Marina von Stackelberg

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Marina von Stackelberg.

Denturists, dental hygienists, assistants back dental care plan despite dentists' criticisms

Denturists, dental hygienists, assistants back dental care plan despite dentists' criticisms

A group of oral health-care providers have band­ed togeth­er against what they call…

Canada's dental care plan begins today. Here's what you need to know

Canada's dental care plan begins today. Here's what you need to know

The Cana­di­an Den­tal Care Plan (CDCP) begins cov­er­ing 1.7 mil­lion seniors…

'Hundreds of thousands' of seniors will get subsidized dental care next month, health minister vows

'Hundreds of thousands' of seniors will get subsidized dental care next month, health minister vows

Canada’s health min­is­ter is promis­ing ​“hun­dreds of thou­sands” of seniors will…

The Canadian Dental Care Plan starts next month — but many dentists are reluctant to participate

The Canadian Dental Care Plan starts next month — but many dentists are reluctant to participate

The Cana­di­an Den­tal Care Plan (CDCP) is set to start pro­vid­ing cov­er­age next…

Health Canada clarifies eligibility for seniors under national dental care plan

Health Canada clarifies eligibility for seniors under national dental care plan

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has post­ed updat­ed infor­ma­tion online on who is eli­gi­ble…

Seniors unclear on whether they can drop their private dental insurance for national plan

Seniors unclear on whether they can drop their private dental insurance for national plan

Eli­gi­ble seniors are now receiv­ing let­ters invit­ing them to sign up for Canada’s $13…

Canada Post is selling pieces of itself to save money — the experts say that won't be enough

Canada Post is selling pieces of itself to save money — the experts say that won't be enough

Cana­da Post is sell­ing off its IT and logis­tics depart­ments, a move busi­ness…

Dentists, hygienists unsure how national free dental care plan will work

Dentists, hygienists unsure how national free dental care plan will work

Let­ters have start­ed to arrive in the mail­box­es of Cana­di­an seniors invit­ing them…

'We were duped': Health minister vows to close 'loophole' on flavoured nicotine pouches

'We were duped': Health minister vows to close 'loophole' on flavoured nicotine pouches

Canada’s health min­is­ter says he’ll act quick­ly to shut down a ​“loop­hole” after…

Israeli-Palestinian conflict missing from resolution list as NDP prepares for policy conference

Israeli-Palestinian conflict missing from resolution list as NDP prepares for policy conference

The New Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty of Cana­da has released its list of 60 ​“pri­or­i­ty”…