David Thurton

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from David Thurton.

This Liberal threatened to take a stand over Gaza. Now she's leading talks on anti-Palestinian racism

This Liberal threatened to take a stand over Gaza. Now she's leading talks on anti-Palestinian racism

MP Salma Zahid had threat­ened to resign from com­mit­tee roles but now stay­ing on. Two…

Ottawa unveils plan to phase out oil-fired furnaces and support heat pumps

Ottawa unveils plan to phase out oil-fired furnaces and support heat pumps

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment says it has a plan to start phas­ing out the use of…

Banks to start identifying carbon tax rebates as the 'Canada Carbon Rebate' starting today

Banks to start identifying carbon tax rebates as the 'Canada Carbon Rebate' starting today

Start­ing today, most banks are expect­ed to start clear­ly iden­ti­fy­ing quar­ter­ly…

PCO says it didn't search new human rights chief's online aliases, blames 'administrative oversight'

PCO says it didn't search new human rights chief's online aliases, blames 'administrative oversight'

The Privy Coun­cil Office (PCO) says it did not search the alias­es Bir­ju Dat­tani, the…

New Democrats say they see opportunity in Liberals' Toronto byelection loss

New Democrats say they see opportunity in Liberals' Toronto byelection loss

An NDP insid­er says New Democ­rats were sur­prised by the Lib­er­als’ loss in the recent…

Government now says new human rights chief did disclose key information about controversial social media posts

Government now says new human rights chief did disclose key information about controversial social media posts

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment now says Bir­ju Dat­tani, the new head of the Cana­di­an Human…

A trade war with China over EVs could slow Canada's low-carbon transition, groups warn

A trade war with China over EVs could slow Canada's low-carbon transition, groups warn

Envi­ron­men­tal groups are call­ing on the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to avoid get­ting into…

Environment Canada says it can now rapidly link high-heat weather events to climate change

Environment Canada says it can now rapidly link high-heat weather events to climate change

Envi­ron­ment and Cli­mate Change Cana­da says it’s now able to pub­licly iden­ti­fy…

Following Conservative attacks, government releases internal data on the impact of carbon pricing

Following Conservative attacks, government releases internal data on the impact of carbon pricing

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has released its esti­mate of the impact of car­bon pric­ing…

Canada Disability Benefit won't lift 'hundreds of thousands' out of poverty, new numbers confirm

Canada Disability Benefit won't lift 'hundreds of thousands' out of poverty, new numbers confirm

The new Cana­da Dis­abil­i­ty Ben­e­fit will lift about 25,000 adults out of pover­ty,…

Conservatives defend their math on proposed fuel tax holiday

Conservatives defend their math on proposed fuel tax holiday

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre’s call for a sum­mer gas tax hol­i­day…

Revisions to PBO's carbon tax analysis will 'vindicate' government, minister predicts

Revisions to PBO's carbon tax analysis will 'vindicate' government, minister predicts

Envi­ron­ment Min­is­ter Steven Guil­beault says the Con­ser­v­a­tives’ attack on the…

Rich countries have finally hit their $100B US climate finance goal, Guilbeault says

Rich countries have finally hit their $100B US climate finance goal, Guilbeault says

Cana­da announced Wednes­day that wealthy coun­tries have final­ly reached their goal of…

New Democrats try out a sharper line of attack as Conservatives target NDP ridings

New Democrats try out a sharper line of attack as Conservatives target NDP ridings

New Democ­rats say they’re rolling out a new line of attack against the…

Ottawa turns to civilian first responders as another dire wildfire season approaches

Ottawa turns to civilian first responders as another dire wildfire season approaches

Instead of send­ing in the troops to deal with what promis­es to be anoth­er dan­ger­ous…

Green groups outraged after Ottawa changes the rules on environmental assessments

Green groups outraged after Ottawa changes the rules on environmental assessments

Major indus­tri­al resource projects under provin­cial juris­dic­tion that spew mas­sive…

