Éric Blais

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Éric Blais.

Pierre Poilievre spent the summer wooing these crucial voters. Here’s why it isn’t working, yet

Pierre Poilievre spent the summer wooing these crucial voters. Here’s why it isn’t working, yet

The Grand Seduc­tion. That’s how some media out­lets referred to Pierre Poilievre’s many…

Doug Ford is correct to commit advertising dollars to local media but he’s wrong to use tax dollars to promote his party

Doug Ford is correct to commit advertising dollars to local media but he’s wrong to use tax dollars to promote his party

The Ontario government’s recent deci­sion to direct its four largest agen­cies to spend…

Why the Liberals can’t simply ‘rebrand’ once Trudeau steps down

Why the Liberals can’t simply ‘rebrand’ once Trudeau steps down

As calls for Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau to step down grow loud­er, inevitably, talk…

Quebec’s language laws are coming to a long neglected place — bathrooms

Quebec’s language laws are coming to a long neglected place — bathrooms

Grow­ing up in a French-speak­ing house­hold, my fam­i­ly often vaca­tioned in…

What happens when a thin-skinned political lifer becomes prime minister? We may be about to find out

What happens when a thin-skinned political lifer becomes prime minister? We may be about to find out

“You must be kid­ding.” That was one of the many emails I received in response to…

Trudeau is at risk of weary voters tuning him out — and Poilievre needs to be cautious too

Trudeau is at risk of weary voters tuning him out — and Poilievre needs to be cautious too

In mar­ket­ing as in pol­i­tics, a brand’s voice can make or break its abil­i­ty to…

François Legault’s CAQ finds it difficult to 'unfriend' Meta after promising a boycott

François Legault’s CAQ finds it difficult to 'unfriend' Meta after promising a boycott

I won’t be able to share this op-ed on Meta’s Face­book and Insta­gram due to its…

Why Pierre Poilievre's insults of two Québec mayors show contempt for all Quebecers

Why Pierre Poilievre's insults of two Québec mayors show contempt for all Quebecers

Con­ser­v­a­tive leader Pierre Poilievre throws punch­es in both of Canada’s offi­cial…

Negative ads against Pierre Poilievre a high stakes gamble for the Liberals

Negative ads against Pierre Poilievre a high stakes gamble for the Liberals

It’s been a slow burn, sim­mer­ing out of the spot­light, but the Lib­er­al Par­ty’s…

Ontario's future is electrifying

Scratching Canada's seven-year itch

Musk, Poilievre and the CBC

Ron DeSantis, David and the Simpsons

Ontario: A Place to Spend on branding

Justenough Justinsults

Skewing poll results to make a point