Catherine Lévesque

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Catherine Lévesque.

Boissonnault admits he spoke to business partner in 2022 as MPs try to find the 'other Randy'

Boissonnault admits he spoke to business partner in 2022 as MPs try to find the 'other Randy'

Employ­ment Min­is­ter Randy Bois­son­nault admit­ted he briefly spoke on the phone and…

Prorogation of Parliament would present 'more risk than reward' for Liberals — unless Trudeau steps down

Prorogation of Parliament would present 'more risk than reward' for Liberals — unless Trudeau steps down

Lib­er­als will be enter­ing a new par­lia­men­tary ses­sion next week with Prime…

Who's next? The contenders to replace a troubled Justin Trudeau

Who's next? The contenders to replace a troubled Justin Trudeau

The PM’s chances of win­ning a fourth term range from slim to none. Here’s 10 who…

'A caucus sleepwalking to its death': Liberals show little interest in following U.S. Democrats' upheaval

'A caucus sleepwalking to its death': Liberals show little interest in following U.S. Democrats' upheaval

While devel­op­ments in U.S. pres­i­den­tial pol­i­tics unfold with light­ing speed,…

Poilievre would repeal online harms bill after PBO report finds $200 million in new bureaucracy

Poilievre would repeal online harms bill after PBO report finds $200 million in new bureaucracy

Con­ser­v­a­tives are promis­ing to scrap the pro­posed fed­er­al online harms bill after…

'I don't think it's constructive': Dominic LeBlanc downplays Liberal MP's call for Trudeau to resign

'I don't think it's constructive': Dominic LeBlanc downplays Liberal MP's call for Trudeau to resign

‘Byelec­tions are byelec­tions. They’re not gen­er­al elec­tions,’ the pub­lic safe­ty…

Conservatives and NDP at odds over how much committee work to do over the summer

Conservatives and NDP at odds over how much committee work to do over the summer

Con­ser­v­a­tives insist that some com­mit­tees should keep sit­ting to con­tin­ue…

Jagmeet Singh says he is 'more concerned' after reading NSICOP report, calls named MPs 'traitors'

Jagmeet Singh says he is 'more concerned' after reading NSICOP report, calls named MPs 'traitors'

NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh said he is more con­vinced than ever that fel­low…

MPs demand names of colleagues colluding with foreign powers: 'Reflects poorly on the rest of us'

MPs demand names of colleagues colluding with foreign powers: 'Reflects poorly on the rest of us'

Par­lia­ment Hill remained in the dark Wednes­day about which MPs are ​“wit­ting­ly”…

Former Liberal foreign minister says Canada no longer 'useful' in world affairs: 'We...lost our bearings'

Former Liberal foreign minister says Canada no longer 'useful' in world affairs: 'We...lost our bearings'

Cana­da is good at point­ing fin­gers at oth­er coun­tries but is miss­ing in action on…

Ethics committee to meet this week to discuss probe on Justin Trudeau's latest trip to Jamaica

Ethics committee to meet this week to discuss probe on Justin Trudeau's latest trip to Jamaica

MPs could be meet­ing as soon as Wednes­day to dis­cuss Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s…