Top News
4 more Trudeau cabinet ministers won't seek re-election: sources

4 more Trudeau cabinet ministers won't seek re-election: sources

Prime min­is­ter to shuf­fle cab­i­net in com­ing weeks, sources say. Four more fed­er­al cab­i­net min­is­ters will not run for re-elec­tion, Radio-Cana­da has learned, mean­ing Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau will reshuf­fle his cab­i­net at…

Conservative MP Michael Chong calls PM's foreign interference testimony 'highly irresponsible'

Conservative MP Michael Chong calls PM's foreign interference testimony 'highly irresponsible'

Con­ser­v­a­tive MP Michael Chong has accused Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau of using…

Even with new powers, CSIS says there are limits on its ability to name names

Even with new powers, CSIS says there are limits on its ability to name names

Canada’s spy agency says that while it can brief more Cana­di­ans than ever before on…

U.S. charges against Indian government employee for assassination plot shows ties to Nijjar slaying

U.S. charges against Indian government employee for assassination plot shows ties to Nijjar slaying

A new­ly unsealed indict­ment into charges filed by the U.S. Jus­tice Depart­ment against…

Atlantic Liberals feel ‘dramatic’ drag of Trudeau’s unpopularity, says pollster

Atlantic Liberals feel ‘dramatic’ drag of Trudeau’s unpopularity, says pollster

The grow­ing assertive­ness of Atlantic Lib­er­als in express­ing their con­cerns about…


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This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
Canadians more likely to prefer having the next federal election in 2025 and oppose forcing an election immediately

Canadians more likely to prefer having the next federal election in 2025 and oppose forcing an election immediately

The research gauged the opin­ions among Cana­di­ans on the tim­ing of the next fed­er­al…

Conservatives 39, Liberals 23, NDP 21

Conservatives 39, Liberals 23, NDP 21

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…


Pierre Poilievre has taken politics to a new low. Justin Trudeau is willing to join him there

Pierre Poilievre has taken politics to a new low. Justin Trudeau is willing to join him there

New Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty Leader Jag­meet Singh is not wrong when he says that…

The clock is ticking on Trudeau

The clock is ticking on Trudeau

When Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s plane touched down in Hon­olu­lu on his way back…


Top India official claims Justin Trudeau made ‘baseless allegations’ against envoys

Top India official claims Justin Trudeau made ‘baseless allegations’ against envoys

An Indi­an gov­ern­ment spokesman insist­ed Thurs­day the cri­sis in the Cana­da-India…

AFN votes to reject $47.8B child welfare reform deal with Canada

AFN votes to reject $47.8B child welfare reform deal with Canada

First Nations chiefs have vot­ed to reject a land­mark $47.8‑billion child wel­fare…

Politician's Pen

Unlocking the North: A Critical Moment for Canada’s Future

Unlocking the North: A Critical Moment for Canada’s Future

The North is Canada’s next hori­zon. Through strate­gic invest­ments in the NWT — in…

Shuttering Parliament benefits one person: Justin Trudeau

Shuttering Parliament benefits one person: Justin Trudeau

Don’t let any Toron­to Star colum­nists fool you — pro­ro­ga­tion would be all about…

Opinion (Continued)

Trudeau's interference allegations a dramatic act of self-preservation

Trudeau's interference allegations a dramatic act of self-preservation

Love him or hate him, you’ve got to give Justin Trudeau cred­it. He is the polit­i­cal…

Foreign crises are getting in the way of the inevitable: Trudeau’s departure

Foreign crises are getting in the way of the inevitable: Trudeau’s departure

The Justin Trudeau loy­al­ists are dig­ging in. There’s a ​“con­sid­er­able cadre who…

Alberta's emissions cap math doesn't add up

Alberta's emissions cap math doesn't add up

Who are you going to trust: the Gov­ern­ment of Alber­ta or your lying eyes? That was…

