Colby Cosh

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Colby Cosh.

The bankers' revolt against Canada's tidal wave of immigration

The bankers' revolt against Canada's tidal wave of immigration

I con­tin­ue to be weird­ed out by the unfa­mil­iar, almost uncan­ny nature of what…

Apologia from Trudeau's trigger-happy national security advisor

Apologia from Trudeau's trigger-happy national security advisor

They say jour­nal­ism is the first draft of his­to­ry, but this is sure­ly dou­bly true…

Wab Kinew’s small-c conservative message

Wab Kinew’s small-c conservative message

My col­league Michael Hig­gins has an excel­lent col­umn in Friday’s Post about incom­ing…

TransCanada vs. Obama (and Kerry)