Randy Thanthong-Knight

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Randy Thanthong-Knight.

Netflix, Paramount Ask Canada Court to Quash Trudeau’s New Levy

Netflix, Paramount Ask Canada Court to Quash Trudeau’s New Levy

US stream­ing-ser­vice giants are ask­ing a Cana­di­an court to block Prime…

More Immigrants Recruited to Aid Trudeau’s Homebuilding Ambition

More Immigrants Recruited to Aid Trudeau’s Homebuilding Ambition

Cana­da is on track to add more new­com­ers with con­struc­tion skills than in recent…

Influx of Asylum Seekers Surprises Canada and Cities Bear the Cost

Influx of Asylum Seekers Surprises Canada and Cities Bear the Cost

Cana­di­an cities are being over­whelmed by a record surge of new­com­ers seek­ing…

Canada's ‘Student Trafficking’ Industry Is Backfiring on Trudeau

Canada's ‘Student Trafficking’ Industry Is Backfiring on Trudeau

Canada’s rad­i­cal immi­gra­tion exper­i­ment, which has giv­en it one of the world’s…

A Fight Between Zuckerberg and Trudeau Batters Canada Media Outlets

A Fight Between Zuckerberg and Trudeau Batters Canada Media Outlets

Cana­di­an media com­pa­nies are caught in the mid­dle of a stand­off between…