Provinces / Territories
LCBO strike seems to have given Doug Ford’s Tories a boost, but government’s poor approval rating is a warning sign, survey shows

LCBO strike seems to have given Doug Ford’s Tories a boost, but government’s poor approval rating is a warning sign, survey shows

Pre­mier Doug Ford’s Pro­gres­sive Con­ser­v­a­tives will drink to that. The first strike in LCBO his­to­ry appears to have boost­ed the pop­u­lar­i­ty of Ford’s Tories, accord­ing to the lat­est Aba­cus Data track­ing poll for the Star.

Buildings in Jasper in ashes after 'monster' wildfire rips through mountain community

Buildings in Jasper in ashes after 'monster' wildfire rips through mountain community

A wild­fire that roared into the com­mu­ni­ty of Jasper, Alta., late Wednes­day has left…

Wildfire that roared into Jasper was a wall of fast-moving flame, says fire official

Wildfire that roared into Jasper was a wall of fast-moving flame, says fire official

One of two wild­fires threat­en­ing the his­toric resort town raged into Jasper…

‘Massive Conflict of Interest’: Opposition Parties Say LCBO President Should Resign, Face Investigation Over Role With Big Business Lobby Group

‘Massive Conflict of Interest’: Opposition Parties Say LCBO President Should Resign, Face Investigation Over Role With Big Business Lobby Group

Ontario’s oppo­si­tion par­ties are call­ing for the LCBO’s Pres­i­dent to resign and…

How Scott Moe Moved Saskatchewan—and Canada—Further Right

How Scott Moe Moved Saskatchewan—and Canada—Further Right

ONE EVENING IN Jan­u­ary 2018, Scott Moe, a for­mer Saskatchewan envi­ron­ment…

Influx of anti-drag 'grooming' emails preceded N.B.'s pronoun policy review, documents reveal

Influx of anti-drag 'grooming' emails preceded N.B.'s pronoun policy review, documents reveal

On April 6, 2023, a woman on Face­book, who shares con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries…

A look at one year of strong mayor powers in Ontario

A look at one year of strong mayor powers in Ontario

In the year since so-called strong may­or pow­ers were grant­ed to the heads of coun­cil…

The equalization system may be headed for a reckoning

The equalization system may be headed for a reckoning

In a coun­try where Saskatchewan refus­es to col­lect car­bon tax­es for home…

Instead of calling an early election, maybe it’s time for Doug Ford to think about retiring

Instead of calling an early election, maybe it’s time for Doug Ford to think about retiring

Maybe he should go. No, I am not talk­ing about Justin Trudeau or Joe Biden.…

Alberta Premier says ministers, staff accepting playoff hockey tickets onside

Alberta Premier says ministers, staff accepting playoff hockey tickets onside

Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle Smith says she does­n’t think her cab­i­net min­is­ters and…

Alberta Premier, ministers accepted NHL playoff tickets after voting to loosen ethics rules

Alberta Premier, ministers accepted NHL playoff tickets after voting to loosen ethics rules

Alber­ta cab­i­net min­is­ters and gov­ern­ment offi­cials attend­ed Stan­ley Cup…

Play nice or talk tough? Canadians prefer provinces stand up for themselves over avoiding conflict with Ottawa

Play nice or talk tough? Canadians prefer provinces stand up for themselves over avoiding conflict with Ottawa

From slam­ming the Trudeau gov­ern­ment for alleged­ly encroach­ing too far into mat­ters…

Doug Ford tells the Star he won’t rule out an early election and vows to defend Ontario ‘like a pit bull’ against Ottawa

Doug Ford tells the Star he won’t rule out an early election and vows to defend Ontario ‘like a pit bull’ against Ottawa

Pre­mier Doug Ford insists it does not mat­ter whether the Lib­er­als or the…

B.C. backing legal challenge of equalization formula, may launch its own lawsuit

B.C. backing legal challenge of equalization formula, may launch its own lawsuit

British Colum­bia Pre­mier David Eby said Wednes­day his province sup­ports…

Premiers wrapping up Council of the Federation summer meeting in Halifax

Premiers wrapping up Council of the Federation summer meeting in Halifax

Canada’s pre­miers are wrap­ping up the sum­mer meet­ing of the Coun­cil of the…

Danielle Smith wants a gentler politics. She’s welcome to start

Danielle Smith wants a gentler politics. She’s welcome to start

It didn’t take long for the Amer­i­can and Cana­di­an right to weaponize the…

Internal poll for Doug Ford finds strong support for booze liberalization plan — and striking LCBO workers

Internal poll for Doug Ford finds strong support for booze liberalization plan — and striking LCBO workers

Ontar­i­ans over­whelm­ing­ly sup­port more lib­er­al­ized alco­hol sales even though…

Federal vs Provincial Governments: Which is doing a better job?

Federal vs Provincial Governments: Which is doing a better job?

