Raisa Patel

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Raisa Patel.

With no sign of Justin Trudeau leaving, some Liberal MPs want major changes in his cabinet: ‘Clearly, what’s happening is not working’

With no sign of Justin Trudeau leaving, some Liberal MPs want major changes in his cabinet: ‘Clearly, what’s happening is not working’

Last week’s tiny cab­i­net change did noth­ing to appease those in Prime Min­is­ter…

Pierre Poilievre worries about threats against his family — but says there’s no need to tone down political criticism

Pierre Poilievre worries about threats against his family — but says there’s no need to tone down political criticism

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre says he is con­cerned about threats against his…

Justin Trudeau claims Pierre Poilievre built just six affordable homes when he was housing minister. Here’s what actually happened

Justin Trudeau claims Pierre Poilievre built just six affordable homes when he was housing minister. Here’s what actually happened

When it comes to hous­ing, find­ing it — and afford­ing it — is one of the most press­ing…

Justin Trudeau personally reaches out to Liberal MPs amid pressure on him to step down

Justin Trudeau personally reaches out to Liberal MPs amid pressure on him to step down

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has been work­ing the phones to tamp down any cau­cus…

New Divorce Party? Naheed Nenshi’s to-do list as Alberta’s new NDP leader includes breaking up with Jagmeet Singh’s federal party

New Divorce Party? Naheed Nenshi’s to-do list as Alberta’s new NDP leader includes breaking up with Jagmeet Singh’s federal party

In some ways, the rela­tion­ship between the NDP’s Jag­meet Singh and new­ly elect­ed…

Dental groups reject Liberal claim that Conservatives are fuelling opposition to new plan — instead claiming it’s Ottawa spreading misinformation

Dental groups reject Liberal claim that Conservatives are fuelling opposition to new plan — instead claiming it’s Ottawa spreading misinformation

The heads of sev­er­al den­tal groups are reject­ing a Lib­er­al minister’s fram­ing…

The Liberals and Conservatives are fighting over CBC’s NHL playoffs coverage. Here’s what’s actually going on

The Liberals and Conservatives are fighting over CBC’s NHL playoffs coverage. Here’s what’s actually going on

It’s an inevitabil­i­ty that is per­haps even more cer­tain than the Edmon­ton Oil­ers’…

These two party leaders say they’ll consider naming the MPs accused of aiding foreign governments

These two party leaders say they’ll consider naming the MPs accused of aiding foreign governments

It’s pos­si­ble that the clear­est path to iden­ti­fy­ing the unknown MPs a recent…

Trudeau government will give foreign caregivers permanent residence in Canada

Trudeau government will give foreign caregivers permanent residence in Canada

The Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment is set to announce two new path­ways that would give…

Reality check: Pierre Poilievre says Justin Trudeau legalized hard drugs in British Columbia. Is that true?

Reality check: Pierre Poilievre says Justin Trudeau legalized hard drugs in British Columbia. Is that true?

You’ve prob­a­bly heard him say it: Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre claims…

Justin Trudeau says Benjamin Netanyahu is blocking two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians

Justin Trudeau says Benjamin Netanyahu is blocking two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has accused Israeli Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu…

Liberals, NDP blast Conservatives for missing bulk of parliamentary trip studying drug crisis

Liberals, NDP blast Conservatives for missing bulk of parliamentary trip studying drug crisis

The Lib­er­als and New Democ­rats are slam­ming the fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tives for…

New federal ridings will create big changes in the GTA. Here’s where the drama will be

New federal ridings will create big changes in the GTA. Here’s where the drama will be

It’s some­thing every fed­er­al par­ty knows: the GTA is one of the most seat-rich parts…

China’s alleged targeting of Michael Chong is contempt of Parliament: report

China’s alleged targeting of Michael Chong is contempt of Parliament: report

A House of Com­mons com­mit­tee has ruled that an ​“intim­i­da­tion cam­paign”…

Liberals’ elections law reforms could yield generous pensions for dozens of MPs

Liberals’ elections law reforms could yield generous pensions for dozens of MPs

Pro­posed changes to Canada’s elec­tion law could see the country’s next fed­er­al…

