Peter Mansbridge

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Peter Mansbridge.

Good Talk -- Game On! Carney versus Poilievre is The Main Event

Good Talk -- Game On! Carney versus Poilievre is The Main Event

The election will be called this weekend and the country's voters will be determining Canada's future. There could be as...

SMT -- What Are The Polls Telling Us?

SMT -- What Are The Polls Telling Us?

There seems to be a poll a day recently and while they're each a bit different. there is one common...

Good Talk -- Does Smaller Mean Better?

Good Talk -- Does Smaller Mean Better?

Day One of the Carney administration reveals a much smaller cabinet, almost half the size of previous ones of late...

SMT -- How To Deal With The Trump Factor In A Campaign

SMT -- How To Deal With The Trump Factor In A Campaign

Bruce Anderson and Fred Delorey drop by for a Smoke Mirrors and the Truth episode that deals with what is...

Good Talk -- Is Justin Trudeau Going Out With A Win?

Good Talk -- Is Justin Trudeau Going Out With A Win?

In two days, LIberals will have a new leader, and the country will know who their next Prime Minister will...

SMT -- Is Donald Trump the only focus for Canada right now?

SMT -- Is Donald Trump the only focus for Canada right now?

Canada is in a series of high stakes political races, for party leadership, for an upcoming national election. But is...

Good Talk -- Some answer, some friend. Britain shoves Canada under the bus.

Good Talk -- Some answer, some friend. Britain shoves Canada under the bus.

So much for Britain's PM Keir Starmer. Given the chance to stand up for Canada with Donald Trump by his...

SMT - When Is A Gaffe Really A Gaffe?

SMT - When Is A Gaffe Really A Gaffe?

Enter the Fred DeLorey/Bruce Anderson spin room as we deconstruct elements of last night's french language liberal leadership contender's debate...

Good Talk -- Is Mark Carney Getting A Free Ride From The Media?

Good Talk -- Is Mark Carney Getting A Free Ride From The Media?

Blaming the media is a common tactic when you feel your competition is getting better coverage than you are. Is...

Good Talk -- Where Are Canada's Friends? Why the Silence?

Good Talk -- Where Are Canada's Friends? Why the Silence?

While Canada is being beaten up, and its sovereignty questioned, both by Donald Trump, what are our friends and allies...

Smoke Mirrors and the Truth -- The Art of The Pivot?

Smoke Mirrors and the Truth -- The Art of The Pivot?

These are crazy times to be running campaigns either for party leadership, a provincial campaign or prepping for a national...

Good Talk -- Has Trump Just Put The Liberals Back In The Game?

Good Talk -- Has Trump Just Put The Liberals Back In The Game?

The polls suggest it, the Liberals think it, and the Conservatives look like they're trying to reposition because of it...

SMT - Who Blinked First -- Trump or Trudeau?

SMT - Who Blinked First -- Trump or Trudeau?

Bruce Anderson and Fred DeLorey go head to head on the tariff issue, or are they in agreement? Who blinked...

Good Talk -- The Trump Tariffs Are Tomorrow -- Or Not

Good Talk -- The Trump Tariffs Are Tomorrow -- Or Not

Le Grand Orange is poised to hammer Canada with tariffs tomorrow, or so he says. Chantal and Rob put the...

SMT -- Do Endorsements or Interviews Matter?

SMT -- Do Endorsements or Interviews Matter?

Political campaigns have often depended on candidates getting endorsements and getting interviews. Does either matter anymore? Bruce Anderson and Fred...

Good Talk - Why Aren't Most of Freeland's Cabinet Colleagues Endorsing Her?

Good Talk - Why Aren't Most of Freeland's Cabinet Colleagues Endorsing Her?

The candidates are racking up endorsements but one thing seems clear. Most cabinet ministers are endorsing an outsider not an...

SMT - The Return of Smoke Mirrors and The Truth

SMT - The Return of Smoke Mirrors and The Truth

Bruce Anderson joins with former Conservative campaign manager, Fred DeLorey who joins our Tuesday lineup for insider political talk during...

Good Talk -- The Liberal Race Begins With Trump Looming Large

Good Talk -- The Liberal Race Begins With Trump Looming Large

By this weekend the Liberal leadership race will likely be all set. Carney is in already, Freeland should be in...

Good Talk -- As The Liberal Race Begins, Has Trump Changed Everything?

Good Talk -- As The Liberal Race Begins, Has Trump Changed Everything?

Liberals are gathering at the gate, with some poised to enter the race for the leadership. Meanwhile, most eyes are...

A Special Good Talk -- Okay, What Happens Now?

