: Housing plan popular, capital gains tax divides, deficit disappoints.

New spark*insights polling shows sup­port for some key bud­get poli­cies, but low recall…

Budget reaction: most think they will pay more, and only 1 in 10 think they will benefit.

Budget reaction: most think they will pay more, and only 1 in 10 think they will benefit.

Our pub­lic opin­ion research sur­round­ing the fed­er­al bud­get reveals the Lib­er­als…

Budget reaction: most think they will pay more, and only 1 in 10 think they will benefit.

Budget reaction: most think they will pay more, and only 1 in 10 think they will benefit.

spark*insights post-Bud­get research shows Cana­di­ans are wor­ried the 2024 Bud­get will…

Capital gains tax dominates Budget Day conversation

Capital gains tax dominates Budget Day conversation

One day after the speech­es have been made, what have Cana­di­ans noticed about the…

What You Need to Know About the Upcoming New Brunswick Election

What You Need to Know About the Upcoming New Brunswick Election

Close elec­tions have been a trade­mark of New Brunswick pol­i­tics for the last…

What You Need to Know About the Upcoming New Brunswick Election

What You Need to Know About the Upcoming New Brunswick Election

A deeply divid­ed elec­torate in New Brunswick is like­ly to result in the clos­est…

83% feel Brian Mulroney did a good job as Prime Minister

83% feel Brian Mulroney did a good job as Prime Minister

Bri­an Mul­roney, the 18th Prime Min­is­ter of Cana­da, held that office from Sep­tem­ber…

83% feel Brian Mulroney did a good job as Prime Minister

83% feel Brian Mulroney did a good job as Prime Minister

Bri­an Mul­roney, the 18th Prime Min­is­ter of Cana­da, held that office from Sep­tem­ber…

What's in a Word? Plenty

What's in a Word? Plenty

In our first release in a series ana­lyz­ing the mes­sag­ing choic­es made by…

What's in a Word? Plenty

What's in a Word? Plenty

In our first release in a series ana­lyz­ing the mes­sag­ing choic­es made by…

Millions of Canadians use - and like - music streaming services

Millions of Canadians use - and like - music streaming services

Two-thirds of Cana­di­ans are using audio stream­ing ser­vices, and these users tend to…

3 in 4 Canadians want the CBC – just not “as is”

3 in 4 Canadians want the CBC – just not “as is”

Our lat­est sur­vey results show that most Cana­di­ans don’t want to see the CBC shut…

3 in 4 Canadians want the CBC – just not “as is”

3 in 4 Canadians want the CBC – just not “as is”

Our lat­est sur­vey results show that most Cana­di­ans don’t want to see the CBC shut…

Trump would lose Canada, but not by as much as you might think

Trump would lose Canada, but not by as much as you might think

Our lat­est sur­vey results show that if Cana­di­ans were vot­ing in the US…

Trump would lose Canada, but not by as much as you might think

Trump would lose Canada, but not by as much as you might think

Our lat­est spark*insights research shows if Cana­di­ans were vot­ing in the US…

Is climate worry turning into climate despair?

Is climate worry turning into climate despair?

We offered respon­dents a choice between three views about cli­mate change: in the…

Is climate worry turning into climate despair?

Is climate worry turning into climate despair?

We offered respon­dents a choice between three views about cli­mate change: in the…

Inflation is by far a bigger pain point for Canadians than interest rates. And people aren’t sure we are out of the woods yet.

Inflation is by far a bigger pain point for Canadians than interest rates. And people aren’t sure we are out of the woods yet.

Our lat­est research shows that when it comes to what is mak­ing them feel hard­ship,…

91% of Canadians fear AI can manipulate opinions and elections

91% of Canadians fear AI can manipulate opinions and elections

Fresh research by spark*insights reveals Cana­di­ans are divid­ed about the ben­e­fits…

Trudeau trails Harper, Mulroney, Chretien, and Pierre Trudeau in perceived performance as Prime Minister

Trudeau trails Harper, Mulroney, Chretien, and Pierre Trudeau in perceived performance as Prime Minister

In a nation­wide online sur­vey of 2000 Cana­di­an adults, with field­work dur­ing…

Trudeau trails Harper, Mulroney, Chretien, and Pierre Trudeau in perceived performance as Prime Minister

Trudeau trails Harper, Mulroney, Chretien, and Pierre Trudeau in perceived performance as Prime Minister

In a nation­wide online sur­vey of 2000 Cana­di­an adults, with field­work dur­ing…

Axe the Tax?

Axe the Tax?

Con­ser­v­a­tives say killing it will save peo­ple mon­ey, oth­ers say it’s an essen­tial…