Alex Ballingall

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Alex Ballingall.

With no sign of Justin Trudeau leaving, some Liberal MPs want major changes in his cabinet: ‘Clearly, what’s happening is not working’

With no sign of Justin Trudeau leaving, some Liberal MPs want major changes in his cabinet: ‘Clearly, what’s happening is not working’

Last week’s tiny cab­i­net change did noth­ing to appease those in Prime Min­is­ter…

Justin Trudeau says he has ‘full confidence’ in Chrystia Freeland after report says his senior advisers are questioning her effectiveness

Justin Trudeau says he has ‘full confidence’ in Chrystia Freeland after report says his senior advisers are questioning her effectiveness

Justin Trudeau has ​“full con­fi­dence” in his long-time polit­i­cal lieu­tenant,…

‘Shameful’: Justin Trudeau called out by Americans over failure to hit NATO spending target

‘Shameful’: Justin Trudeau called out by Americans over failure to hit NATO spending target

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s gov­ern­ment was still try­ing to fig­ure out how to…

Insiders say Liberal MPs turned up the pressure on Justin Trudeau during a private call: ‘Some of your key players need to go’

Insiders say Liberal MPs turned up the pressure on Justin Trudeau during a private call: ‘Some of your key players need to go’

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau was pushed to make seri­ous changes to res­cue the…

Justin Trudeau personally reaches out to Liberal MPs amid pressure on him to step down

Justin Trudeau personally reaches out to Liberal MPs amid pressure on him to step down

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has been work­ing the phones to tamp down any cau­cus…

Some Liberal insiders worry they’re seen as too ‘woke’ under Justin Trudeau — and that it may be too late for him to go

Some Liberal insiders worry they’re seen as too ‘woke’ under Justin Trudeau — and that it may be too late for him to go

Shock and dis­ap­point­ment over Monday’s byelec­tion defeat in mid­town Toron­to is…

Liberals grapple with stunning Toronto byelection loss and Justin Trudeau’s future: ‘The pressure will mount for sure’

Liberals grapple with stunning Toronto byelection loss and Justin Trudeau’s future: ‘The pressure will mount for sure’

Fed­er­al Lib­er­als are now grap­pling with the fall­out of Monday’s stun­ning…

After nine election victories, a Toronto MP known for his straight talk and wit says he won’t run again

After nine election victories, a Toronto MP known for his straight talk and wit says he won’t run again

Inside the Lib­er­al cau­cus meet­ing on Wednes­day, John McK­ay was hav­ing a bit…

It’s common practice for MPs. But amid foreign-interference claims, some say it’s time for it to be banned

It’s common practice for MPs. But amid foreign-interference claims, some say it’s time for it to be banned

Star analy­sis finds it has hap­pened more than 100 times since 2016, when for­eign…

China is dominating the EV market — and that means trouble no matter how Canada responds

China is dominating the EV market — and that means trouble no matter how Canada responds

Ever since the Unit­ed States said it will slap steep tar­iffs on Chi­nese elec­tric…

Top-secret intelligence alleges some MPs aided foreign interference. This might be a way to publicly name them

Top-secret intelligence alleges some MPs aided foreign interference. This might be a way to publicly name them

MPs named by top-secret intel­li­gence as aid­ing for­eign inter­fer­ence in Cana­di­an…

Ottawa considering foundation to honour Brian Mulroney

Ottawa considering foundation to honour Brian Mulroney

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is con­sid­er­ing the cre­ation of a new pub­lic…

Some Liberals think Mark Carney could succeed Justin Trudeau. We talked to those who think he’d be a great leader — and others who roll their eyes

Some Liberals think Mark Carney could succeed Justin Trudeau. We talked to those who think he’d be a great leader — and others who roll their eyes

The way for­mer Lib­er­al cab­i­net min­is­ter Cather­ine McKen­na sees it, change is…

Nearly a third of Canadians think world war is likely and many more believe Canada is not ready, survey finds

Nearly a third of Canadians think world war is likely and many more believe Canada is not ready, survey finds

A new poll sug­gests Cana­di­ans hold mixed views about whether a world war is on…

Pierre Poilievre says he’ll ‘axe the carbon tax’ for consumers — but when it comes to the pricing system for Canadian industries, he won’t say

Pierre Poilievre says he’ll ‘axe the carbon tax’ for consumers — but when it comes to the pricing system for Canadian industries, he won’t say

He would repeal incom­ing fed­er­al elec­tric­i­ty reg­u­la­tions. He would scrap…

Someone will eventually succeed Justin Trudeau as Liberal leader. Here’s what Canadians told a pollster about some of the potential contenders

Someone will eventually succeed Justin Trudeau as Liberal leader. Here’s what Canadians told a pollster about some of the potential contenders

Of a slate of poten­tial Lib­er­al lead­er­ship con­tenders large­ly unknown to the…

Liberal MP won’t seek re-election, citing fears for her safety and disgust with toxicity in politics

Liberal MP won’t seek re-election, citing fears for her safety and disgust with toxicity in politics

Describ­ing how pol­i­tics has grown so ​“tox­ic” and ​“hyper­par­ti­san” that she is…

Trudeau government wants banks to use the word ‘rebate’ when you get your carbon levy refund — but a source says one bank is flat out refusing

Trudeau government wants banks to use the word ‘rebate’ when you get your carbon levy refund — but a source says one bank is flat out refusing

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is frus­trat­ed by dif­fi­cul­ties in get­ting banks to adopt…

Justin Trudeau’s big defence policy update took two years to create. But it still leaves major questions unanswered

Justin Trudeau’s big defence policy update took two years to create. But it still leaves major questions unanswered