A Special Good Talk -- Okay, What Happens Now?

We can finally stop asking "Will he or Won't he?" because he did. He called it quits and now the...

Good Talk - Part 2 - Late reaction to the shuffle, the Singh threat, and Poilievre's request.

Good Talk - Part 2 - Late reaction to the shuffle, the Singh threat, and Poilievre's request.

Late reaction to the shuffle, the Singh threat, and Poilievre's request.

Good Talk -- What Happens Now? Can a  pre-Christmas cabinet shuffle save the government or is it just another delay to the inevitable?

Good Talk -- What Happens Now? Can a pre-Christmas cabinet shuffle save the government or is it just another delay to the inevitable?

I don't know whether in those dying moments of April 1912 they actually shuffled the deck chairs on the Titanic...

CrazytownTwo -- Could Ottawa get any wilder?

CrazytownTwo -- Could Ottawa get any wilder?

Could Ottawa get any wilder? Apparently not. A finance minister quits hours before the fall economic statement. A prime minister...

Good Talk -- Crazytown in Ottawa

Good Talk -- Crazytown in Ottawa

The minister of finance prepares her Monday Economic Statement while rumours fly, again, that Mark Carney is about to join...

Good Talk - Trump, Trudeau and the Meat Loaf

Good Talk - Trump, Trudeau and the Meat Loaf

A week after their Mar a Lago dinner what was actually accomplished by the Trudeau-Trump dinner? Is Canada now dancing...

Good Talk -- Mexico Fights Back, Canada Rolls Over?

Good Talk -- Mexico Fights Back, Canada Rolls Over?

Donald Trump threatens 25 percent tariffs on Canada and Mexico unless both countries clean up their border issues and stop...

Good Talk -- Is This Desperation?

Good Talk -- Is This Desperation?

A GST holiday, 250 dollar cheques, what's next as the Liberals try to win back Canadians in the months before...

Good Talk -- Call The Election Soon?

Good Talk -- Call The Election Soon?

Donald Trump's win has changed everything so why not change the Canadian election timetable? Thart's Chantal's suggestion this week and...

Good Talk -- What Happened, What Now, And Is Canada Ready?

Good Talk -- What Happened, What Now, And Is Canada Ready?

A lot of people were surprised on Tuesday night but now with days to ponder the Trump victory the real...

Trump Wins - Again

Trump Wins - Again

No encore edition this Wednesday, instead this is the real deal. Donald Trump is heading back to the White House...

Trump Wins - Again

Trump Wins - Again

No encore edition this Wednesday, instead this is the real deal. Donald Trump is heading back to the White House...

Good Talk -- Has The Media Blown The US Election? Plus the ongoing drama that continues to unfold in Ottawa

Good Talk -- Has The Media Blown The US Election? Plus the ongoing drama that continues to unfold in Ottawa

The US election is Tuesday, and already, the finger-pointing has started about the way the campaign has been run and...

Good Talk -- Is The Revolt Over or Just On Pause?

Good Talk -- Is The Revolt Over or Just On Pause?

So, did he dodge the coup? Does Justin Trudeau now have a clear path to the next election? After weeks...

Good Talk  - Are These The Final Days

Good Talk - Are These The Final Days

The clock is ticking on Justin Trudeau as one issue after another is somehow connected to his leadership problems. There...

Good Talk - Could This Be What Justin Trudeau is Planning?

Good Talk - Could This Be What Justin Trudeau is Planning?

In a week when many Canadians were bored silly by the constant barrage of process stories coming out of Parliament...

Good Talk -- How Do You Fact Check In The Era of Lies?

Good Talk -- How Do You Fact Check In The Era of Lies?

We could be only months away from an election in Canada, so is there anything we need to learn from...

Good Talk - Four Options for Justin Trudeau

Good Talk - Four Options for Justin Trudeau

A fascinating discussion about Justin Trudeau's options makes up the last fifteen minutes of today's Good Talk. But first, it's...

Good Talk -- "I'm Right Here 'Bro".

Good Talk -- "I'm Right Here 'Bro".

A wild week for Jagmeet Singh from a byelection victory to an apparent challenge to Pierre Poilievre to put up...

Good Talk — Everything Points to Monday.

Good Talk — Everything Points to Monday.

Monday is a huge day for all political parties in Canada. Parliament returns but two key byelections, one in Manitoba...

Good Talk - Jagmeet Singh, Sellout or Mastermind?

Good Talk - Jagmeet Singh, Sellout or Mastermind?

A quiet political summer in Ottawa turned very different with Jagmeet Singh's decision to "tear up" the deal between the...

