Provinces / Territories
Queer and trans people should be wary of provincial parties’ shift to right

Queer and trans people should be wary of provincial parties’ shift to right

Three provinces are going to the polls this fall — New Brunswick, Saskatchewan and British Colum­bia — and all three fea­ture con­ser­v­a­tive par­ties that are shift­ing fur­ther away from the cen­tre as two of them vie for re-elec­tion, and one to…

BC Election 2024: Voters sour over NDP’s performance on top issues, creating traction for BC Conservatives

BC Election 2024: Voters sour over NDP’s performance on top issues, creating traction for BC Conservatives

As the dust from recent explo­sive events in B.C. pol­i­tics con­tin­ues to set­tle,…

Poilievre weighs in on B.C. election as dust begins to settle on fallout from Conservative merger

Poilievre weighs in on B.C. election as dust begins to settle on fallout from Conservative merger

It’s become a game of musi­cal chairs at the B.C. leg­is­la­ture as can­di­dates and…

B.C. Conservatives recruit three more BC United MLAs, shaking up candidate list

B.C. Conservatives recruit three more BC United MLAs, shaking up candidate list

The B.C. Con­ser­v­a­tives have recruit­ed three more sit­ting BC Unit­ed leg­is­la­tors…

Rustad tells Jordan Peterson B.C. needs nuclear talk, end to school 'indoctrination'

Rustad tells Jordan Peterson B.C. needs nuclear talk, end to school 'indoctrination'

The leader of B.C.‘s Con­ser­v­a­tives says there needs to be a con­ver­sa­tion…

Ford rules out election in 2024, but could call an early election in 2025

Ford rules out election in 2024, but could call an early election in 2025

Ontario Pre­mier Doug Ford has ruled out call­ing an ear­ly elec­tion this year, but has…

New Brunswick still a toss, but could be a Liberal-leaning one

New Brunswick still a toss, but could be a Liberal-leaning one

New Brunswick’s sched­uled elec­tion in Octo­ber looks too close to call. But that view…

Alberta to pursue legislation this fall on opt-in sex education in schools

Alberta to pursue legislation this fall on opt-in sex education in schools

The Alber­ta gov­ern­ment says it’s mov­ing ahead this fall with leg­is­la­tion that…

B.C. Conservative leader outlines views on energy, education in podcast appearance

B.C. Conservative leader outlines views on energy, education in podcast appearance

B.C. Con­ser­v­a­tive leader John Rus­tad says British Colum­bia needs to have a…

Vancouver Island MLA Mitzi Dean withdrawing from upcoming B.C. election

Vancouver Island MLA Mitzi Dean withdrawing from upcoming B.C. election

British Columbi­a’s Min­is­ter of State for Child Care Mitzi Dean says she won’t be…

B.C. NDP and B.C. Conservatives now neck and neck, poll suggests

    B.C. NDP and B.C. Conservatives now neck and neck, poll suggests

    A new Angus Reid poll shows that the col­lapse of B.C. Unit­ed has lev­elled the play­ing…

    Election 2024: BC NDP, Conservatives in statistical tie as United’s withdrawal leaves one-in-ten undecided

    Election 2024: BC NDP, Conservatives in statistical tie as United’s withdrawal leaves one-in-ten undecided

    An unprece­dent­ed with­draw­al by the offi­cial oppo­si­tion B.C. Unit­ed mere weeks…

    'Did nothing wrong': Alberta minister had free VIP tickets to Oilers playoff games

    'Did nothing wrong': Alberta minister had free VIP tickets to Oilers playoff games

    Alber­ta Finance Min­is­ter Nate Horner says he accept­ed free VIP tick­ets to Edmon­ton…

    Doug Ford has faced controversy after controversy — yet remains as popular as ever. Here’s why Ontarians say they still like him

    Doug Ford has faced controversy after controversy — yet remains as popular as ever. Here’s why Ontarians say they still like him

