Marie Woolf

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Marie Woolf.

How Canadian Liberals had cameo roles helping Keir Starmer clinch victory in Britain

How Canadian Liberals had cameo roles helping Keir Starmer clinch victory in Britain

Keir Starmer’s land­slide vic­to­ry in the British gen­er­al elec­tion was aid­ed in part…

Ottawa considering buying hotels to house growing number of asylum seekers

Ottawa considering buying hotels to house growing number of asylum seekers

Ottawa is con­sid­er­ing buy­ing hotels to house the grow­ing num­ber of asy­lum seek­ers…

‘The leader is the leader,’ Minister François-Philippe Champagne hedges when asked if he supports Trudeau

‘The leader is the leader,’ Minister François-Philippe Champagne hedges when asked if he supports Trudeau

Pres­sure con­tin­ues to mount on Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau to recon­sid­er his…

Jewish advocates question minister’s vetting of new head of human rights commission

Jewish advocates question minister’s vetting of new head of human rights commission

Jew­ish advo­cates have raised con­cerns with the Jus­tice Min­is­ter about whether he…

Foreign music streamers appeal to heritage minister to intervene over Bill C-11 payments

Foreign music streamers appeal to heritage minister to intervene over Bill C-11 payments

Music stream­ers, includ­ing Spo­ti­fy, Ama­zon and Apple Music, have appealed to…

Canada worst in G7 for targeted killings of Muslims, MPs told

Canada worst in G7 for targeted killings of Muslims, MPs told

MPs on a com­mit­tee inves­ti­gat­ing Islam­o­pho­bia and anti­semitism heard…

Justin Trudeau resists MPs’ calls to recognize Palestinian state after announcement from Norway, Spain and Ireland

Justin Trudeau resists MPs’ calls to recognize Palestinian state after announcement from Norway, Spain and Ireland

Justin Trudeau’s gov­ern­ment is resist­ing calls from with­in the Lib­er­al cau­cus and…

Ottawa under fire over not compelling companies to ask unions before hiring temporary foreign workers

Ottawa under fire over not compelling companies to ask unions before hiring temporary foreign workers

Cana­di­an jobs are being lost to tem­po­rary for­eign work­ers because of…

Human Rights Tribunal member who would hear cases if online harms bill passes once filed a hate speech complaint

Human Rights Tribunal member who would hear cases if online harms bill passes once filed a hate speech complaint

A lawyer who once made a high-pro­file hate speech com­plaint against Maclean’s…

Former NDP chief says Jewish members are feeling uncomfortable in the party

Former NDP chief says Jewish members are feeling uncomfortable in the party

The for­mer nation­al direc­tor of the fed­er­al NDP says Jews are no longer feel­ing…

Conservatives call for Trudeau to resign over invitation to Waffen-SS veteran to Zelensky reception

Conservatives call for Trudeau to resign over invitation to Waffen-SS veteran to Zelensky reception

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau faced Con­ser­v­a­tive accu­sa­tions Tues­day that he…

Prime Minister invited Waffen-SS veteran Hunka to his official reception for Zelensky

Prime Minister invited Waffen-SS veteran Hunka to his official reception for Zelensky

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau invit­ed Yaroslav Hun­ka, the Ukrain­ian Waf­fen-SS…

Hiring foreign workers at battery plant will cost Canadian contractors $300-million in lost wages, fees: union leader

Hiring foreign workers at battery plant will cost Canadian contractors $300-million in lost wages, fees: union leader

The hir­ing of 900 tem­po­rary for­eign work­ers to install equip­ment at the flag­ship…

Industry Minister wants to ‘maximize’ number of Canadians working at EV battery plant

Industry Minister wants to ‘maximize’ number of Canadians working at EV battery plant

Indus­try Min­is­ter François-Philippe Cham­pagne says he plans to hold face-to-face…

Trudeau’s antisemitism envoy faces criticism for silence on rising attacks on Jews since Israel-Hamas war

Trudeau’s antisemitism envoy faces criticism for silence on rising attacks on Jews since Israel-Hamas war

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s new­ly appoint­ed envoy on com­bat­ing anti­semitism is…