Stephanie Levitz

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Stephanie Levitz.

Trudeau minister shoots down ‘false’ claims from Republican senators about Canada’s immigration program for Palestinians

Trudeau minister shoots down ‘false’ claims from Republican senators about Canada’s immigration program for Palestinians

U.S. Repub­li­can sen­a­tors are mak­ing ​“cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly false” claims about…

Federal documents reveal what happened behind the scenes with Toronto’s request to decriminalize drugs

Federal documents reveal what happened behind the scenes with Toronto’s request to decriminalize drugs

Health Cana­da put dozens of ques­tions to Toron­to about the prac­ti­cal impli­ca­tions…

Pierre Poilievre was 20 when he wrote about what he would do as prime minister. Here’s what he said then — and what he says now

Pierre Poilievre was 20 when he wrote about what he would do as prime minister. Here’s what he said then — and what he says now

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre might be just over a year away from…

Who’s that guy? Pierre Poilievre may not be recognizable to some Canadians, but a lot of them still want to vote for him

Who’s that guy? Pierre Poilievre may not be recognizable to some Canadians, but a lot of them still want to vote for him

About a third of Cana­di­ans can’t put a name to Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre…

Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives managed to breach Fortress Toronto. Here’s how they did it — and what it might mean for the party

Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives managed to breach Fortress Toronto. Here’s how they did it — and what it might mean for the party

Pierre Poilievre’s Con­ser­v­a­tives began cam­paign­ing for the Toron­to — St. Paul’s…

‘Our democracy is on the line’: The focus on bad-actor MPs misses the bigger problem with foreign meddling, security committee chair warns

‘Our democracy is on the line’: The focus on bad-actor MPs misses the bigger problem with foreign meddling, security committee chair warns

The head of an all-par­ty com­mit­tee whose lat­est review of for­eign inter­fer­ence…

Top-secret intelligence alleges some MPs aided foreign interference. This might be a way to publicly name them

Top-secret intelligence alleges some MPs aided foreign interference. This might be a way to publicly name them

MPs named by top-secret intel­li­gence as aid­ing for­eign inter­fer­ence in Cana­di­an…

Behind the scenes, Conservatives are furious with one of their MPs over comments on podcast that defied Pierre Poilievre’s wishes

Behind the scenes, Conservatives are furious with one of their MPs over comments on podcast that defied Pierre Poilievre’s wishes

Pierre Poilievre’s Con­ser­v­a­tives are furi­ous at a mem­ber of their own cau­cus…

Patrick Brown still carrying significant debt from failed Conservative leadership bid

Patrick Brown still carrying significant debt from failed Conservative leadership bid

Bramp­ton May­or Patrick Brown remains in sig­nif­i­cant debt from his failed 2022 bid to…

Pierre Poilievre says he’ll ‘axe the carbon tax’ for consumers — but when it comes to the pricing system for Canadian industries, he won’t say

Pierre Poilievre says he’ll ‘axe the carbon tax’ for consumers — but when it comes to the pricing system for Canadian industries, he won’t say

He would repeal incom­ing fed­er­al elec­tric­i­ty reg­u­la­tions. He would scrap…

‘One of the biggest mistakes of his political career’: New book details what happened when Pierre Poilievre crossed Stephen Harper

‘One of the biggest mistakes of his political career’: New book details what happened when Pierre Poilievre crossed Stephen Harper

Stephen Harp­er feared a revolt in his Con­ser­v­a­tive cau­cus when, as prime…

Justin Trudeau’s budget fails to find support from many Canadians, poll suggests

Justin Trudeau’s budget fails to find support from many Canadians, poll suggests

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s lat­est bud­get was aimed at mak­ing Cana­di­ans feel…

Jewish Canadians can’t be responsible for Israeli government’s actions, MPs unanimously vote

Jewish Canadians can’t be responsible for Israeli government’s actions, MPs unanimously vote

As police link a rise in anti­se­mit­ic attacks to Israel’s war with Hamas, MPs this…

We listened to all the testimony at the foreign interference inquiry. This is what we learned — and the big questions that still need answering

We listened to all the testimony at the foreign interference inquiry. This is what we learned — and the big questions that still need answering

The Hogue inquiry sought to pull back the cur­tain on what Lib­er­al politi­cians, civ­il…

Canada’s spy agency collected intelligence suggesting foreign funding following the 2021 federal election

Canada’s spy agency collected intelligence suggesting foreign funding following the 2021 federal election

Canada’s elec­tron­ic spy agency col­lect­ed a piece of intel­li­gence after the…

Jagmeet Singh was warned about potential threat against his life, inquiry hears

Jagmeet Singh was warned about potential threat against his life, inquiry hears

NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh was among the Sikh Cana­di­ans who were warned about poten­tial…

They voted for Justin Trudeau before. Here's why they're choosing Pierre Poilievre now

They voted for Justin Trudeau before. Here's why they're choosing Pierre Poilievre now

A fed­er­al elec­tion is like­ly more than a year away. It’s a sun­ny week­end…

Liberal MP says he won't run again in battleground GTA riding

Liberal MP says he won't run again in battleground GTA riding

The Lib­er­al MP for a GTA rid­ing that’s expect­ed to see a fierce fight…

Email reveals that Ottawa told Canada's top soldier not to call budget changes 'cuts'

Email reveals that Ottawa told Canada's top soldier not to call budget changes 'cuts'

Canada’s top sol­dier was told he could­n’t use the word ​“cut” in a memo to…

Ukrainians blast Pierre Poilievre's MPs at Toronto townhall meeting: 'You're gonna lose our support'

Ukrainians blast Pierre Poilievre's MPs at Toronto townhall meeting: 'You're gonna lose our support'

