Mike Le Couteur

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Mike Le Couteur.

Sale of envoy's NYC condo 'expected to exceed' $9M: government

Sale of envoy's NYC condo 'expected to exceed' $9M: government

The cur­rent offi­cial res­i­dence for Canada’s rep­re­sen­ta­tive in New York City is…

Canada's envoy to NYC called to testify about $9M condo purchase on 'Billionaires' Row'

Canada's envoy to NYC called to testify about $9M condo purchase on 'Billionaires' Row'

Canada’s Con­sul Gen­er­al in New York will have to explain the gov­ern­men­t’s deci­sion…

Poilievre vows to fire envoy as Canada buys a $9M condo for diplomat in NYC

Poilievre vows to fire envoy as Canada buys a $9M condo for diplomat in NYC

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre is promis­ing to fire Canada’s con­sul gen­er­al…

Canada's envoy in London hopeful Britain's Labour party will restart trade talks

Canada's envoy in London hopeful Britain's Labour party will restart trade talks

The Labour Party’s land­slide win in the Unit­ed King­dom elec­tion Thurs­day is…

Defence industry, allies call for Canada to increase military investments

Defence industry, allies call for Canada to increase military investments

Canada’s announce­ment of an $11.2‑billion con­tract to improve train­ing plat­forms for…

Trudeau's speech to union delegates took aim at Conservatives

Trudeau's speech to union delegates took aim at Conservatives

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s trip to the Unit­ed States tar­get­ed U.S. law­mak­ers,…

'Mr. Trump doesn't worry us', says Canadian ambassador

'Mr. Trump doesn't worry us', says Canadian ambassador

As Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau con­tin­ues the ​“Team Canada”(opens in a new…

Conservative MP says Chinese hacking attack targeted his personal email

Conservative MP says Chinese hacking attack targeted his personal email

A Con­ser­v­a­tive MP is chal­leng­ing claims by House of Com­mons admin­is­tra­tion that…

Saskatchewan isn't remitting the carbon tax on home heating. Why isn't my province following suit?

Saskatchewan isn't remitting the carbon tax on home heating. Why isn't my province following suit?

The war of words over the price on pol­lu­tion reached a new lev­el this week with…

'A significant overreach': Canada housing plan draws provincial pushback

'A significant overreach': Canada housing plan draws provincial pushback

Juris­dic­tion­al joust­ing has begun over fed­er­al fund­ing for hous­ing projects as…

Companies tied to ArriveCan scandal banned from bidding on federal contracts

Companies tied to ArriveCan scandal banned from bidding on federal contracts

The Cana­di­an gov­ern­ment moved Wednes­day to restrict two firms tied to the…

Anand 'very surprised' to learn DND employee's company got ArriveCan contract, Poilievre calls for police probe

Anand 'very surprised' to learn DND employee's company got ArriveCan contract, Poilievre calls for police probe

News that the CEO of Dalian Enter­pris­es, which received $7.9 mil­lion for its work on…

ArriveCan-connected firm GC Strategies given 34 contracts worth $59.8M since 2015

ArriveCan-connected firm GC Strategies given 34 contracts worth $59.8M since 2015

Pub­lic Ser­vices and Pro­cure­ment Cana­da (PSPC) con­firms GC Strate­gies Inc., the…