Dirk Meissner

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Dirk Meissner.

BC United promises huge provincial income tax cut, raising exemption to $50,000

BC United promises huge provincial income tax cut, raising exemption to $50,000

VICTORIA — British Columbi­a’s Oppo­si­tion is promis­ing the largest income tax cut in…

B.C. NDP ministers Bains, Ralston and Fleming won't seek re-election in Oct. 19 vote

B.C. NDP ministers Bains, Ralston and Fleming won't seek re-election in Oct. 19 vote

VICTORIA — Three vet­er­an New Demo­c­rat cab­i­net min­is­ters and com­mu­ni­ty…

'Outrageous,' says B.C. Premier Eby, who blasts Conservative leader's first question

'Outrageous,' says B.C. Premier Eby, who blasts Conservative leader's first question

VICTORIA — John Rus­tad’s first ques­tion in British Columbi­a’s leg­is­la­ture as the…