NDP threatens stalling tactics, end of agreement with Liberals over slow pace of pharmacare talks

NDP threatens stalling tactics, end of agreement with Liberals over slow pace of pharmacare talks

The fed­er­al NDP has warned its Par­lia­ment Hill staff to pre­pare them­selves for the…

Carbon capture tax credit could cost taxpayers $1B more than expected, PBO warns

Carbon capture tax credit could cost taxpayers $1B more than expected, PBO warns

A con­tro­ver­sial tax cred­it meant to help jump-start car­bon cap­ture projects could…

NDP asks Liberals to start covering some medicines as parties negotiate pharmacare

NDP asks Liberals to start covering some medicines as parties negotiate pharmacare

New Democ­rats have asked the Lib­er­als to begin cov­er­ing a hand­ful of…

NDP MPs gather in Edmonton to talk strategy and unfinished business in deal with the Liberals

NDP MPs gather in Edmonton to talk strategy and unfinished business in deal with the Liberals

The NDP is going into the next sit­ting of Par­lia­ment look­ing to cross some more items…

Apply early: budget watchdog warns Ottawa's heat pump grant faces a funding shortfall

Apply early: budget watchdog warns Ottawa's heat pump grant faces a funding shortfall

Still think­ing about apply­ing for Ottawa’s heat pump incen­tive? Ottawa’s bud­get…

Leadership shakeup at the federal NDP as party gets election ready

Leadership shakeup at the federal NDP as party gets election ready

The fed­er­al NDP is mak­ing lead­er­ship changes with­in its top brass to pre­pare for…

Here's how a Canada-wide plastics registry could save you money

Here's how a Canada-wide plastics registry could save you money

A Cana­di­an gov­ern­ment plan to track plas­tics could help put more mon­ey into…

Ottawa looking at including used cars in federal electric vehicle incentive, report says

Ottawa looking at including used cars in federal electric vehicle incentive, report says

A gov­ern­ment report sug­gests fed­er­al incen­tives for used elec­tric vehi­cles could…

Ottawa expected to release promised EV sales regulations Tuesday

Ottawa expected to release promised EV sales regulations Tuesday

Automak­ers are set to get a jolt Tues­day when Ottawa unveils its promised…

Ottawa backs listing Black and LGBTQ workers under Canada's workplace equity laws: source

Ottawa backs listing Black and LGBTQ workers under Canada's workplace equity laws: source

CBC News has learned the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment will announce Mon­day that it broad­ly…

Emission projections show Canada on track to achieve interim climate target

Emission projections show Canada on track to achieve interim climate target

The lat­est emis­sions pro­jec­tion data sug­gests Cana­da is on track to achieve its…

Ottawa set to announce cap-and-trade framework to reduce emissions in oil and gas sector

Ottawa set to announce cap-and-trade framework to reduce emissions in oil and gas sector

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment will unveil its oil and gas emis­sions cap frame­work on…

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre says he is not proposing Canada exit the Paris Agreement

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre says he is not proposing Canada exit the Paris Agreement

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre said Wednes­day he is not propos­ing to…

Some MPs are calling on Ottawa to take a bigger bite out of fossil fuel companies' profits

Some MPs are calling on Ottawa to take a bigger bite out of fossil fuel companies' profits

With their high green­house gas emis­sions and record prof­its, oil and gas com­pa­nies…

Federal NDP making moves to get an early start on the next election campaign

Federal NDP making moves to get an early start on the next election campaign

The NDP likes to say that it must always be elec­tion-ready — espe­cial­ly in…

Jagmeet Singh justifies agreement with the Liberals ahead of key convention confidence vote

Jagmeet Singh justifies agreement with the Liberals ahead of key convention confidence vote

NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh used his keynote con­ven­tion speech to lay out his argu­ment…

New Democrats set to debate pact with Liberals as party conference begins

New Democrats set to debate pact with Liberals as party conference begins

New Democ­rats will get their chance to give the par­ty’s lead­ers an ear­ful about the…