Doug Ford’s private gravy train adds new passengers

Doug Ford’s private gravy train adds new passengers

Last week, Doug Ford added two new par­lia­men­tary assis­tants to his already bulky…

We should not consent to policies that make it harder for kids to learn about consent

We should not consent to policies that make it harder for kids to learn about consent

It’s the kind of thing that would make for a movie plot, if it weren’t so hard to…

Crisis time for the politically homeless

Crisis time for the politically homeless

It is deci­sion time for the polit­i­cal­ly home­less. With 19 days left in the…

Trudeau deftly turns the foreign interference inquiry into a Liberal attack ad

Trudeau deftly turns the foreign interference inquiry into a Liberal attack ad

On any oth­er day, the prospect of inter­fer­ing in a police mat­ter would have…

Pierre Poilievre's silence on India keeps getting louder

Pierre Poilievre's silence on India keeps getting louder

Some­times, it’s what you don’t say about some­thing that tells the real sto­ry. That…

The $20 Sandwich That Could Topple Trudeau

The $20 Sandwich That Could Topple Trudeau

LET ME TELL YOU about the sand­wich I ate for lunch: a mouth-water­ing,…

Message targeting is the name of the game before the next federal election

Message targeting is the name of the game before the next federal election…

This is not a diplomatic spat: it’s state terrorism, and Canada is right to call it out

This is not a diplomatic spat: it’s state terrorism, and Canada is right to call it out

To dis­pense with the obvi­ous: No, Monday’s extra­or­di­nary state­ment by the RCMP –…

India will pay heavily for deliberately crossing a red line in nations across the globe

India will pay heavily for deliberately crossing a red line in nations across the globe

One of the most chal­leng­ing deci­sions any gov­ern­ment leader must take urgent­ly,…

Danielle Smith is in control of Alberta, but the fringe forces that sank Jason Kenney are trying to pull the premier further to the right

Danielle Smith is in control of Alberta, but the fringe forces that sank Jason Kenney are trying to pull the premier further to the right

If you were think­ing Alberta’s pol­i­tics is get­ting par­tic­u­lar­ly crazy these…

Neither side is in the right over House of Commons spat

Neither side is in the right over House of Commons spat

You may have heard that the busi­ness of the House of Com­mons has ground to a halt.…

Seeds for a Liberal revolt against Trudeau were planted long ago

Seeds for a Liberal revolt against Trudeau were planted long ago

The first rule of regi­cide is: ​“if you come for the king, you best not miss.” Anoth­er…

How Much Does Likeability Matter? Can a Politician Win an Election Without Being Seen as 'Nice'?

How Much Does Likeability Matter? Can a Politician Win an Election Without Being Seen as 'Nice'?

As the talk of an ear­ly fed­er­al elec­tion con­tin­ues (I still high­ly doubt we will…

Climate alarmism won’t save the CBC

Climate alarmism won’t save the CBC

Could more urgent cli­mate cov­er­age save the CBC from a Pierre Poilievre…

Liberals play diaspora politics to hide their failure to address foreign interference

Liberals play diaspora politics to hide their failure to address foreign interference…

Canada and India need to call a swift end to their diplomatic war

Canada and India need to call a swift end to their diplomatic war

While Cana­da has arguably ​‘pro­vid­ed space’ for extrem­ists, it is equal­ly appar­ent…

Your Presidential Election Gaslighting-to-English Translation Guide

Your Presidential Election Gaslighting-to-English Translation Guide

While it may not nec­es­sar­i­ly seem like it now, with all the usu­al stylings of…

Can we talk about Poilievre? Whether his harshness is impulsive or strategic, it’s invidious

Can we talk about Poilievre? Whether his harshness is impulsive or strategic, it’s invidious

For­eign Affairs Min­is­ter Mélanie Joly is the lat­est pub­lic fig­ure to face Pierre…

A fringe party packed with conspiracy theorists could soon be leading one of Canada’s largest provinces. Here’s why I’m not surprised

A fringe party packed with conspiracy theorists could soon be leading one of Canada’s largest provinces. Here’s why I’m not surprised

