Marieke Walsh

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Marieke Walsh.

Trudeau holds meeting with Mark Carney to join government, sources say

Trudeau holds meeting with Mark Carney to join government, sources say

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau held talks on Sun­day with Mark Car­ney and urged the…

Trudeau says he’s trying to recruit Carney, but did not say if it’s to replace Freeland as finance minister

Trudeau says he’s trying to recruit Carney, but did not say if it’s to replace Freeland as finance minister

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says he has been try­ing for years to recruit for­mer…

Liberals reject demands for caucus meeting, sources say most MPs don’t want one

Liberals reject demands for caucus meeting, sources say most MPs don’t want one

The minor­i­ty Lib­er­als have reject­ed a call from some of their own MPs to hold…

‘The leader is the leader,’ Minister François-Philippe Champagne hedges when asked if he supports Trudeau

‘The leader is the leader,’ Minister François-Philippe Champagne hedges when asked if he supports Trudeau

Pres­sure con­tin­ues to mount on Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau to recon­sid­er his…

Former B.C. premier Christy Clark calls for Justin Trudeau to be replaced

Former B.C. premier Christy Clark calls for Justin Trudeau to be replaced

For­mer B.C. pre­mier Christy Clark says Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau needs to be…

Two former Liberal ministers say Trudeau should resign following Toronto by-election loss

Two former Liberal ministers say Trudeau should resign following Toronto by-election loss

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is fac­ing calls from two Chré­tien-era Lib­er­al…

Liberals expecting to win Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection despite poor polling for Trudeau

Liberals expecting to win Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection despite poor polling for Trudeau

Lib­er­als have held the rid­ing of Toron­to-St. Paul’s for three decades, but head­ing…

Poilievre is the sole party leader forgoing access to classified report on foreign interference

Poilievre is the sole party leader forgoing access to classified report on foreign interference

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre is the only fed­er­al par­ty leader fore­go­ing…

Opposition parties urge collusion revelations be turned over to foreign interference inquiry

Opposition parties urge collusion revelations be turned over to foreign interference inquiry

The Con­ser­v­a­tives and the Bloc Québé­cois are propos­ing that rev­e­la­tions about…

Canada can’t allow allegations of collusion with foreign powers to hang over Ottawa, former CSIS director says

Canada can’t allow allegations of collusion with foreign powers to hang over Ottawa, former CSIS director says

For­mer CSIS direc­tor Richard Fad­den says Cana­da can’t allow alle­ga­tions that…

Government fight with federal budget watchdog escalates over carbon pricing analyses

Government fight with federal budget watchdog escalates over carbon pricing analyses

The Lib­er­als are esca­lat­ing their attacks on the Par­lia­men­tary Bud­get Offi­cer…

Trudeau defends withholding cabinet documents from foreign interference inquiry

Trudeau defends withholding cabinet documents from foreign interference inquiry

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau on Thurs­day defend­ed with­hold­ing secret cab­i­net…

Poll shows little optimism for Trudeau or Poilievre, points to ‘choose your poison’ election

Poll shows little optimism for Trudeau or Poilievre, points to ‘choose your poison’ election

The major­i­ty of Cana­di­ans have intense­ly neg­a­tive respons­es to both…

Conservatives say Poilievre would only override Charter rights over criminal justice matters

Conservatives say Poilievre would only override Charter rights over criminal justice matters

A day after declin­ing to put any lim­its on how the Con­ser­v­a­tives would use the…

Conservatives don’t rule out using notwithstanding clause beyond criminal justice matters

Conservatives don’t rule out using notwithstanding clause beyond criminal justice matters

The fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tives say their pro­posed use of the notwith­stand­ing clause…

Mark Carney says federal budget not focused enough on growth

Mark Carney says federal budget not focused enough on growth

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment did not put an ade­quate focus on fos­ter­ing eco­nom­ic…

Pierre Poilievre’s top adviser, Jenni Byrne, not yet contacted in Lobbying Commissioner probe

Pierre Poilievre’s top adviser, Jenni Byrne, not yet contacted in Lobbying Commissioner probe

The fed­er­al Lob­by­ing Com­mis­sion­er has not yet been in touch with Con­ser­v­a­tive…

An NDP motion on Gaza threatened to split the Liberal caucus. How last-minute talks helped avert political embarrassment

An NDP motion on Gaza threatened to split the Liberal caucus. How last-minute talks helped avert political embarrassment

The fed­er­al Lib­er­als expect­ed upwards of 80 of their back­bench MPs to vote with the…

NDP requests commissioner to investigate second lobbying firm operating out of office owned by Poilievre’s top adviser

NDP requests commissioner to investigate second lobbying firm operating out of office owned by Poilievre’s top adviser

The New Democ­rats are ask­ing the fed­er­al Lob­by­ing Com­mis­sion­er to inves­ti­gate…

Poilievre adviser’s staff established second lobbying firm working from the same office

Poilievre adviser’s staff established second lobbying firm working from the same office

On the first busi­ness day after Pierre Poilievre’s elec­tion as Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader,…

Liberals have not agreed to fully fund diabetes medications in pharmacare talks, Singh says

Liberals have not agreed to fully fund diabetes medications in pharmacare talks, Singh says

The Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment has not agreed to ful­ly fund dia­betes med­ica­tions, which…

NDP, Liberal pharmacare negotiations include talks to fund birth control, diabetes medications

NDP, Liberal pharmacare negotiations include talks to fund birth control, diabetes medications

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is strong­ly con­sid­er­ing cov­er­ing the costs of birth…

Trudeau Liberals making no progress winning back support, Nanos poll says

Trudeau Liberals making no progress winning back support, Nanos poll says

There’s no sign that Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s sharp­er attacks against the…

Deal to prop up Liberals will be off if Ottawa doesn’t meet pharmacare deadline, Singh says

Deal to prop up Liberals will be off if Ottawa doesn’t meet pharmacare deadline, Singh says

NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh said Mon­day his party’s deal to prop up the minor­i­ty…

Freeland, Carney outperform Trudeau as preferred Liberal Leader, survey finds

Freeland, Carney outperform Trudeau as preferred Liberal Leader, survey finds

Chrys­tia Free­land and Mark Car­ney are more pop­u­lar choic­es to lead the Lib­er­al…

Canada expected to unveil oil and gas emissions cap at COP28 climate summit

Canada expected to unveil oil and gas emissions cap at COP28 climate summit

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment expects to unveil its long-delayed oil and gas sec­tor…

Government’s expanded heat-pump pledge triples program cost to $750-million

Government’s expanded heat-pump pledge triples program cost to $750-million

The fed­er­al government’s ful­ly sub­si­dized heat-pump pilot pro­gram for low­er-income…

Mark Carney says he hasn’t ruled out Liberal leadership run

Mark Carney says he hasn’t ruled out Liberal leadership run

For­mer Bank of Cana­da gov­er­nor and card-car­ry­ing Lib­er­al, Mark Car­ney, says he…