Steven Chase

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Steven Chase.

Joly tells China’s top diplomat Canada won’t ‘tolerate any form of interference in our democracy’

Joly tells China’s top diplomat Canada won’t ‘tolerate any form of interference in our democracy’

For­eign Affairs Min­is­ter Mélanie Joly says she didn’t soft-ped­al Beijing’s…

Ottawa buys Arctic hangar next to NORAD base after Chinese, Russian interest

Ottawa buys Arctic hangar next to NORAD base after Chinese, Russian interest

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has paid $8.6‑million to acquire a pri­vate­ly owned…

Conservative supporters show higher susceptibility to Russian disinformation: survey

Conservative supporters show higher susceptibility to Russian disinformation: survey

Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty sup­port­ers in Cana­da are more exposed to Russ­ian…

Afghan Sikh sponsors donated to Sajjan’s riding association during Kabul airlift campaign

Afghan Sikh sponsors donated to Sajjan’s riding association during Kabul airlift campaign

Direc­tors of a char­i­ta­ble foun­da­tion that struck a deal with Ottawa to…

O’Toole, Bloc call for hearings on push to rescue Afghan Sikhs

O’Toole, Bloc call for hearings on push to rescue Afghan Sikhs

For­mer Con­ser­v­a­tive leader Erin O’Toole and the Bloc Québé­cois said Thurs­day that…

Sajjan instructed special forces to rescue Afghan Sikhs during fall of Kabul

Sajjan instructed special forces to rescue Afghan Sikhs during fall of Kabul

Then-defence min­is­ter Har­jit Saj­jan instruct­ed Cana­di­an spe­cial forces to res­cue…

Royal Canadian Navy led conga lines in Havana as part of ‘deterrence’ visit to Cuba, photos show

Royal Canadian Navy led conga lines in Havana as part of ‘deterrence’ visit to Cuba, photos show

Pho­tos post­ed on social media by Canada’s embassy in Cuba show a Roy­al Cana­di­an…

Poilievre would accept CSIS briefing if spy agency has any concerns about his caucus or party

Poilievre would accept CSIS briefing if spy agency has any concerns about his caucus or party

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre’s office says Cana­di­an Secu­ri­ty…

Opposition parties urge collusion revelations be turned over to foreign interference inquiry

Opposition parties urge collusion revelations be turned over to foreign interference inquiry

The Con­ser­v­a­tives and the Bloc Québé­cois are propos­ing that rev­e­la­tions about…

Canada can’t allow allegations of collusion with foreign powers to hang over Ottawa, former CSIS director says

Canada can’t allow allegations of collusion with foreign powers to hang over Ottawa, former CSIS director says

For­mer CSIS direc­tor Richard Fad­den says Cana­da can’t allow alle­ga­tions that…

Trudeau cabinet withholding documents on foreign interference from inquiry

Trudeau cabinet withholding documents on foreign interference from inquiry

The Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment is fac­ing push­back from Jus­tice Marie-Josée Hogue for…

Members of Congress say Canada’s online streaming act discriminates against Americans

Members of Congress say Canada’s online streaming act discriminates against Americans

Nine­teen mem­bers of Con­gress say Canada’s online stream­ing act dis­crim­i­nates…

Canada will not become back door for diverted Chinese steel and aluminum: Ottawa

Canada will not become back door for diverted Chinese steel and aluminum: Ottawa

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment says it will not allow Cana­da to become a dump­ing…

Sikh Canadian separatist leader says India cracking down on Khalistan supporters after arrests in Nijjar slaying

Sikh Canadian separatist leader says India cracking down on Khalistan supporters after arrests in Nijjar slaying

A Sikh Cana­di­an sep­a­ratist leader alleged­ly tar­get­ed for death by the Indi­an…

CSIS director says China’s concerted effort to steal Canadian technology is ‘mind-boggling’

CSIS director says China’s concerted effort to steal Canadian technology is ‘mind-boggling’

Canada’s top spy says China’s con­cert­ed efforts to steal cut­ting-edge Cana­di­an…

Parliamentarians say Ottawa never informed them of targeting by Beijing-linked hackers

Parliamentarians say Ottawa never informed them of targeting by Beijing-linked hackers

A group of Cana­di­an MPs and sen­a­tors who belong to an inter­na­tion­al…

Joly dispatching foreign affairs deputy to China as part of attempt to thaw relations with Beijing

Joly dispatching foreign affairs deputy to China as part of attempt to thaw relations with Beijing

For­eign Affairs Min­is­ter Mélanie Joly is dis­patch­ing her deputy min­is­ter, David…