British Columbia’s provin­cial elec­tion is get­ting extreme­ly weird, and it might be…

Liberal rebels will need steel spines to oust Justin Trudeau

Liberal rebels will need steel spines to oust Justin Trudeau

Over­throw­ing lead­ers is a tricky busi­ness. Are the rebels deter­mined enough? Is…

Robin Baranyai

Robin Baranyai

Every­one loves a quiz. It’s divert­ing to test your knowl­edge of the head­lines,…

Blame the four fatal ‘I’s of Justin Trudeau for the lacklustre state of the Liberals

Blame the four fatal ‘I’s of Justin Trudeau for the lacklustre state of the Liberals

Just shy of nine years ago, Justin Trudeau led his Lib­er­als to a major­i­ty…

Are Canadians souring on Pierre Poilievre? New poll suggests his popularity has taken a hit

Are Canadians souring on Pierre Poilievre? New poll suggests his popularity has taken a hit

Pierre Poilievre’s pop­u­lar­i­ty has tak­en a sig­nif­i­cant hit in the weeks since…

This man knows how to solve Canada’s extremism problem. Why aren’t we guaranteeing him the resources he needs?

This man knows how to solve Canada’s extremism problem. Why aren’t we guaranteeing him the resources he needs?

David O’Brien is used to deal­ing with neo-Nazis. He’s grown accus­tomed to han­dling…

Tensions growing among Liberal MPs | Political Pulse Panel

Tensions growing among Liberal MPs | Political Pulse Panel

Par­ty insid­ers dis­cuss grow­ing frus­tra­tion inside the Lib­er­al cau­cus over weak…

Climate-concerned Conservatives need to stop kidding themselves

Climate-concerned Conservatives need to stop kidding themselves

Can Con­ser­v­a­tive thinkers con­vince Pierre Poilievre to take cli­mate change…

MPs are right to take a stand: the government must give Parliament the documents it demands

MPs are right to take a stand: the government must give Parliament the documents it demands

Two dif­fer­ent forums of account­abil­i­ty, two very dif­fer­ent out­comes. Over at the…

Canada must stand against residential-school denialism

Canada must stand against residential-school denialism

After the orange T‑shirts worn by Cana­di­ans to reflect and remem­ber Indi­an…

To the victim belongs the spoils: Why is there such a big political fight to become a victim?

To the victim belongs the spoils: Why is there such a big political fight to become a victim?

The real vic­tims of the dead­ly hur­ri­canes Helene and Mil­ton are the cit­i­zens of…

Pierre Poilievre’s antics are making Parliament miserable for everyone. Give us a break

Pierre Poilievre’s antics are making Parliament miserable for everyone. Give us a break

It’s time to put this Par­lia­ment out of its mis­ery — or at least on life sup­port.…

News (Continued)

Singh says he doesn't understand why Poilievre won't get top security clearance

Singh says he doesn't understand why Poilievre won't get top security clearance

NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh says it’s very dis­turb­ing that Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre…

PBO projects deficit exceeded $40B pledge, Liberals won't say if they'll meet target

PBO projects deficit exceeded $40B pledge, Liberals won't say if they'll meet target

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment like­ly failed to keep its deficit below the promised…

Climate Goals Face BC Election Backlash in Home of Greenpeace

Climate Goals Face BC Election Backlash in Home of Greenpeace

An unlike­ly polit­i­cal upstart in Canada’s third-largest province, expelled from his…

Ambassador to U.S. calls American response to Canada's allegations against India 'strong'

Ambassador to U.S. calls American response to Canada's allegations against India 'strong'

Canada’s ambas­sador to the U.S. Kirsten Hill­man is call­ing the Unit­ed States’…

Lower your fees, Mark Carney, businesses ask Liberal bigwig after his payments company hoards savings from merchants

Lower your fees, Mark Carney, businesses ask Liberal bigwig after his payments company hoards savings from merchants

