Peter Zimonjic

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Peter Zimonjic.

Crown made a 'mockery' of treaty with 2 First Nations for 150 years, Supreme Court rules

Crown made a 'mockery' of treaty with 2 First Nations for 150 years, Supreme Court rules

For the past 150 years, the gov­ern­ments of Ontario and Cana­da have made a…

Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly met Chinese counterpart in Beijing in effort to ease tensions

Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly met Chinese counterpart in Beijing in effort to ease tensions

For­eign Affairs Min­is­ter Mélanie Joly met with Chi­nese For­eign Min­is­ter Wang Yi in…

Human error caused 2022 Rogers outage, system 'deficiencies' made it worse: report

Human error caused 2022 Rogers outage, system 'deficiencies' made it worse: report

The 2022 Rogers out­age that left 12 mil­lion peo­ple with­out wire­less and hard-wired…

As Trudeau insists he's staying on, one MP says some incumbents could sit out the next election

As Trudeau insists he's staying on, one MP says some incumbents could sit out the next election

A Lib­er­al cau­cus source tells CBC News a num­ber of MPs might not run again if…

Embassy takes down AI-generated Canada Day social media post

Embassy takes down AI-generated Canada Day social media post

Embassy used a stock image cre­at­ed by gen­er­a­tive AI. Canada’s embassy in…

Elections Canada defends slow counting process for byelection, blames 84-candidate ballot

Elections Canada defends slow counting process for byelection, blames 84-candidate ballot

Elec­tions Cana­da says the count in the Toron­to-St. Paul’s byelec­tion that saw the…

The House of Commons has adjourned for the summer — what did it accomplish?

The House of Commons has adjourned for the summer — what did it accomplish?

The House of Com­mons has risen for the sum­mer, send­ing MPs back to their rid­ings to…

Liberal MPs tell committee some Conservatives are driving the harassment they face

Liberal MPs tell committee some Conservatives are driving the harassment they face

Two Lib­er­al MPs pro­vid­ed a par­lia­men­tary com­mit­tee with mul­ti­ple…

Harassment of MPs spiked almost 800% in 5 years, says House sergeant-at-arms

Harassment of MPs spiked almost 800% in 5 years, says House sergeant-at-arms

The harass­ment mem­bers of Par­lia­ment expe­ri­ence from the pub­lic has jumped almost…

Extreme weather causing billions of dollars in damage, driving up insurance premiums: StatsCan

Extreme weather causing billions of dollars in damage, driving up insurance premiums: StatsCan

The increas­ing fre­quen­cy of extreme weath­er events across the coun­try has caused the…

CBSA president says there's 'a lack of transparency' in ArriveCan contract relationships

CBSA president says there's 'a lack of transparency' in ArriveCan contract relationships

The pres­i­dent of the Cana­da Bor­der Ser­vices Agency told a par­lia­men­tary…

Number of antisemitic incidents reached record high in 2023, says B'nai Brith Canada audit

Number of antisemitic incidents reached record high in 2023, says B'nai Brith Canada audit

B’nai Brith Cana­da has released its Annu­al Audit of Anti­se­mit­ic Inci­dents that…

Trudeau dismisses plea from doctors to reconsider capital gains tax change

Trudeau dismisses plea from doctors to reconsider capital gains tax change

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is reject­ing a call from some doc­tors for his…

PMO officials refute allegations against Han Dong at foreign interference inquiry

PMO officials refute allegations against Han Dong at foreign interference inquiry

Canada’s secu­ri­ty ser­vices did not tell the Lib­er­al Par­ty to drop 2019 can­di­date…

Senior bureaucrats briefed Liberal Party on foreign interference in 2019 Don Valley North contest

Senior bureaucrats briefed Liberal Party on foreign interference in 2019 Don Valley North contest

5‑member pan­el decid­ed not to warn pub­lic about poten­tial inter­fer­ence dur­ing the…

Premiers Higgs, Smith call on MPs to abandon carbon pricing program

Premiers Higgs, Smith call on MPs to abandon carbon pricing program

Con­ser­v­a­tive pre­miers con­tin­ued their war on the Lib­er­al gov­ern­men­t’s car­bon…

Auditor General's office fires 2 staff members for earning money from government contracts

Auditor General's office fires 2 staff members for earning money from government contracts