Canada’s top soldier touts renewed Arctic strategy amid China and Russia’s push to deepen ties

Canada’s top soldier touts renewed Arctic strategy amid China and Russia’s push to deepen ties

A sharp­er focus on the Arc­tic in Ottawa’s defence pol­i­cy is a strate­gic move…

Liberal Party member warned MP Dong of CSIS surveillance, national security source says

Liberal Party member warned MP Dong of CSIS surveillance, national security source says

A Lib­er­al Par­ty mem­ber warned Han Dong i that the Cana­di­an Secu­ri­ty…

CSIS briefing for PMO in 2023 says China interfered in both 2019 and 2021 elections, inquiry told

CSIS briefing for PMO in 2023 says China interfered in both 2019 and 2021 elections, inquiry told

A top secret CSIS brief­ing pre­pared for the Prime Minister’s Office in Feb­ru­ary 2023…

MP Han Dong says he can’t recall telling China’s envoy to delay two Michaels’ release

MP Han Dong says he can’t recall telling China’s envoy to delay two Michaels’ release

For­mer Lib­er­al Han Dong, now an Inde­pen­dent MP, acknowl­edged at the…

India tells U.S. that rogue operatives were involved in alleged plot to kill Sikh separatist: report

India tells U.S. that rogue operatives were involved in alleged plot to kill Sikh separatist: report

India has report­ed­ly told the Unit­ed States that a spe­cial pan­el it set up to…

Fired Winnipeg scientists use pseudonyms in China as RCMP probe continues

Fired Winnipeg scientists use pseudonyms in China as RCMP probe continues

Two infec­tious-dis­ease sci­en­tists fired from Canada’s high-secu­ri­ty Nation­al…

Infectious-disease scientist fired from Winnipeg laboratory surfaces in China

Infectious-disease scientist fired from Winnipeg laboratory surfaces in China

One of two fired sci­en­tists at the cen­tre of an RCMP inves­ti­ga­tion into…

New Zealand says it’s not questioning Canadian allegations on Nijjar after remarks by country’s Deputy PM

New Zealand says it’s not questioning Canadian allegations on Nijjar after remarks by country’s Deputy PM

The New Zealand gov­ern­ment says it’s not chal­leng­ing Ottawa’s alle­ga­tions that…

Foreign-interference inquiry to grant opposition parties power to cross-examine witnesses

Foreign-interference inquiry to grant opposition parties power to cross-examine witnesses

The head of the pub­lic inquiry into for­eign inter­fer­ence is propos­ing to grant…

Michael Spavor reaches multimillion-dollar settlement with Ottawa for Chinese imprisonment

Michael Spavor reaches multimillion-dollar settlement with Ottawa for Chinese imprisonment

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has reached a mul­ti­mil­lion-dol­lar set­tle­ment with…

A blocked exit and barrage of bullets: Video shows B.C. Sikh leader’s final moments

A blocked exit and barrage of bullets: Video shows B.C. Sikh leader’s final moments

The ambush began in a park­ing lot of a Sur­rey, B.C., tem­ple with…

A blocked exit and barrage of bullets: Video shows B.C. Sikh leader’s final moments

A blocked exit and barrage of bullets: Video shows B.C. Sikh leader’s final moments

The ambush began in a park­ing lot of a Sur­rey, B.C., tem­ple with…

Canadian parts found in weapons used by Russian military in attacks on Ukraine

Canadian parts found in weapons used by Russian military in attacks on Ukraine

Elec­tron­ic com­po­nents from four Cana­di­an com­pa­nies are turn­ing up in weapons and…

Canadian academics involved in joint research with Iranian counterparts on drone technology

Canadian academics involved in joint research with Iranian counterparts on drone technology

Cana­di­an aca­d­e­mics have been col­lab­o­rat­ing with Iran­ian uni­ver­si­ties on…

Poilievre would ‘work towards meeting’ 2-per-cent NATO target

Poilievre would ‘work towards meeting’ 2-per-cent NATO target

A Con­ser­v­a­tive gov­ern­ment would ​“restore” Canada’s mil­i­tary and ​“work towards…

B.C. Senator Yuen Pau Woo challenges reports suggesting China targeted MPs

B.C. Senator Yuen Pau Woo challenges reports suggesting China targeted MPs

A B.C. sen­a­tor is cast­ing doubt on the find­ings of two fed­er­al…

China offers ‘new way of thinking,’ former Canadian ambassador tells business audience