Not all Cana­di­an small busi­ness­es will be ben­e­fit­ing from new low­er cred­it card…

Google adds first Indigenous language in Canada to its translation service

Google adds first Indigenous language in Canada to its translation service

One of the most wide­ly spo­ken Indige­nous lan­guages in this coun­try is now avail­able…

Group of Liberal MPs plan to verbally ask Trudeau to step down next week

Group of Liberal MPs plan to verbally ask Trudeau to step down next week

Lib­er­al MPs who have spent the last 10 days orga­niz­ing to for­mal­ly ask Prime…

Doug Ford poised to send out pre-election cheques to 16 million Ontarians

Doug Ford poised to send out pre-election cheques to 16 million Ontarians

Pre­mier Doug Ford is poised to send cheques to 16 mil­lion Ontar­i­ans to off­set…

'There was wishful thinking that he'd come to his senses': Liberal MP Sean Casey explains why he's calling for Trudeau to go

'There was wishful thinking that he'd come to his senses': Liberal MP Sean Casey explains why he's calling for Trudeau to go

Lib­er­al MP Sean Casey said he was still hope­ful until last week that Prime Min­is­ter…

U.K. calls for India co-operation in probe, analyst warns allies might limit response

U.K. calls for India co-operation in probe, analyst warns allies might limit response

OTTAWA — The British gov­ern­ment says India should co-oper­ate with Canada’s…

‘Making us look like fools’: Liberal MPs Naqvi and Arya rebuke public efforts to oust Trudeau

‘Making us look like fools’: Liberal MPs Naqvi and Arya rebuke public efforts to oust Trudeau

In response to reports that more than 20 Lib­er­al MPs are ready­ing an effort to call on…

Trudeau says there’s intelligence Tories ‘engaged or are at high risk’ from foreign interference

Trudeau says there’s intelligence Tories ‘engaged or are at high risk’ from foreign interference

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau sug­gest­ed Wednes­day that Cana­di­an intel­li­gence…

Trudeau tells inquiry some Conservative parliamentarians are involved in foreign interference

Trudeau tells inquiry some Conservative parliamentarians are involved in foreign interference

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says he has the names of Con­ser­v­a­tive…

Trudeau says current and former Conservative parliamentarians engaged in foreign interference

Trudeau says current and former Conservative parliamentarians engaged in foreign interference

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says sev­er­al cur­rent and for­mer Con­ser­v­a­tive…

Public safety committee calls for emergency meeting on RCMP allegations against India

Public safety committee calls for emergency meeting on RCMP allegations against India

Com­mit­tee says rev­e­la­tions are ​‘very alarm­ing.’ The fed­er­al stand­ing…

Liberal MP endorses 'robust caucus discussion' about whether Trudeau should still lead the party

Liberal MP endorses 'robust caucus discussion' about whether Trudeau should still lead the party

Amid mount­ing pres­sure from with­in the Lib­er­al cau­cus for Prime Min­is­ter Justin…

Switching to EVs and ditching gas could save Canadians more than $500 a month, report says

Switching to EVs and ditching gas could save Canadians more than $500 a month, report says

Burn­ing fos­sil fuels is cost­ing Cana­di­ans, not only by exac­er­bat­ing cli­mate…

Liberal backbencher calls on Justin Trudeau to resign as Liberal leader

Liberal backbencher calls on Justin Trudeau to resign as Liberal leader

P.E.I. MP Sean Casey says vot­ers in his rid­ing have ​‘tuned Justin Trudeau out.’…

Justin Trudeau’s office intervened to keep Han Dong off Canada-China committee

Justin Trudeau’s office intervened to keep Han Dong off Canada-China committee

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s office inter­vened in 2019 to keep Han Dong off…

NDP and Bloc need to overcome ‘fear’ of Conservatives to break Commons paralysis, says Liberal House Leader Gould

NDP and Bloc need to overcome ‘fear’ of Conservatives to break Commons paralysis, says Liberal House Leader Gould