Good Talk -- Has The Summer Changed Anything in Canadian Politics?

Good Talk -- Has The Summer Changed Anything in Canadian Politics?

Bruce and Chantal join me for a wide open discussion about the politics of the summer of 2024. Everything it...

Summer Good Talk -- Could Trudeau Do A Biden?

Summer Good Talk -- Could Trudeau Do A Biden?

Bruce and Chantal join me for a Summer Good Talk and what a summer it's been so far. Could the...

Good Talk - The Byelection Stakes Couldn't Be Higher

Good Talk - The Byelection Stakes Couldn't Be Higher

Monday night, June 24th, is byelection night in the Toronto riding of Toronto-St Paul's. Will the voters there determine the...

Good Talk - Treason, Traitors or Not?

Good Talk - Treason, Traitors or Not?

Who to believe? Who would you believe if you had a choice between believing Jagmeet Singh or Elizabeth May? That...

Good Talk - Is it Treason or McCarthyism?

Good Talk - Is it Treason or McCarthyism?

There are big issues for Bruce and Chantal to handle this week. There are good conversations on these three issues...

Good Talk - Will The Trump Verdict Leave the US Even More Divided?

Good Talk - Will The Trump Verdict Leave the US Even More Divided?

Thirty-four out of thirty-four. All counts against Donald Trump result in guilty verdicts. What now for the former president and...

Good Talk - What's Tom Mulcair Up To?

Good Talk - What's Tom Mulcair Up To?

The former national leader of the NDP has been saying some nice things about Mark Carney lately. Is it nothing...

Good Talk — Are The Liberals In Full Panic Mode?

Good Talk — Are The Liberals In Full Panic Mode?

New data from Nanos and the Globe and Mail suggests Canadians find neither Justin Trudeau or Pierre Poilievre credible --...

No one could outsmart or outword Rex Murphy — I miss you, my friend

No one could outsmart or outword Rex Murphy — I miss you, my friend

It’s with some hesitation that I try to put into words what Rex Murphy meant to Canada, to Canadians, and...

Good Talk - Is Three Days A Week At The Office Too Much?

Good Talk - Is Three Days A Week At The Office Too Much?

Lots up for discussion on Good Talk this week -- public service unions are fighting Ottawa over remote work, Mark...

Good Talk -- "Toxicity, Lies and Misinformation"

Good Talk -- "Toxicity, Lies and Misinformation"

A Liberal MP says she's had enough. After nine years as an MP Pam Damoff says she won't run again...

Good Talk - What Was Poilievre Thinking?

Good Talk - What Was Poilievre Thinking?

Pierre Poilievre ends up with a group of F-Trudeau flag wavers in the Maritimes. Really? What was he thinking? Chantal...

Good Talk - The Budget Fallout from Economics to Leadership

Good Talk - The Budget Fallout from Economics to Leadership

Lots to talk about this week and much of it connected to the fallout from the new budget. With some...

Good Talk - A First Minister's Conference -- Why Not?

Good Talk - A First Minister's Conference -- Why Not?

What's the downside for Justin Trudeau in calling a first minister's conference? What's he got to lose? On the day...

Good Talk - Is The NDP On The Verge of Collapse?

Good Talk - Is The NDP On The Verge of Collapse?

We start this week with a simple question -- where is all the money coming from to pay for massive...

Good Talk: Live – Media, politics, and the future.

Good Talk: Live – Media, politics, and the future.

Good Talk is live on stage at this historic Fairmont Château Laurier in downtown Ottawa. Chantal, Bruce and I tackle...

Good Talk - After A Week of Votes and Motions in Parliament, Is Anything Different?

Good Talk - After A Week of Votes and Motions in Parliament, Is Anything Different?

The topics were hot, from the Middle East to carbon pricing, but after all the positioning did anything really change...

Good Talk - Carbon Taxes, Carbon Rebates, Arrive Can, and the Auditor General

Good Talk - Carbon Taxes, Carbon Rebates, Arrive Can, and the Auditor General

Carbon Taxes, Carbon Rebates, Arrive Can, the Auditor General ....another week when the questions of who's protecting your money, how...

Good Talk - Did Joe Biden Just Save Himself?

Good Talk - Did Joe Biden Just Save Himself?

Is he just too old, stumbling and incoherent? Not last night it seems. Joe Biden's energetic State of the Union...

Good Talk - Brian Mulroney, The Passing of A Giant

Good Talk - Brian Mulroney, The Passing of A Giant

The 18th prime minister of Canada was a force, a huge force. He changed the country in many ways, some...