Justin Trudeau's caucus divided over vote to recognize Palestinian statehood

Justin Trudeau's caucus divided over vote to recognize Palestinian statehood

Polit­i­cal ten­sions were high on Par­lia­ment Hill Mon­day as week­end talks to adapt…

'Government gone overboard': Experts concerned by Ottawa's attempts to rein in hate speech

'Government gone overboard': Experts concerned by Ottawa's attempts to rein in hate speech

Some of the Lib­er­al government’s pro­posed efforts to crack down on hate speech and…

NDP insiders say pharmacare battle was the closest they've ever come to abandoning Justin Trudeau's Liberals

NDP insiders say pharmacare battle was the closest they've ever come to abandoning Justin Trudeau's Liberals

It was Jan­u­ary, and it was the clos­est the New Democ­rats had ever come to ditch­ing…

Justin Trudeau claims eight out of 10 Canadian households get more back from rebates than they pay in carbon pricing. Is that true?

Justin Trudeau claims eight out of 10 Canadian households get more back from rebates than they pay in carbon pricing. Is that true?

In the lead-up to the next fed­er­al elec­tion, the Star is tak­ing a look at the…

Pierre Poilievre claims 40 offenders were arrested 6,000 times in Vancouver in a year. Is that actually true?

Pierre Poilievre claims 40 offenders were arrested 6,000 times in Vancouver in a year. Is that actually true?

In the lead-up to the next fed­er­al elec­tion, the Star is tak­ing a look at the…

Jagmeet Singh on his new baby's name and why he regrets biking with Doug Ford: 5 things we learned at TMU’s Democracy Forum

Jagmeet Singh on his new baby's name and why he regrets biking with Doug Ford: 5 things we learned at TMU’s Democracy Forum

NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh made his sec­ond appear­ance at Toron­to Met­ro­pol­i­tan…

Justin Trudeau and his Liberals hit new lows in support, poll suggests

Justin Trudeau and his Liberals hit new lows in support, poll suggests

At the dawn of a new year that could see the fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tives con­tin­ue…

Canada is fighting to get Honda's massive EV expansion. Here's why it's a tough sell

Canada is fighting to get Honda's massive EV expansion. Here's why it's a tough sell

Are the days of multi­bil­lion-dol­lar gov­ern­ment sub­si­dies over in Cana­da for…

Inside the world of Parliament Hill's head chef — and why he's been quietly shrinking portion sizes for MPs

Inside the world of Parliament Hill's head chef — and why he's been quietly shrinking portion sizes for MPs

There are two things you’ll nev­er, ever find in Jud­son Simpson’s kitchen. One is…

She fought off online attacks as the face of Canada's COVID-19 response. Now, Theresa Tam reveals just what kind of toll that took on her

She fought off online attacks as the face of Canada's COVID-19 response. Now, Theresa Tam reveals just what kind of toll that took on her

Asked whether she’s ever had COVID-19 or lost some­one to the virus, it takes Dr.…

Pierre Poilievre claims Justin Trudeau’s Liberals are imposing a carbon tax on Ukraine. Here’s what’s really happening

Pierre Poilievre claims Justin Trudeau’s Liberals are imposing a carbon tax on Ukraine. Here’s what’s really happening

An effort to mod­ern­ize Canada’s free trade deal with Ukraine has hand­ed…

Jagmeet Singh’s NDP are taking votes away from Justin Trudeau — but are losing some support to Pierre Poilievre, poll finds

Jagmeet Singh’s NDP are taking votes away from Justin Trudeau — but are losing some support to Pierre Poilievre, poll finds

When New Democ­rats con­vene in Hamil­ton this week for their nation­al pol­i­cy…

‘Maybe this is not the time’: Jagmeet Singh’s NDP prepares for ‘difficult’ debate

‘Maybe this is not the time’: Jagmeet Singh’s NDP prepares for ‘difficult’ debate

The fed­er­al NDP is prepar­ing for a nation­al con­ven­tion that could see the…

Google just got even more unhappy with the Trudeau government — and closer to wiping Canadian news from its search results

Google just got even more unhappy with the Trudeau government — and closer to wiping Canadian news from its search results

Google says the draft plan to imple­ment Ottawa’s fraught online news law wors­ens rather…