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre’s approach to Ukraine will cost the par­ty…

Newly elected Tory MP slams 'liberal elites' at Queen's Park, ruffling feathers in Ford government

Newly elected Tory MP slams 'liberal elites' at Queen's Park, ruffling feathers in Ford government

There appears to be no love lost between Pre­mier Doug Ford’s gov­ern­ing Pro­gres­sive…

It's a Conservative stronghold — but here's why Pierre Poilievre's Tories will be closely watching this byelection on Monday

It's a Conservative stronghold — but here's why Pierre Poilievre's Tories will be closely watching this byelection on Monday

Who wins Mon­day’s byelec­tion in the rid­ing of Durham like­ly won’t set off…

Justin Trudeau's attacks on Pierre Poilievre not working, poll suggests

Justin Trudeau's attacks on Pierre Poilievre not working, poll suggests

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s Lib­er­als keep tak­ing punch­es at Con­ser­v­a­tive…

Pierre Poilievre is looking to remake his relationship with Indigenous groups. Here's one way he's trying to do that

Pierre Poilievre is looking to remake his relationship with Indigenous groups. Here's one way he's trying to do that

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre took anoth­er step to build­ing…

Canadians' support for Ukraine is fading and Trudeau's Liberals say they know why

Canadians' support for Ukraine is fading and Trudeau's Liberals say they know why

The Lib­er­als pinned the blame Tues­day for a decline in Cana­di­an sup­port for…

Pierre Poilievre to promise heftier punishment for car thieves if Conservatives win next election

Pierre Poilievre to promise heftier punishment for car thieves if Conservatives win next election

Con­ser­v­a­tive leader Pierre Poilievre is promis­ing that if his par­ty forms…

Federal government's foreign buyer ban on Canadian homes to be extended to 2027

Federal government's foreign buyer ban on Canadian homes to be extended to 2027

A fed­er­al ban on most for­eign own­er­ship of Cana­di­an hous­ing is being extend­ed…

'Pierre is going to win': PC insiders privately fear more MPPs will abandon Doug Ford for Team Poilievre

'Pierre is going to win': PC insiders privately fear more MPPs will abandon Doug Ford for Team Poilievre

Blind­sided by Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre poach­ing one of his provin­cial…

Liberals think Donald Trump comparisons hurt Pierre Poilievre. Canadians aren't so sure they're the same, poll suggests

Liberals think Donald Trump comparisons hurt Pierre Poilievre. Canadians aren't so sure they're the same, poll suggests

It was an attack ad that had Lib­er­als buzzing: video clips of Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader…

Pierre Poilievre is putting a new face on the Conservative party. Here are some of the people who want to help

Pierre Poilievre is putting a new face on the Conservative party. Here are some of the people who want to help

A promi­nent con­ser­v­a­tive com­men­ta­tor wants to run as a Con­ser­v­a­tive MP…

'Outrageous': Privately, Justin Trudeau's Toronto MPs are furious at Olivia Chow over her property tax gambit

'Outrageous': Privately, Justin Trudeau's Toronto MPs are furious at Olivia Chow over her property tax gambit

A fault line between the Toron­to may­or’s office and local Lib­er­al MPs is open­ing up…

Government defends another free vacation for Justin Trudeau at luxury resort: 'All of the rules have been followed'

Government defends another free vacation for Justin Trudeau at luxury resort: 'All of the rules have been followed'

As fed­er­al politi­cians shake off their hol­i­day cob­webs and return to the…

New Democrats have their eye on the labour vote -- but so does Pierre Poilievre

New Democrats have their eye on the labour vote -- but so does Pierre Poilievre

Alexan­dre Boulerice can pic­ture his cam­paign pam­phlets already. Although the New…

We listened to 10 of Pierre Poilievre's year-end interviews. Here's what we learned about him (including how to pronounce his name)

We listened to 10 of Pierre Poilievre's year-end interviews. Here's what we learned about him (including how to pronounce his name)

How does Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre pro­nounce his last name? What does he…

Justin Trudeau criticizes Toronto Sun newspaper over 'antisemitic content'

Justin Trudeau criticizes Toronto Sun newspaper over 'antisemitic content'

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau slammed a news­pa­per Thurs­day for run­ning…

Trudeau's Liberals gain support at expense of Poilievre's Conservatives, poll suggests

Trudeau's Liberals gain support at expense of Poilievre's Conservatives, poll suggests

The lat­est Aba­cus Data sur­vey — pro­vid­ed exclu­sive­ly to the Star — reveals…

Freed China detainee Michael Kovrig breaks silence, says allegations linked to Michael Spavor are ‘baffling’ and ‘hurtful’

Freed China detainee Michael Kovrig breaks silence, says allegations linked to Michael Spavor are ‘baffling’ and ‘hurtful’

Michael Kovrig, the for­mer Cana­di­an diplo­mat whose deten­tion in Chi­na caused…

Liberals accuse Poilievre of 'riling' up Canadians in border crash comments

Liberals accuse Poilievre of 'riling' up Canadians in border crash comments

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre released a blue­print for how he would…

Pierre Poilievre is focused on the economy. A new poll suggests many Canadians are, too

Pierre Poilievre is focused on the economy. A new poll suggests many Canadians are, too

What would Canada’s for­eign pol­i­cy look like under a gov­ern­ment lead by…

Documents reveal why RCMP didn’t pursue criminal probe of Justin Trudeau in SNC-Lavalin affair

Documents reveal why RCMP didn’t pursue criminal probe of Justin Trudeau in SNC-Lavalin affair

The Roy­al Cana­di­an Mount­ed Police declined to pur­sue a crim­i­nal…