    Pre­mier Doug Ford appears to be the Teflon Tory. In his lucky sev­enth sum­mer as…

    Incumbent BC United MLAs ponder futures as Conservatives after party demise

    Incumbent BC United MLAs ponder futures as Conservatives after party demise

    The polit­i­cal land­scape in British Colum­bia has shift­ed with John Rus­tad’s…

    Opposition Leader Falcon ends BC United election campaign, backs BC Conservatives

    Opposition Leader Falcon ends BC United election campaign, backs BC Conservatives

    British Colum­bia Oppo­si­tion Leader Kevin Fal­con announced Wednes­day that he was…

    Alberta NDP Leader Naheed Nenshi slams premier's plan to transfer hospitals

    Alberta NDP Leader Naheed Nenshi slams premier's plan to transfer hospitals

    Alber­ta’s Oppo­si­tion leader says Pre­mier Danielle Smith needs to explain her plan to…

    Advocates vow to fight Ford on consumption sites, he says they should be grateful

    Advocates vow to fight Ford on consumption sites, he says they should be grateful

    Advo­cates for safe con­sump­tion sites are vow­ing to fight Ontario Pre­mier Doug Ford’s…

    B.C. NDP position worsening, but it's still the narrow favourite to win

    B.C. NDP position worsening, but it's still the narrow favourite to win

    It wasn’t too long ago that the B.C. New Democ­rats were poised to win the 2024…

    Election 2024: Saskatchewan Party maintains lead over the opposition NDP, but the gap is narrowing

    Election 2024: Saskatchewan Party maintains lead over the opposition NDP, but the gap is narrowing

    As the Saskatchewan Par­ty seeks a fifth straight major­i­ty gov­ern­ment, it faces…

    Bonnie Crombie embraces prominent critics of Justin Trudeau as she distances her Ontario party from the federal Liberals

    Bonnie Crombie embraces prominent critics of Justin Trudeau as she distances her Ontario party from the federal Liberals

    Justin who? Bon­nie Crom­bie is dis­tanc­ing her provin­cial par­ty from Prime Min­is­ter…

    Ontario health minister went against review recommendations on consumption sites

    Ontario health minister went against review recommendations on consumption sites

    Two Ontario gov­ern­ment-com­mis­sioned reports rec­om­mend­ed keep­ing exist­ing drug…

    Ontario byelection to replace Todd Smith set for Sept. 19

    Ontario byelection to replace Todd Smith set for Sept. 19

    Ontario Pre­mier Doug Ford is wast­ing no time in call­ing a byelec­tion to fill…

    Ontario parties spend summer preparing for possibility of an early election

    Ontario parties spend summer preparing for possibility of an early election

    Ontar­i­o’s major polit­i­cal par­ties have been spend­ing the sum­mer nom­i­nat­ing…

    Obby Khan announces bid for the helm of the Manitoba Progressive Conservatives

    Obby Khan announces bid for the helm of the Manitoba Progressive Conservatives

    For­mer provin­cial cab­i­net min­is­ter and pro foot­ball play­er Obby Khan is…

    Ontario to ban supervised consumption sites near schools, close 10 locations

    Ontario to ban supervised consumption sites near schools, close 10 locations

    Ontario is set to ban con­sump­tion and treat­ment ser­vices sites with­in 200 metres of…

    Doug Ford shifts direction on wind power in Ontario

    Doug Ford shifts direction on wind power in Ontario

    One of Doug Ford’s first acts as pre­mier of Ontario, just days after tak­ing office in…

    Doug Ford names new education minister after Todd Smith resigns just 10 weeks into the job

    Doug Ford names new education minister after Todd Smith resigns just 10 weeks into the job

    Todd Smith’s sur­prise res­ig­na­tion after just 10 weeks as edu­ca­tion min­is­ter has…

    BC NDP leads by 5 over BC Conservatives as Falcon’s tax cut pledge fails to deliver bounce so far.

    BC NDP leads by 5 over BC Conservatives as Falcon’s tax cut pledge fails to deliver bounce so far.

