Language czar probes CBC's posting of unilingual documents

Language czar probes CBC's posting of unilingual documents

Canada’s offi­cial lan­guages com­mis­sion­er has launched an inves­ti­ga­tion into CBC/Radio-Canada’s prac­tice of post­ing unilin­gual access-to-infor­ma­tion doc­u­ments on its web­sites. The pub­lic broad­cast­er has been proac­tive­ly…

Why Americans say we spend too much on health care and not enough on warfare

Why Americans say we spend too much on health care and not enough on warfare

While Cana­di­an media out­lets joined with U.S. law­mak­ers in harangu­ing Prime…

A small step forward for transparency

A small step forward for transparency

In Canada’s doom-laden realm of free­dom of infor­ma­tion, where bad news is endem­ic,…

Can progressives stop a right wing sweep of North America?

Can progressives stop a right wing sweep of North America?

The future looks pret­ty dire for pro­gres­sive vot­ers in the Unit­ed States and…

Hubris and survival in the news industry

Hubris and survival in the news industry

A new oral his­to­ry of the Vil­lage Voice, the week­ly rag that goosed Amer­i­can…

Canada's access-to-info gamble

Canada's access-to-info gamble

Cana­di­ans are not whin­ers by nature, but some­times frus­tra­tion about bad ser­vice…

Weekly Writ for June 26: Another canary in the Liberal coalmine

Weekly Writ for June 26: Another canary in the Liberal coalmine

Well, that esca­lat­ed slow­ly. Yes, it wasn’t until just before 4 AM ear­ly…

Who will arrest Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu?

Who will arrest Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu?

Are inter­na­tion­al arrest war­rants for Israel’s Netanyahu and Hamas’ Sin­war and…

The State of the Writ, Year 3

The State of the Writ, Year 3

Time flies when you’re hav­ing fun — and so it’s remark­able that it is already the…

Shackleton's last ship was a dud for polar exploration

Shackleton's last ship was a dud for polar exploration

Sir Ernest Shackleton’s last expe­di­tion ship, which was locat­ed on the seafloor off…

Traffic jam on RCMP car lots

Traffic jam on RCMP car lots

A three-year freeze on the sale of used RCMP vehi­cles has cre­at­ed such huge stor­age…

New Brunswick election still a toss-up

New Brunswick election still a toss-up

New Brunswick’s elec­tion is lit­tle more than four months away, but the out­come is no…

On NSICOP, we don’t need names. We need action.

On NSICOP, we don’t need names. We need action.

To name or not to name? That’s the ques­tion hang­ing over Ottawa like a bad smell,…

While Gaza burns, the U.S. risks nuclear war in Ukraine

While Gaza burns, the U.S. risks nuclear war in Ukraine

With ​“all eyes on Rafah” fol­low­ing the hor­ri­fy­ing deaths of Pales­tin­ian…

Anand's misleading plan to combat misinformation

Anand's misleading plan to combat misinformation

A recent media release from a pow­er­ful min­is­ter pro­claimed the Lib­er­al…

RCMP lax in tracking clothing: internal review

RCMP lax in tracking clothing: internal review

An inter­nal review of the RCMP’s con­trol poli­cies for its uni­forms, launched after…

Who's guilty: leaders of Israel or Hamas? Take your pick

Who's guilty: leaders of Israel or Hamas? Take your pick

Both sides of the Gaza war object­ed strong­ly when the pros­e­cu­tor of the…

What do Palestinians and Israeli hostage families share? A common enemy

What do Palestinians and Israeli hostage families share? A common enemy

Good morn­ing — here is your Sat­ur­day newslet­ter. I have record­ed an arti­cle…

A tribute to Canada's first information commissioner

A tribute to Canada's first information commissioner

Inger Hansen (1929−2013), Canada’s first infor­ma­tion com­mis­sion­er, knew some­thing…

Is Trudeau a drag on Crombie? Maybe not

Is Trudeau a drag on Crombie? Maybe not

The Ontario Lib­er­als had hopes they could win last week’s provin­cial byelec­tion in…

The access to information dumpster

The access to information dumpster

Good jour­nal­ists fre­quent­ly have barbed encoun­ters with flaks for gov­ern­ment…

