Erik Hertzberg

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Erik Hertzberg.

Trudeau's Tax Hikes Risk Worsening Canada's Struggle for Capital

Trudeau's Tax Hikes Risk Worsening Canada's Struggle for Capital

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s gov­ern­ment has turned to rais­ing tax­es on…

CIBC says Bank of Canada must end or fix quantitative tightening

CIBC says Bank of Canada must end or fix quantitative tightening

The Bank of Cana­da needs to wrap up its quan­ti­ta­tive tight­en­ing pro­gram or fix…

Tory leader widens gap over Trudeau on economy in Canada poll

Tory leader widens gap over Trudeau on economy in Canada poll

The leader of Canada’s Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty has opened up a big­ger lead among…

Bank of Canada to Explain Its Pandemic Actions as Political Tides Shift

Bank of Canada to Explain Its Pandemic Actions as Political Tides Shift

The Bank of Cana­da is doing a for­mal review of its pan­dem­ic-era poli­cies, when…

Bank of Canada Defends Bond Buying, Guidance During Pandemic

Bank of Canada Defends Bond Buying, Guidance During Pandemic

A Bank of Cana­da offi­cial defend­ed the use of quan­ti­ta­tive eas­ing and…

Trudeau's spring budget has Canadian firms worried about new taxes

Trudeau's spring budget has Canadian firms worried about new taxes

Finance Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Freeland’s upcom­ing bud­get has some in Canada’s busi­ness…

Immigration surprises are making the Bank of Canada's job harder

Immigration surprises are making the Bank of Canada's job harder

Record-break­ing immi­gra­tion is mud­dy­ing the eco­nom­ic pic­ture for the Bank of…