The Lib­er­als’ lat­est nation­al defence plan was a full two years in the works,…

Justin Trudeau’s government is $15 billion behind in climate change spending, report says

Justin Trudeau’s government is $15 billion behind in climate change spending, report says

he fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has failed to spend rough­ly $15 bil­lion that it com­mit­ted…

Chrystia Freeland is at the centre of a political storm. The course she charts out of it could save her Liberal government — or make matters even worse

Chrystia Freeland is at the centre of a political storm. The course she charts out of it could save her Liberal government — or make matters even worse

It’s 2014, and Chrys­tia Free­land is laugh­ing on the streets of Lon­don. In clas­sic…

Jagmeet Singh was warned about potential threat against his life, inquiry hears

Jagmeet Singh was warned about potential threat against his life, inquiry hears

NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh was among the Sikh Cana­di­ans who were warned about poten­tial…

Justin Trudeau's consumer carbon levy less impactful than other climate change actions, report says

Justin Trudeau's consumer carbon levy less impactful than other climate change actions, report says

It’s the cli­mate pol­i­cy at the heart of the polit­i­cal storm around car­bon pric­ing.…

Justin Trudeau promised them a portion of the carbon rebate. Five years later, the government has collected billions, but they're still waiting for money

Justin Trudeau promised them a portion of the carbon rebate. Five years later, the government has collected billions, but they're still waiting for money

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has­n’t decid­ed how it will refund more than $3.6 bil­lion in…

'He's a liar and a hate-monger': Former prime minister Kim Campbell slams Pierre Poilievre

'He's a liar and a hate-monger': Former prime minister Kim Campbell slams Pierre Poilievre

For­mer prime min­is­ter Kim Camp­bell called Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre a…

NDP insiders say pharmacare battle was the closest they've ever come to abandoning Justin Trudeau's Liberals

NDP insiders say pharmacare battle was the closest they've ever come to abandoning Justin Trudeau's Liberals

It was Jan­u­ary, and it was the clos­est the New Democ­rats had ever come to ditch­ing…

It's a Conservative stronghold — but here's why Pierre Poilievre's Tories will be closely watching this byelection on Monday

It's a Conservative stronghold — but here's why Pierre Poilievre's Tories will be closely watching this byelection on Monday

Who wins Mon­day’s byelec­tion in the rid­ing of Durham like­ly won’t set off…

One premier is threatening to kill Justin Trudeau's controversial carbon levy. What happens if he succeeds?

One premier is threatening to kill Justin Trudeau's controversial carbon levy. What happens if he succeeds?

It has been a sea­son of polit­i­cal dis­con­tent for Prime Min­is­ter Justin…

Canada willing to send troops to Ukraine in noncombat role, Defence Minister Bill Blair says

Canada willing to send troops to Ukraine in noncombat role, Defence Minister Bill Blair says

Cana­da is open to send­ing a lim­it­ed num­ber of mil­i­tary per­son­nel to train…

How Canada's military fell into crisis — and why failing to save it has deep consequences for us all

How Canada's military fell into crisis — and why failing to save it has deep consequences for us all

On paper, she seems to be exact­ly what the Cana­di­an mil­i­tary needs. An…

Justin Trudeau adviser defends use of crude language in online exchange with right-wing group

Justin Trudeau adviser defends use of crude language in online exchange with right-wing group

A senior advis­er to Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is defend­ing her use of crude,…

Justin Trudeau fends off dire warnings, says he won't slash federal spending

Justin Trudeau fends off dire warnings, says he won't slash federal spending

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says he does­n’t believe in slash­ing fed­er­al spend­ing…

Battered in the polls, Justin Trudeau's Liberals look for a boost from … Donald Trump?

Battered in the polls, Justin Trudeau's Liberals look for a boost from … Donald Trump?

The fed­er­al Lib­er­als are turn­ing their minds to how they can strate­gi­cal­ly…

Trudeau government's policies are undercutting Canada's economy, business group charges

Trudeau government's policies are undercutting Canada's economy, business group charges

One of Canada’s lead­ing busi­ness groups has accused the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment of…

Here's where Justin Trudeau's Liberals say they've gone wrong — and how they can turn it around

Here's where Justin Trudeau's Liberals say they've gone wrong — and how they can turn it around

Appar­ent­ly, being Lib­er­al isn’t as fun as it used to be. Sean Casey, the…

Toronto MP Carolyn Bennett to become Canada's ambassador to Denmark: Sources

Toronto MP Carolyn Bennett to become Canada's ambassador to Denmark: Sources

Out­go­ing Toron­to Lib­er­al MP Car­olyn Ben­nett will soon be named Canada’s next…

Trudeau government silent on genocide allegations against Israel at UN court

Trudeau government silent on genocide allegations against Israel at UN court

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is so far stay­ing out of the lat­est polit­i­cal flash­point…

Justin Trudeau’s foreign minister is grappling with a world of chaos. But is she making a mark?

Justin Trudeau’s foreign minister is grappling with a world of chaos. But is she making a mark?

Giv­en all that has hap­pened since — new and still-rag­ing wars; diplo­mat­ic chills;…

Most Canadians want Justin Trudeau to cut the carbon price on all home heating, poll suggests

Most Canadians want Justin Trudeau to cut the carbon price on all home heating, poll suggests

A new poll sug­gests most Cana­di­ans want more car­bon price carve-outs, and that…

Donald Trump’s return to power could be ‘an absolute disaster’ for Canada. Are we ready?

Donald Trump’s return to power could be ‘an absolute disaster’ for Canada. Are we ready?

This past week, while Cana­di­ans were pre­oc­cu­pied with Thanks­giv­ing prepa­ra­tions,…