Yes­ter­day, Canada’s pre­miers gath­ered in Nova Sco­tia for Coun­cil of the…

Premiers gather in Halifax with a message for Trudeau: stick to your lane

Premiers gather in Halifax with a message for Trudeau: stick to your lane

As the pre­miers gath­er in Hal­i­fax this week for their annu­al sum­mer meet­ings,…

Alberta premier calls on 'progressive' politicians to 'dial down' rhetoric after attack on Trump

Alberta premier calls on 'progressive' politicians to 'dial down' rhetoric after attack on Trump

Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle Smith — who once told for­mer Fox News per­son­al­i­ty Tuck­er…

Canada's 13 premiers set to begin days of meetings in Halifax

Canada's 13 premiers set to begin days of meetings in Halifax

Canada’s pre­miers will be in Hal­i­fax today to begin three days of sched­uled meet­ings…

The Fall of François Legault

The Fall of François Legault

IN JUNE, a Que­bec poll from Pal­las Data mea­sured the favoura­bil­i­ty of four…

A New Fiscal Framework for British Columbia

A New Fiscal Framework for British Columbia

British Columbia’s provin­cial gov­ern­ment finances have dete­ri­o­rat­ed rapid­ly in…

Striking LCBO workers are making Doug Ford’s case for him

Striking LCBO workers are making Doug Ford’s case for him

The very first gov­ern­ment-run liquor stores opened in Ontario near­ly 100 years…

As Bill 96 takes effect, Quebec businesses begin ‘quiet leaving’

As Bill 96 takes effect, Quebec businesses begin ‘quiet leaving’

Just over two years ago, the Que­bec gov­ern­ment gave itself more pow­ers to police the…

Alberta NDP leader Naheed Nenshi eclipses turnout of previous party Stampede event

Alberta NDP leader Naheed Nenshi eclipses turnout of previous party Stampede event

New­ly-crowned leader of Alber­ta’s New Democ­rats Naheed Nen­shi drew a turnout at…

World Cup red card? By a three-to-one ratio, B.C. residents say cost for games in Vancouver ‘not worth it’

World Cup red card? By a three-to-one ratio, B.C. residents say cost for games in Vancouver ‘not worth it’

Cana­di­an soc­cer fans are in heav­en this week, as Cana­da pre­pares to take on…

Alberta Politics: UCP ahead of NDP by 14-points post-Nenshi leadership victory.

Alberta Politics: UCP ahead of NDP by 14-points post-Nenshi leadership victory.

From June 25 and 28, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a sur­vey of 1,000 Alber­tans…

Trudeau Catches Flak From West Coast Ally’s Reelection Bid

Trudeau Catches Flak From West Coast Ally’s Reelection Bid

A few months ago, David Eby appeared to be cruis­ing toward an easy reelec­tion win in…

Despite divorce talk, New Democrat brand, history still hold value for Alberta’s Naheed Nenshi, say politicos

Despite divorce talk, New Democrat brand, history still hold value for Alberta’s Naheed Nenshi, say politicos

Naheed Nenshi’s land­slide vic­to­ry in the Alber­ta NDP lead­er­ship elec­tion came with…

Backbencher who was booted from caucus after controversial meeting criticizes Ford

Backbencher who was booted from caucus after controversial meeting criticizes Ford

A for­mer Pro­gres­sive Con­ser­v­a­tive back­bencher in Pre­mier Doug Ford’s…

Anti-Trudeau fixation ingrained in UCP politics

Anti-Trudeau fixation ingrained in UCP politics

There’s no ques­tion that last week was an objec­tive­ly ter­ri­ble one for Prime…

Manitoba premier polling high after nine months, but experts say challenges lie ahead

Manitoba premier polling high after nine months, but experts say challenges lie ahead

Nine months after being elect­ed, Man­i­to­ba Pre­mier Wab Kinew con­tin­ues to enjoy…

Doug Ford's 'red-tape' cuts save Ontario developers $400M a year

Doug Ford's 'red-tape' cuts save Ontario developers $400M a year

Devel­op­ers are among the biggest ben­e­fi­cia­ries of red-tape reduc­tion mea­sures…

Is 13 too young to work? A Saskatchewan proposal has reignited debate around kids and labour

Is 13 too young to work? A Saskatchewan proposal has reignited debate around kids and labour

Saskatchewan Cham­ber of Com­merce wants ​‘absolute min­i­mum’ age low­ered. Saskatchewan…

Ontario's vape taxes go up on July 1. Here's what to expect

Ontario's vape taxes go up on July 1. Here's what to expect

Tax­es on vap­ing prod­ucts cre­at­ed in or import­ed to Cana­da are set to increase July…

Ford PCs lead by 16 despite increase in disapproval of the provincial government’s performance

Ford PCs lead by 16 despite increase in disapproval of the provincial government’s performance

From June 20 to June 25, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a sur­vey of 1,000…

Doug Ford would upset nearly half of all Ontarians with an early $150M election, poll suggests

Doug Ford would upset nearly half of all Ontarians with an early $150M election, poll suggests

Near­ly half of all Ontar­i­ans would be ​“unhap­py” or ​“very angry” if Pre­mier Doug…

Ford kicks backbencher out of Ontario PC caucus after she met with far-right figure

Ford kicks backbencher out of Ontario PC caucus after she met with far-right figure

Ontario Pre­mier Doug Ford has kicked a back­bencher out of the Pro­gres­sive…

Doug Ford calls Tory MPP’s meeting with British far-right figure ‘deeply regrettable’

Doug Ford calls Tory MPP’s meeting with British far-right figure ‘deeply regrettable’

A meet­ing between Goldie Ghamari and British far-right fig­ure Tom­my Robin­son is…

Alberta announces final numbers for fiscal year, including $4.3B surplus

Alberta announces final numbers for fiscal year, including $4.3B surplus

EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA — Alber­ta has announced its final num­bers for the fis­cal…

Crombie vows to appoint special investigator to look at Ford deals if elected, including science centre

Crombie vows to appoint special investigator to look at Ford deals if elected, including science centre

If Ontario Lib­er­al Leader Bon­nie Crom­bie wins the next provin­cial elec­tion, one of…

Ontario Liberal leader distances herself from Trudeau: 'I think the bigger friend is Doug Ford'

Ontario Liberal leader distances herself from Trudeau: 'I think the bigger friend is Doug Ford'

Bon­nie Crom­bie, Ontario’s Lib­er­al leader, dis­tanced her­self from Prime Min­is­ter…