Matt Gurney

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Matt Gurney.

It doesn’t matter how this Toronto byelection shakes out — every scenario is some kind of bad for Justin Trudeau’s Liberals

It doesn’t matter how this Toronto byelection shakes out — every scenario is some kind of bad for Justin Trudeau’s Liberals

The Lib­er­als are fight­ing to hold on to the down­town rid­ing of Toron­to — St.…

Canadians have been told there might be traitors in Parliament. Why aren’t the Liberals and Conservatives running around like their heads are on fire?

Canadians have been told there might be traitors in Parliament. Why aren’t the Liberals and Conservatives running around like their heads are on fire?

Susan Dela­court: There is only one thing to write about this week, we both agree, and…

If Donald Trump is elected president again, will the biggest loser be Justin Trudeau or Pierre Poilievre?

If Donald Trump is elected president again, will the biggest loser be Justin Trudeau or Pierre Poilievre?

Susan Dela­court: Cana­di­an elec­tions are rarely fought on for­eign pol­i­cy. Even the…

If Pierre Poilievre really hates lobbyists now, maybe he should talk to Justin Trudeau

If Pierre Poilievre really hates lobbyists now, maybe he should talk to Justin Trudeau

Susan Dela­court: Back in March, when Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre called…

Jagmeet Singh looks vulnerable in the Liberal-NDP deal. Is it time for him to end it?

Jagmeet Singh looks vulnerable in the Liberal-NDP deal. Is it time for him to end it?

Susan Dela­court: The polit­i­cal chat­ter­ing class is obsessed this spring with how…

Justin Trudeau is doing everything he can to gain traction. Is it working?

Justin Trudeau is doing everything he can to gain traction. Is it working?

The prime min­is­ter is not get­ting ahead in pub­lic opin­ion polls. Could he still be…

What happens when Trudeau can't blame the premiers, NIMBYs or disinfo?

What happens when Trudeau can't blame the premiers, NIMBYs or disinfo?

An evolv­ing line of defence we see from the fed­er­al Lib­er­als is that they’re…

Is Doug Ford one — and how about Pierre Poilievre? What does it even mean to be a conservative in Canada these days?

Is Doug Ford one — and how about Pierre Poilievre? What does it even mean to be a conservative in Canada these days?

In a recur­ring fea­ture, Susan Dela­court, a small‑l lib­er­al, and Matt…

An expected defeat was unexpectedly painful for Justin Trudeau's Liberals. That should set off alarm bells

An expected defeat was unexpectedly painful for Justin Trudeau's Liberals. That should set off alarm bells

MG: I know bet­ter than to make pre­dic­tions in pol­i­tics. I’m not paid enough to…

Why has Canadian politics become so stupid?

Why has Canadian politics become so stupid?

Our fed­er­al polit­i­cal par­ties believe their best chances at pow­er can be found on…

The government tried to spin us about Israel, and we have proof

The government tried to spin us about Israel, and we have proof

The war in Israel is, of course, a local sto­ry — local for the Israelis, and local…