Ontario appoints former federal Liberal health minister as chair of primary care team

Ontario appoints former federal Liberal health minister as chair of primary care team

Ontario Pre­mier Doug Ford’s gov­ern­ment is appoint­ing for­mer fed­er­al Lib­er­al…

Solving the Family Doctor Shortage: How AI Could Make Quebec’s Radical Rethink Work

Solving the Family Doctor Shortage: How AI Could Make Quebec’s Radical Rethink Work

More than 6.5 mil­lion Cana­di­ans don’t have a fam­i­ly doc­tor, up from 4.5…

Solving the Family Doctor Shortage: How AI Could Make Quebec’s Radical Rethink Work
National ban on vaping flavours coming 'soon,' says addictions minister

National ban on vaping flavours coming 'soon,' says addictions minister

The min­is­ter of men­tal health and addic­tions says the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment will ban…

Compassionate intervention is the lifeline Canada’s addiction crisis needs

Compassionate intervention is the lifeline Canada’s addiction crisis needs

Canada’s addic­tion cri­sis is wors­en­ing, claim­ing more lives each day and strain­ing…

Involuntary care can stop overdose deaths and save lives

Involuntary care can stop overdose deaths and save lives

Cana­da is in the grips of an addic­tion cri­sis that shows no signs of slowing.

Pharmacare bill passes key test ahead of next week's final Senate vote

Pharmacare bill passes key test ahead of next week's final Senate vote

The gov­ern­men­t’s phar­ma­care leg­is­la­tion has sur­vived a key step on the way…

Eric Hoskins, NDP urge senators to pass pharmacare bill amid calls to clarify legislation

Eric Hoskins, NDP urge senators to pass pharmacare bill amid calls to clarify legislation

Sen­a­tors should pass phar­ma­care leg­is­la­tion as soon as pos­si­ble with­out…

Pharmacare bill would see medications paid for, administered through public plan, Holland writes in letter

Pharmacare bill would see medications paid for, administered through public plan, Holland writes in letter

Health Min­is­ter Mark Hol­land has writ­ten a Sen­ate com­mit­tee study­ing the…

Exposed - How Canada can close its health security gaps

Exposed - How Canada can close its health security gaps

As the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic recedes, its final afflic­tion remains col­lec­tive amne­sia.…

Romeo Dallaire now recovered from severe infection: CTV News Exclusive

Romeo Dallaire now recovered from severe infection: CTV News Exclusive

Romeo Dal­laire is ready to return to pub­lic life again this fall after a seri­ous…

Looking for access to subsidized dental care? It might depend on where you live

Looking for access to subsidized dental care? It might depend on where you live

Den­tists’ rates of par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Cana­di­an Den­tal Care Plan vary wide­ly…

In Canada’s Private Healthcare Debate, Language Matters.

In Canada’s Private Healthcare Debate, Language Matters.

I’ve been fol­low­ing recent dis­course on the Cana­di­an health­care sys­tem and the…

Federal health spending has outpaced provinces, analysis shows

    Federal health spending has outpaced provinces, analysis shows

    - Despite cas­ti­ga­tion from provin­cial pre­miers over lag­ging fed­er­al…

    We need to keep talking about public and private healthcare

    We need to keep talking about public and private healthcare

    Over the past year, I’ve heard from count­less patients about their strug­gle to access…

    Advocates vow to fight Ford on consumption sites, he says they should be grateful

    Advocates vow to fight Ford on consumption sites, he says they should be grateful

    Advo­cates for safe con­sump­tion sites are vow­ing to fight Ontario Pre­mier Doug Ford’s…

    On a mission to fix health care, Jane Philpott is open to a return to politics

    On a mission to fix health care, Jane Philpott is open to a return to politics

    More than five years after she was expelled from cau­cus in the fall­out from the…

    Growing interest in health-care reform, but private payment still ‘too risky’ for parties to propose, says Coletto

    Growing interest in health-care reform, but private payment still ‘too risky’ for parties to propose, says Coletto

    Per­sis­tent strain on Canada’s health-care sys­tem has led to a grow­ing appetite…

    Employer-funded virtual care is a good thing – even for those who don’t have it

    Employer-funded virtual care is a good thing – even for those who don’t have it

    Recent­ly, Health Cana­da has paint­ed Cana­di­ans who use employ­er-fund­ed vir­tu­al…

    ‘One-off funding announcements’ not the way to fix homelessness and substance use, says Burlington mayor

    ‘One-off funding announcements’ not the way to fix homelessness and substance use, says Burlington mayor

    A new cam­paign from a group of may­ors rep­re­sent­ing Ontario’s largest cities is…