China offers ‘new way of thinking,’ former Canadian ambassador tells business audience

West­ern under­stand­ing of Chi­na is ​“pathet­ic,” and the Com­mu­nist Par­ty-run…

Trudeau Foundation probe can’t rule out possibility Chinese donations part of ‘influence scheme’ targeting Ottawa

Trudeau Foundation probe can’t rule out possibility Chinese donations part of ‘influence scheme’ targeting Ottawa

A law firm hired by the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foun­da­tion to inves­ti­gate dona­tions…

New national security council has only met four times as critics accuse Ottawa of not taking threats seriously

New national security council has only met four times as critics accuse Ottawa of not taking threats seriously

A spe­cial nation­al-secu­ri­ty cab­i­net com­mit­tee set up by Prime Min­is­ter Justin…

Canada warned to cut off military exports to Israel or face legal challenge

Canada warned to cut off military exports to Israel or face legal challenge

A coali­tion of Cana­di­ans and Pales­tini­ans is urg­ing For­eign Affairs Min­is­ter…

Uyghur Canadians pull out of public inquiry into foreign interference

Uyghur Canadians pull out of public inquiry into foreign interference

An orga­ni­za­tion rep­re­sent­ing Uyghur Cana­di­ans is with­draw­ing from the pub­lic…

Human-rights groups threaten to withdraw from the foreign interference inquiry

Human-rights groups threaten to withdraw from the foreign interference inquiry

A coali­tion of human-rights groups rep­re­sent­ing eth­nic com­mu­ni­ties tar­get­ed by…

Conservative Party voices criticism of foreign-interference inquiry

Conservative Party voices criticism of foreign-interference inquiry

As the much-sought-after for­eign-inter­fer­ence inquiry gets under way Mon­day, the…

Election watchdog probing foreign interference complaint, former Conservative MP Kenny Chiu says

Election watchdog probing foreign interference complaint, former Conservative MP Kenny Chiu says

Canada’s fed­er­al elec­tion watch­dog has been inves­ti­gat­ing a com­plaint of…

Mayors ask Ottawa for help combatting extortions targeting South Asians across Canada

Mayors ask Ottawa for help combatting extortions targeting South Asians across Canada

May­ors are ask­ing the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment for help in com­bat­ting a string of…

Police forces across Canada probing string of extortion cases targeting South Asians

Police forces across Canada probing string of extortion cases targeting South Asians

Police forces in at least six cities across Cana­da are prob­ing extor­tion cas­es…

RCMP expected to make arrests soon in Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar’s slaying

RCMP expected to make arrests soon in Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar’s slaying

Two men who inves­ti­ga­tors believe fatal­ly shot a promi­nent Sikh sep­a­ratist…

Ottawa ready to pay financial settlements to the two Michaels over their ordeal in Chinese prisons

Ottawa ready to pay financial settlements to the two Michaels over their ordeal in Chinese prisons

Ottawa is will­ing to sign off on mul­ti­mil­lion-dol­lar set­tle­ment pack­ages for…

National security watchdog rebukes diplomatic intelligence collection program for lack of safeguards and oversight

National security watchdog rebukes diplomatic intelligence collection program for lack of safeguards and oversight

The Nation­al Secu­ri­ty and Intel­li­gence Review Agency released a damn­ing report…

Irwin Cotler under 24-hour police protection due to threat to his life

Irwin Cotler under 24-hour police protection due to threat to his life

For­mer Lib­er­al jus­tice min­is­ter Irwin Cotler, an out­spo­ken advo­cate for human…

Rights activists question safety of testifying at foreign interference inquiry

Rights activists question safety of testifying at foreign interference inquiry

Some Cana­di­an activists who fre­quent­ly crit­i­cize the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment say they…

Conservatives say credibility of foreign interference probe undermined by denying them full standing in first phase

Conservatives say credibility of foreign interference probe undermined by denying them full standing in first phase

The Offi­cial Oppo­si­tion is crit­i­ciz­ing the judge run­ning the pub­lic inquiry into…

Canadian diplomats sent to hot spots overstepped their authority, former CSIS head says

Canadian diplomats sent to hot spots overstepped their authority, former CSIS head says

For­mer nation­al-secu­ri­ty advis­er and CSIS direc­tor Richard Fad­den said that…

Revised Canada-Ukraine free-trade agreement does not contain carbon tax, Ukraine says

Revised Canada-Ukraine free-trade agreement does not contain carbon tax, Ukraine says

Ukraine’s embassy in Cana­da says the upgrad­ed free trade agree­ment between Ottawa and…