Rachel Aiello

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Rachel Aiello.

Trudeau responds to American senators calling on Canada to increase defence spending

Trudeau responds to American senators calling on Canada to increase defence spending

Stop­ping short of offer­ing the assur­ance U.S. sen­a­tors are seek­ing, Prime…

Capital gains tax change 'shortsighted' and 'sows division' business groups tell Freeland

Capital gains tax change 'shortsighted' and 'sows division' business groups tell Freeland

Forg­ing ahead with increas­ing Canada’s cap­i­tal gains inclu­sion rate ​“sows…

Poilievre unrepentant over calling Trudeau 'wacko' as his MPs say Speaker should resign

Poilievre unrepentant over calling Trudeau 'wacko' as his MPs say Speaker should resign

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre says he does not regret call­ing Prime…

Why one former Bank of Canada governor thinks Freeland's 2024 budget will be 'the worst' in decades

Why one former Bank of Canada governor thinks Freeland's 2024 budget will be 'the worst' in decades

With­out hav­ing seen it, for­mer Bank of Cana­da gov­er­nor David Dodge believes that…

Trudeau's latest pre-budget pledges: New apartment construction and rental measures

Trudeau's latest pre-budget pledges: New apartment construction and rental measures

Con­tin­u­ing his pre-bud­get spend­ing pledge tour, Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is…

Companies tied to ArriveCan scandal banned from bidding on federal contracts

Companies tied to ArriveCan scandal banned from bidding on federal contracts

The Cana­di­an gov­ern­ment moved Wednes­day to restrict two firms tied to the…

Freeland promises to 'unlock pathways' to middle-class life in April 16 federal budget

Freeland promises to 'unlock pathways' to middle-class life in April 16 federal budget

The 2024 fed­er­al bud­get will be pre­sent­ed on Tues­day, April 16, Deputy Prime…

Canadians can expect to 'soon' see grocery price freezes, matching to address high costs

Canadians can expect to 'soon' see grocery price freezes, matching to address high costs

Indus­try Min­is­ter Fran­cois-Philippe Cham­pagne says Cana­di­ans will ​‘soon’ start to…

Liberal MP sides with Conservatives on failed motion to 'repeal all carbon taxes'

Liberal MP sides with Conservatives on failed motion to 'repeal all carbon taxes'

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre’s lat­est unsuc­cess­ful attempt to call on…

Rideau Hall apologizes for honouring Nazi veteran, Trudeau 'carefully' considering unsealing records

Rideau Hall apologizes for honouring Nazi veteran, Trudeau 'carefully' considering unsealing records

Rideau Hall is apol­o­giz­ing for the his­toric appoint­ment of a man who fought for…

Liberal Greg Fergus makes history, elected first Black House Speaker

Liberal Greg Fergus makes history, elected first Black House Speaker

Lib­er­al MP Greg Fer­gus is Canada’s new House of Com­mons Speak­er, fol­low­ing…

What you need to know about the election of a new Speaker

What you need to know about the election of a new Speaker

On Tues­day, MPs will be elect­ing a new Speak­er of the House of Com­mons, in the…

'A shock and an embarrassment': Canada's governor general on Parliament's recognition of Nazi veteran

'A shock and an embarrassment': Canada's governor general on Parliament's recognition of Nazi veteran

Canada’s Gov. Gen. Mary Simon says Par­lia­men­t’s recog­ni­tion of a man who fought…

PM Trudeau apologizes for Parliament's recognition of Nazi veteran during Zelenskyy visit

PM Trudeau apologizes for Parliament's recognition of Nazi veteran during Zelenskyy visit

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau offered ​‘unre­served apolo­gies’ Wednes­day for…

Anthony Rota resigns as House Speaker amid condemnation for inviting Nazi veteran to Parliament

Anthony Rota resigns as House Speaker amid condemnation for inviting Nazi veteran to Parliament

Antho­ny Rota has resigned from his pres­ti­gious posi­tion as Speak­er of the House of…

Speaker's Nazi veteran invite 'profoundly embarrassing' Trudeau says, as Rota faces calls to resign

Speaker's Nazi veteran invite 'profoundly embarrassing' Trudeau says, as Rota faces calls to resign

Ten­sions flared in the Com­mons on Mon­day over oppo­si­tion calls for House Speak­er…