    From August 14 to 16, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a sur­vey of 1,000 eli­gi­ble…

    Doug Ford may not be 'weird,' but there are other labels that might apply

    Doug Ford may not be 'weird,' but there are other labels that might apply

    The Democ­rats are hav­ing a fair bit of suc­cess labelling for­mer Pres­i­dent…

    New Brunswick’s Progressive Conservatives and Liberals in dead heat

    New Brunswick’s Progressive Conservatives and Liberals in dead heat

    Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid tele­phone and online…

    Inside the pressure campaign on Danielle Smith to make gun ownership (and more) an Alberta right

    Inside the pressure campaign on Danielle Smith to make gun ownership (and more) an Alberta right

    Pre­mier Danielle Smith intends to strength­en the lit­tle-known Alber­ta Bill of Rights…

    Goodyear, Ottawa and Ontario announce $575M expansion of Napanee, Ont., tire plant

      Goodyear, Ottawa and Ontario announce $575M expansion of Napanee, Ont., tire plant

      Goodyear Cana­da is set to invest more than half a bil­lion dol­lars to expand its…

      Constituency worker sexually harassed by NDP MPP was wrongly fired, arbitrator finds

      Constituency worker sexually harassed by NDP MPP was wrongly fired, arbitrator finds

      A con­stituen­cy assis­tant fired by the Ontario NDP after being sex­u­al­ly harassed by…

      Quebec says it won't limit health care in English, open to 'clarifying' directive

      Quebec says it won't limit health care in English, open to 'clarifying' directive

      The Que­bec gov­ern­ment says it is ready to make changes to a con­tro­ver­sial…

      ‘We have nothing to hide,’ Doug Ford says as RCMP interviews potential witnesses linked to Ontario government in Greenbelt criminal probe

      ‘We have nothing to hide,’ Doug Ford says as RCMP interviews potential witnesses linked to Ontario government in Greenbelt criminal probe

      RCMP detec­tives inves­ti­gat­ing the $8.28-billion Green­belt land swap scan­dal are…

      The cheers and jeers of Danielle Smith's private party summer

      The cheers and jeers of Danielle Smith's private party summer

      A cou­ple of Tues­days ago, Pre­mier Danielle Smith’s evening began with her fac­ing heat…

      Doug Ford ‘happy as punch’ Tim Walz is Kamala Harris’ running mate

      Doug Ford ‘happy as punch’ Tim Walz is Kamala Harris’ running mate

      Ontario Pre­mier Doug Ford said Wednes­day he’s ​“hap­py as punch” that Min­neso­ta Gov.…

      ‘Bonjour-Hi’ signs driving Quebec nationalists to distraction

      ‘Bonjour-Hi’ signs driving Quebec nationalists to distraction

      “They seek him here, they seek him there. They seek him every­where. Is he in heav­en? Or…

      Doug Ford’s football friend Tim Walz is Kamala Harris’s running mate

      Doug Ford’s football friend Tim Walz is Kamala Harris’s running mate

      Two months ago, Pre­mier Doug Ford was talk­ing trade and toss­ing a foot­ball…

      Political squabbles and finger pointing abound after the Jasper fire. For some leaders two words get left unsaid

      Political squabbles and finger pointing abound after the Jasper fire. For some leaders two words get left unsaid

      Too soon? Is it too soon after the dev­as­tat­ing fire that ripped through Jasper last…

      Ontario health minister’s concerns about Pierre Poilievre’s interest in forced drug rehab reveals latest tension between the two parties

      Ontario health minister’s concerns about Pierre Poilievre’s interest in forced drug rehab reveals latest tension between the two parties

      Ontario Health Min­is­ter Sylvia Jones is tak­ing issue with fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tive…

      BC Conservatives Rise, Governing BC NDP First in British Columbia

      BC Conservatives Rise, Governing BC NDP First in British Columbia

      Pub­lic sup­port for the Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty of BC increased marked­ly in the past…