Mark Ramzy

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Mark Ramzy.

A fight over leadership and a party in turmoil: Behind scenes of Jonathan Pedneault’s resignation from the Green Party

A fight over leadership and a party in turmoil: Behind scenes of Jonathan Pedneault’s resignation from the Green Party

After more than a decade of work­ing in con­flict zones, dodg­ing bul­lets and…

The Green Party tried to move past an ugly internal rift with a new leadership model — but behind the scenes, some members are pushing back

The Green Party tried to move past an ugly internal rift with a new leadership model — but behind the scenes, some members are pushing back

Some Green Par­ty mem­bers are call­ing for a new lead­er­ship elec­tion a year…

Trudeau government bypasses Doug Ford, sending housing money straight to Ontario municipalities

Trudeau government bypasses Doug Ford, sending housing money straight to Ontario municipalities

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is going over Pre­mier Doug Ford’s head and promis­ing to send…

‘The hill to die on’: Force the Trudeau Liberals to increase their disability benefit, advocates tell NDP

‘The hill to die on’: Force the Trudeau Liberals to increase their disability benefit, advocates tell NDP

As NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh says his par­ty is ​“unde­cid­ed” on sup­port­ing the…

Trudeau government wants banks to use the word ‘rebate’ when you get your carbon levy refund — but a source says one bank is flat out refusing

Trudeau government wants banks to use the word ‘rebate’ when you get your carbon levy refund — but a source says one bank is flat out refusing

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is frus­trat­ed by dif­fi­cul­ties in get­ting banks to adopt…

After Jagmeet Singh raises doubts, NDP says it still supports a consumer carbon levy

After Jagmeet Singh raises doubts, NDP says it still supports a consumer carbon levy

Under fire, the fed­er­al New Democ­rats said Fri­day they con­tin­ue to sup­port…

Jagmeet Singh backpedals on consumer carbon levy, distances NDP from support for Justin Trudeau’s policy

Jagmeet Singh backpedals on consumer carbon levy, distances NDP from support for Justin Trudeau’s policy

The fed­er­al New Democ­rats no longer believe a con­sumer car­bon price is…

Justin Trudeau promised them a portion of the carbon rebate. Five years later, the government has collected billions, but they're still waiting for money

Justin Trudeau promised them a portion of the carbon rebate. Five years later, the government has collected billions, but they're still waiting for money

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has­n’t decid­ed how it will refund more than $3.6 bil­lion in…

'It makes no sense': Trudeau government promised rural residents a carbon rebate top up — so why aren't these people getting it?

'It makes no sense': Trudeau government promised rural residents a carbon rebate top up — so why aren't these people getting it?

It might be the two provin­cial parks, the ski resort and the 278 square kilo­me­tres of…

One premier is threatening to kill Justin Trudeau's controversial carbon levy. What happens if he succeeds?

One premier is threatening to kill Justin Trudeau's controversial carbon levy. What happens if he succeeds?

It has been a sea­son of polit­i­cal dis­con­tent for Prime Min­is­ter Justin…

Pierre Poilievre's Conservatives ad spending far outpacing Justin Trudeau's Liberals, data shows

Pierre Poilievre's Conservatives ad spending far outpacing Justin Trudeau's Liberals, data shows

Flush with cash after a record-break­ing fundrais­ing year, Pierre Poilievre and the…

Amid confusion from Canadians, Justin Trudeau's government is considering rebrand of carbon pricing: source

Amid confusion from Canadians, Justin Trudeau's government is considering rebrand of carbon pricing: source

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is con­sid­er­ing a rebrand of the rebate pro­gram for…

'Mean and nasty — and personal': Here's how MPs took insults to a new low in 2023

'Mean and nasty — and personal': Here's how MPs took insults to a new low in 2023

It’s been just over 40 years since Sheila Copps was first elect­ed as…

Canadians say Pierre Poilievre would handle Donald Trump better than Justin Trudeau, poll finds

Canadians say Pierre Poilievre would handle Donald Trump better than Justin Trudeau, poll finds

Cana­di­ans think Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre would han­dle anoth­er Don­ald…