Gov­ern­ment House Leader Kari­na Gould says the Bloc Québé­cois and NDP are ​“scared of…

Quebec TV executive to be named new CBC/Radio-Canada president: sources

    Quebec TV executive to be named new CBC/Radio-Canada president: sources

    A vet­er­an Que­bec tele­vi­sion exec­u­tive has been cho­sen as the new pres­i­dent of…

    Weekly Writ 10/16: Trudeau faces his biggest challenge

    Weekly Writ 10/16: Trudeau faces his biggest challenge

    Over the week­end, mul­ti­ple news out­lets report­ed on an effort by some mem­bers of…

    Former special ops soldier says he was blacklisted for reporting alleged killing of Afghan civilians

    Former special ops soldier says he was blacklisted for reporting alleged killing of Afghan civilians

    A for­mer spe­cial forces sol­dier is suing the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment, alleg­ing he was…

    More layers of India's alleged covert operation likely to be exposed as RCMP probe continues: sources

    More layers of India's alleged covert operation likely to be exposed as RCMP probe continues: sources

    The six senior diplo­mats Ottawa has ordered out of the coun­try may not be the last…

    $7M Alberta advertising campaign against oil and gas emissions cap rolling out in 5 provinces

    $7M Alberta advertising campaign against oil and gas emissions cap rolling out in 5 provinces

    The Alber­ta gov­ern­ment is launch­ing a $7‑million adver­tis­ing cam­paign in Alber­ta,…

    India’s crimes in Canada and the politician allegedly behind them

    India’s crimes in Canada and the politician allegedly behind them

    Four­teen bul­lets fired at a home near Vic­to­ria. An Edmon­ton build­ing torched…

    Washington mum on Canada's fresh allegations against India, expulsion of diplomats

    Washington mum on Canada's fresh allegations against India, expulsion of diplomats

    Amer­i­can offi­cials have opt­ed against con­demn­ing Indi­a’s response to the…

    Canada sought to avoid diplomatic brawl with India over RCMP probe, source says

    Canada sought to avoid diplomatic brawl with India over RCMP probe, source says

    Cana­da attempt­ed over the past week to avoid the kind of tit-for-tat diplo­mat­ic…

    Prorogation? Resignation? Liberals vow to push through House impasse as speculation swirls on the Hill

    Prorogation? Resignation? Liberals vow to push through House impasse as speculation swirls on the Hill

    The Thanks­giv­ing break week has grant­ed the Lib­er­al Par­ty breath­ing room on…

    PMO staff say nobody told them about CSIS request to surveil Liberal powerbroker in 2021

    PMO staff say nobody told them about CSIS request to surveil Liberal powerbroker in 2021

    Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s top advis­ers say they have no plans to inves­ti­gate…

    Canadian support for Donald Trump higher than in last U.S. presidential election, survey finds

    Canadian support for Donald Trump higher than in last U.S. presidential election, survey finds

    While more Cana­di­ans are sig­nalling their sup­port for for­mer U.S. pres­i­dent…

    Stricter regulation of candidate nominations a 'complex space': PM's chief of staff

    Stricter regulation of candidate nominations a 'complex space': PM's chief of staff

    OTTAWA — Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s chief of staff says there’s no sim­ple answer…

    US Poli

    McConnell called Trump 'stupid' and 'despicable' in private after the 2020 election, a new book says

    McConnell called Trump 'stupid' and 'despicable' in private after the 2020 election, a new book says

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitch McConnell said after the 2020 elec­tion that then-Pres­i­dent…

    Trump is consistently inconsistent on abortion and reproductive rights

    Trump is consistently inconsistent on abortion and reproductive rights

    CHICAGO (AP) — Don­ald Trump has had a tough time find­ing a con­sis­tent…

    Harris' interview with Fox News is marked by testy exchanges over immigration and more

    Harris' interview with Fox News is marked by testy exchanges over immigration and more

