Steve Lambert

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Steve Lambert.

Manitoba Metis president ticketed for fishing without a licence, province says

Manitoba Metis president ticketed for fishing without a licence, province says

WINNIPEG — A recent inter­ac­tion between a con­ser­va­tion offi­cer and David…

Poll suggests Manitobans worried about costs, less confident in institutions

Poll suggests Manitobans worried about costs, less confident in institutions

WINNIPEG — Man­i­to­bans are increas­ing­ly wor­ried about the cost of liv­ing and crime,…

Weather has affected search for missing boaters on Lake Winnipeg, RCMP say

Weather has affected search for missing boaters on Lake Winnipeg, RCMP say

WINNIPEG — Man­i­to­ba RCMP have been deal­ing with poor weath­er as they search for two…

Manitoba premier polling high after nine months, but experts say challenges lie ahead

Manitoba premier polling high after nine months, but experts say challenges lie ahead

Nine months after being elect­ed, Man­i­to­ba Pre­mier Wab Kinew con­tin­ues to enjoy…

Manitoba premier polling high after nine months, but experts say challenges lie ahead

Manitoba premier polling high after nine months, but experts say challenges lie ahead

WINNIPEG — Nine months after being elect­ed, Man­i­to­ba Pre­mier Wab Kinew con­tin­ues…

Manitoba's independent commissioner rules on pay raises for politicians

Manitoba's independent commissioner rules on pay raises for politicians

WINNIPEG — Man­i­to­ba provin­cial politi­cians will be get­ting rais­es in the com­ing…

Manitoba Tories decide not to proceed with online voting in leadership race

Manitoba Tories decide not to proceed with online voting in leadership race

WINNIPEG — Man­i­to­ba Pro­gres­sive Con­ser­v­a­tives are kick­ing off their…

Manitoba spring legislature sitting ends; more than 20 bills become law

Manitoba spring legislature sitting ends; more than 20 bills become law

WINNIPEG — Man­i­to­ba politi­cians sat late into the night Mon­day to give final…

Manitoba promises new money for Winnipeg police to target assaults and retail thefts

Manitoba promises new money for Winnipeg police to target assaults and retail thefts

WINNIPEG — The Man­i­to­ba gov­ern­ment promised new mon­ey Wednes­day to fight…

Manitoba premier says he wants stability, increases in federal transfer payments

Manitoba premier says he wants stability, increases in federal transfer payments

WINNIPEG — With ques­tions being raised about equal­iza­tion pay­ments to the provinces,…

After a four-week campaign, Manitobans to decide on Tories’ bid for a third term

After a four-week campaign, Manitobans to decide on Tories’ bid for a third term

Man­i­to­bans are to make his­to­ry today as they cast final bal­lots in an elec­tion…