Brian Platt

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Brian Platt.

Canada Is Poised to Delay Oil Pipeline Sale Until After 2025 Election

Canada Is Poised to Delay Oil Pipeline Sale Until After 2025 Election

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s gov­ern­ment is like­ly to stall the sale of the Trans…

Canada’s Finance Minister Rejects Claim She’s In Conflict With Trudeau

Canada’s Finance Minister Rejects Claim She’s In Conflict With Trudeau

Cana­di­an Finance Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land denied that there’s grow­ing fric­tion…

Canada Prepares Potential Tariffs on Chinese EVs After US and EU Moves

Canada Prepares Potential Tariffs on Chinese EVs After US and EU Moves

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s gov­ern­ment is prepar­ing poten­tial new tar­iffs on…

Finance Executives Help Canada’s Conservatives Crush Trudeau at the Money Game

Finance Executives Help Canada’s Conservatives Crush Trudeau at the Money Game

Canada’s cor­po­rate titans are help­ing the country’s Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty build…

Honda Nears Deal With Canada to Boost Electric Vehicle Capacity

Honda Nears Deal With Canada to Boost Electric Vehicle Capacity

Cana­da is on the verge of an agree­ment with Hon­da Motor Co. that would see the…

Trudeau's budget eyes young voters with affordable housing push

Trudeau's budget eyes young voters with affordable housing push

Hous­ing will be the focus of Canada’s upcom­ing bud­get, with Finance Min­is­ter…

Trudeau's spring budget has Canadian firms worried about new taxes

Trudeau's spring budget has Canadian firms worried about new taxes

Finance Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Freeland’s upcom­ing bud­get has some in Canada’s busi­ness…

Trudeau Faces Daunting Path to Sale of Canada’s $26 Billion Oil Pipeline

Trudeau Faces Daunting Path to Sale of Canada’s $26 Billion Oil Pipeline

Justin Trudeau has promised one of the largest gov­ern­ment-led asset sales in Cana­di­an…

Trudeau’s Main Rival Pledges to Tie Immigration Levels to Homebuilding

Trudeau’s Main Rival Pledges to Tie Immigration Levels to Homebuilding

The Con­ser­v­a­tive politi­cian who’s try­ing to take down Justin Trudeau said that if…