Louis Blouin

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Louis Blouin.

With Trudeau on the ropes, Liberals contemplate the next election with hope and anxiety

With Trudeau on the ropes, Liberals contemplate the next election with hope and anxiety

In Justin Trudeau’s inner cir­cle, there is no doubt about it — the prime min­is­ter will…

Ottawa plans to launch controversial firearms buyback program during election year

Ottawa plans to launch controversial firearms buyback program during election year

Ottawa is plan­ning to roll out a manda­to­ry buy­back pro­gram for mil­i­tary-style…

Ottawa slow-walking Israel's request for permission to import armoured vehicles: sources

Ottawa slow-walking Israel's request for permission to import armoured vehicles: sources

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is delib­er­ate­ly slow-walk­ing a request from Israel…

NDP threatens stalling tactics, end of agreement with Liberals over slow pace of pharmacare talks

NDP threatens stalling tactics, end of agreement with Liberals over slow pace of pharmacare talks

The fed­er­al NDP has warned its Par­lia­ment Hill staff to pre­pare them­selves for the…

Ottawa planning to reduce volume of international students in certain provinces: source

Ottawa planning to reduce volume of international students in certain provinces: source

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is plan­ning to reduce the vol­ume of inter­na­tion­al…