    Virtual Care And Actual Stupidity: The Hidden Truths of Canada’s ‘ Free’ Health System
    Quebec says it won't limit health care in English, open to 'clarifying' directive

    Quebec says it won't limit health care in English, open to 'clarifying' directive

    The Que­bec gov­ern­ment says it is ready to make changes to a con­tro­ver­sial…

    Appetite for Abortion Debate Hits Lowest Point in Canada

    Appetite for Abortion Debate Hits Lowest Point in Canada

    Few­er than one-in-four Cana­di­ans think the dis­cus­sion about abor­tion should be…

    Are private health care providers breaking the law? Four doctors speak out on for-profit care in Canada

    Are private health care providers breaking the law? Four doctors speak out on for-profit care in Canada

    More and more high-pro­file Cana­di­an doc­tors are speak­ing out against the rise of…

    More than 70 per cent of dentists now accepting patients through Canadian Dental Care Plan

    More than 70 per cent of dentists now accepting patients through Canadian Dental Care Plan

    More than 70 per cent of den­tists are now accept­ing patients through Canada’s new…

    Criminal networks are shifting from fentanyl imports to Canadian-made product

    Criminal networks are shifting from fentanyl imports to Canadian-made product

    Orga­nized crime groups have shift­ed their efforts away from import­ing the dead­ly…

    The opioid crisis is hard to solve. Partisan politics isn't making it easier

    The opioid crisis is hard to solve. Partisan politics isn't making it easier

    The epi­dem­ic of opi­oid addic­tion is a real prob­lem. And there is a real…

    Federal documents reveal what happened behind the scenes with Toronto’s request to decriminalize drugs

    Federal documents reveal what happened behind the scenes with Toronto’s request to decriminalize drugs

    Health Cana­da put dozens of ques­tions to Toron­to about the prac­ti­cal impli­ca­tions…

    Fearmongering about ‘drug dens’ is making Canada’s crisis worse

    Fearmongering about ‘drug dens’ is making Canada’s crisis worse

    In an ide­al world, drug pol­i­cy would be decid­ed by pub­lic health experts rather than…

    Voters want premiers to take action on health care crisis: new poll

    Voters want premiers to take action on health care crisis: new poll

    A time­ly new poll by Envi­ron­ics Research for the Cana­di­an Health Coali­tion finds…

    Why Americans say we spend too much on health care and not enough on warfare

    Why Americans say we spend too much on health care and not enough on warfare

    While Cana­di­an media out­lets joined with U.S. law­mak­ers in harangu­ing Prime…

    Denturists, dental hygienists, assistants back dental care plan despite dentists' criticisms

    Denturists, dental hygienists, assistants back dental care plan despite dentists' criticisms

    A group of oral health-care providers have band­ed togeth­er against what they call…

    Conservatives would scale back supervised drug consumption sites, Poilievre says

    Conservatives would scale back supervised drug consumption sites, Poilievre says

    Super­vised con­sump­tion sites are just ​“drug dens” that a future Con­ser­v­a­tive…

    Liberal government hopes changes to dental care program will increase uptake

    Liberal government hopes changes to dental care program will increase uptake

    Less than one year after fed­er­al Lib­er­als announced a new den­tal care pro­gram…

    La télémédecine pourrait être entravée par Ottawa

    La télémédecine pourrait être entravée par Ottawa

    Env­i­ron 10 mil­lions de per­son­nes à la grandeur du pays risquent de per­dre les…

    As access to health care has become more difficult, Canadians want government to encourage use of virtual care

    As access to health care has become more difficult, Canadians want government to encourage use of virtual care

    spark*insights com­plet­ed nation­al sur­vey research with a large sam­ple of 2,694…

    As access to health care has become more difficult, Canadians want government to encourage use of virtual care

    As access to health care has become more difficult, Canadians want government to encourage use of virtual care

    More than 70% of vot­ers for every major polit­i­cal par­ty say vir­tu­al care options…

    Misconceptions about Canada’s $13 Billion Canada Dental Care Plan
    Leaked Health Canada memo details pending changes to virtual care

    Leaked Health Canada memo details pending changes to virtual care

    Cana­di­an Cham­ber of Com­merce flags poten­tial axe to employ­ee ben­e­fits, increased…

    Smith tells Trudeau Alberta will opt out of federal dental plan

    Smith tells Trudeau Alberta will opt out of federal dental plan

    Alber­ta is opt­ing out of the fed­er­al den­tal plan, the pre­mier told the Cana­di­an…

    'Truly a great British Columbian': Former B.C. premier John Horgan has cancer again

    'Truly a great British Columbian': Former B.C. premier John Horgan has cancer again

    For­mer B.C. pre­mier and cur­rent Cana­di­an ambas­sador to Ger­many John Hor­gan has…