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris engaged in a com­bat­ive first…

    Harris interview with Fox News showcases a change in strategy for Democrats with network

    Harris interview with Fox News showcases a change in strategy for Democrats with network

    NEW YORK (AP) — Kamala Har­ris ’ inter­view with Fox News Chan­nel’s Bret Baier on…


    Supported by

    This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.
    Harris says the killing of Sinwar is an opportunity 'to finally end the war in Gaza'

    Harris says the killing of Sinwar is an opportunity 'to finally end the war in Gaza'

    MILWAUKEE (AP) — Demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee Kamala Har­ris said Thurs­day…

    Israel's foreign minister confirms that Hamas' top leader Yahya Sinwar was killed in Gaza

    Israel's foreign minister confirms that Hamas' top leader Yahya Sinwar was killed in Gaza

    Israel’s for­eign min­is­ter has con­firmed that Israeli troops in Gaza have killed…

    Panel looking into Trump assassination attempt says Secret Service needs 'fundamental reform'

    Panel looking into Trump assassination attempt says Secret Service needs 'fundamental reform'

    WASHINGTON (AP) — An inde­pen­dent pan­el inves­ti­gat­ing the attempt­ed…

    Zelenskyy to unveil 'victory plan' to Ukrainian lawmakers after presenting it to Western allies

    Zelenskyy to unveil 'victory plan' to Ukrainian lawmakers after presenting it to Western allies

    KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrain­ian Pres­i­dent Volodymyr Zelen­skyy was set to at least…

    Polish democracy leader Lech Walesa says a Trump victory would be a 'misfortune' for the world

    Polish democracy leader Lech Walesa says a Trump victory would be a 'misfortune' for the world

    WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Pol­ish democ­ra­cy cham­pi­on and for­mer Pres­i­dent Lech Wale­sa…

    Think Tank

    Indigenous Affairs Reinvented: A Tale of Three Provinces

    Indigenous Affairs Reinvented: A Tale of Three Provinces

    Southeast Asia, Cyber Threats, and Opportunities for Canadian Co-operation: The Cases of Singapore and the Philippines

    Southeast Asia, Cyber Threats, and Opportunities for Canadian Co-operation: The Cases of Singapore and the Philippines

    As the coun­tries com­pris­ing the Asso­ci­a­tion of South­east Asian Nations (ASEAN)…

    U.S.-China Competition Looms Large at Seoul Summit on Use of AI in Military

    U.S.-China Competition Looms Large at Seoul Summit on Use of AI in Military

    The sec­ond Respon­si­ble Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence in the Mil­i­tary Domain (REAIM)…


    A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

    An error-prone 'transparency'

    An error-prone 'transparency'

    The pro-active pub­li­ca­tion of inter­nal doc­u­ments by gov­ern­ments has long been…

    Delay is toxic for freedom of information

    Delay is toxic for freedom of information

    In pub­lic affairs jour­nal­ism, all infor­ma­tion has a best-before date.…

    Why Israelis and Palestinians both feel war is justified

    Why Israelis and Palestinians both feel war is justified

    The prospect for peace in the Mid­dle East is far­ther away than ever, with both…


    David Campbell on what’s driving Atlantic Canada’s big boom

      David Campbell on what’s driving Atlantic Canada’s big boom

      On this week’s episode of WONK, the econ­o­mist and ​‘wonk of the East’ explains the…

      Marc Garneau on space and politics

        Marc Garneau on space and politics

        It’s get­ting to be quite a stack of mem­oirs by for­mer min­is­ters in Justin…

        Politics! India-Canada dispute escalates, Liberal caucus revolt

          Politics! India-Canada dispute escalates, Liberal caucus revolt

          The Thanks­giv­ing long week­end end­ed with a bomb­shell from the RCMP and Prime…

          B.C.’s Batsh*t Election

            B.C.’s Batsh*t Election

            Shit-post­ing can­di­dates, cli­mate change denial, out­right racism, and those damn…