The Audi­tor Gen­er­al has fired two employ­ees and is inves­ti­gat­ing a third…

Police now need warrant to get a person's IP address, Supreme Court rules

Police now need warrant to get a person's IP address, Supreme Court rules

The Supreme Court of Cana­da made a key pri­va­cy rul­ing Fri­day that will now…

Minister says Mexico isn't threatening trade consequences over new visa rules

Minister says Mexico isn't threatening trade consequences over new visa rules

Immi­gra­tion Min­is­ter Marc Miller says Mex­i­co has not warned Cana­da that the trade…

The pharmacare bill is coming today — here's what you need to know

The pharmacare bill is coming today — here's what you need to know

The Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment is expect­ed to table its phar­ma­care leg­is­la­tion…

Suspended public servants say they're being scapegoated for telling the truth about ArriveCan

Suspended public servants say they're being scapegoated for telling the truth about ArriveCan

Two senior fed­er­al offi­cials sus­pend­ed with­out pay fol­low­ing alle­ga­tions of…

Linking immigration to the housing shortage may be missing the problem, experts say

Linking immigration to the housing shortage may be missing the problem, experts say

With ris­ing rents and house prices mak­ing it increas­ing­ly hard to find an afford­able…

Elections Canada launches online disinformation tool to prepare voters for next federal election

Elections Canada launches online disinformation tool to prepare voters for next federal election

Elec­tions Cana­da is try­ing to insu­late Cana­di­an vot­ers from false nar­ra­tives and…

Honda, federal government to meet this week as reports emerge of possible EV plant deal

Honda, federal government to meet this week as reports emerge of possible EV plant deal

A Hon­da Glob­al team will be in Cana­da this week to meet with senior fed­er­al…

New year, new tax measures — what to expect in 2024

New year, new tax measures — what to expect in 2024

New tax mea­sures, and changes to exist­ing ones, will begin affect­ing Cana­di­ans in…

Nearly two-thirds of Google's $100-million media fund will go to print, digital media: source

Nearly two-thirds of Google's $100-million media fund will go to print, digital media: source

Remain­ing third to be dis­trib­uted to pri­vate, pub­lic broad­cast­ers, but…

Most MPs on House committee want Speaker Greg Fergus to stay as new allegations emerge

Most MPs on House committee want Speaker Greg Fergus to stay as new allegations emerge

Con­ser­v­a­tives make new alle­ga­tions against Fer­gus as NDP allege Scheer attend­ed…

House of Commons adjourns after more than 24 hours of voting, naps and singalongs

House of Commons adjourns after more than 24 hours of voting, naps and singalongs

MPs final­ly left the House of Com­mons late Fri­day night after vot­ing for more than…

MPs vote through the night as Conservatives stall the House

MPs vote through the night as Conservatives stall the House

Con­ser­v­a­tives have vowed to delay gov­ern­ment leg­is­la­tion until Lib­er­als make…

Conservative MP introduces bill to declare December 'Christian Heritage Month'

Conservative MP introduces bill to declare December 'Christian Heritage Month'

A Con­ser­v­a­tive mem­ber of Par­lia­ment is intro­duc­ing a pri­vate mem­ber’s…

Canada's fire chiefs to press Ottawa for money after worst-ever wildfire season

Canada's fire chiefs to press Ottawa for money after worst-ever wildfire season

Fire chiefs from across the coun­try will be in Ottawa this week to warn the fed­er­al…

Liberals announce legislation to set stage for digital services tax

Liberals announce legislation to set stage for digital services tax

The Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment announced leg­is­la­tion Tues­day that will pave the way for…

Trudeau offended Israel with call for 'maximum restraint,' says Israeli president

Trudeau offended Israel with call for 'maximum restraint,' says Israeli president

Israeli Pres­i­dent Isaac Her­zog said Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau offend­ed his…

Right-wing MAGA politics caused Conservatives to turn backs on Ukraine, Trudeau claims

Right-wing MAGA politics caused Conservatives to turn backs on Ukraine, Trudeau claims

Amer­i­can-style MAGA pol­i­tics has caused the Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty of Cana­da to…

2 killed, 2 hospitalized after explosion, fire at Canadian High Commission in Nigeria

2 killed, 2 hospitalized after explosion, fire at Canadian High Commission in Nigeria

An explo­sion at the The Cana­di­an High Com­mis­sion of Cana­da in Nige­ri­a’s cap­i­tal…

Permanent residency backlog persists despite progress, AG report says

Permanent residency backlog persists despite progress, AG report says

A new report from the audi­tor gen­er­al of Cana­da released Thurs­day warns that while…

Greg Fergus starts his term as Speaker with high expectations

Greg Fergus starts his term as Speaker with high expectations

Lead­ing Black Cana­di­ans say they hope Greg Fer­gus can have a pos­i­tive effect…