Revealing Pierre Poilievre’s game plan

Revealing Pierre Poilievre’s game plan

Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty Leader Pierre Poilievre’s road­side chat with pro­test­ers in the…

The Perfect Image of Pierre Poilievre

The Perfect Image of Pierre Poilievre

A few days ago, Pierre Poilievre’s offi­cial social media chan­nels shared a fair­ly…

7 ways to talk about Israel and Gaza

7 ways to talk about Israel and Gaza

Pro-Pales­tine encamp­ments are spring­ing up on cam­pus­es across the Unit­ed States.…

Weekly Writ for Apr. 24: Battleground spotlight on The 905

Weekly Writ for Apr. 24: Battleground spotlight on The 905

With the new elec­toral map now in force and the num­bers of months before the next…

The AI wars have begun. Is it too late to stop them?

The AI wars have begun. Is it too late to stop them?

“Bring us more tar­gets!” the Israel Defence Force (IDF) com­man­ders shout­ed at…

Confessions of a Spendaholic

Confessions of a Spendaholic

Remem­ber the Shopa­holic book series of the ear­ly 2000’s? Author Sophie Kin­sel­la made…

Trouble in the ring at the RCMP's Musical Ride

Trouble in the ring at the RCMP's Musical Ride

There’s trou­ble in the ring at the RCMP’s icon­ic Musi­cal Ride, where the hors­es are…

Diaspora Nation

Diaspora Nation

Immi­gra­tion has built Cana­da since its ear­li­est days. While main­tain­ing har­mo­ny…

Where are the hostages?

Where are the hostages?

There is a new polit­i­cal force grow­ing inside Israel, and it may offer the best…

Labour Politics: How does union membership impact political behaviour?

In my last post, I explored three key groups of vot­ers I termed ​“the…

Weekly Writ for Mar. 27: Alberta NDP leadership race bombshell

Weekly Writ for Mar. 27: Alberta NDP leadership race bombshell

Yes­ter­day, the Alber­ta NDP lead­er­ship race was shak­en up by the with­draw­al of…

The ceasefire motion passed – so why is nobody happy?

The ceasefire motion passed – so why is nobody happy?

Mon­day was a day of high polit­i­cal dra­ma in Ottawa, but the out­come left many…

Weekly Writ for Mar. 20: Eby's NDP still on track for big win

Weekly Writ for Mar. 20: Eby's NDP still on track for big win

With only sev­en months to go before British Columbia’s elec­tion, David Eby’s New…

Weekly Writ for Mar. 13: Naheed Nenshi is in

Weekly Writ for Mar. 13: Naheed Nenshi is in

So, Naheed Nen­shi is mak­ing a return to active pol­i­tics and vying to become the…

Abandon hope ye who file FOI requests here

Abandon hope ye who file FOI requests here

The first line of this cen­tu­ry-old stan­za is often quot­ed as a proverb to…

Trudeau’s denials are “patently false” on weapons exports to Israel: Ploughshares

Trudeau’s denials are “patently false” on weapons exports to Israel: Ploughshares

Cana­di­an peace research group Project Ploughshares says state­ments by For­eign…

Speak Softly, and Carry a Big Stick

Just days before the assas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent McKin­ley, Vice Pres­i­dent Ted­dy…

Selina Robinson: "You broke my heart. . ."

Selina Robinson: "You broke my heart. . ."

The mild­ly Zion­ist, innocu­ous­ly left­ish and now oust­ed advanced edu­ca­tion…

Weekly Writ for Mar. 6: What Durham tells us

Weekly Writ for Mar. 6: What Durham tells us

The impor­tance of Monday’s fed­er­al byelec­tion in Durham is not what the results…

Are Canada’s young people rejecting war and the military?

Some com­men­ta­tors are rais­ing the alarm that Canada’s mil­i­tary can’t seem to hire…

What to watch in the Durham byelection

What to watch in the Durham byelection

There might not be a lot of sus­pense ahead of today’s Durham byelec­tion. The…

Making the Political Case for Increased Defence Spending in an Uncertain World

Making the Political Case for Increased Defence Spending in an Uncertain World

It’s 2025, three years into the Ukraine con­flict. and Rus­sia, embold­ened by its…