Top News
Liberal backbencher calls on Justin Trudeau to resign as Liberal leader

Liberal backbencher calls on Justin Trudeau to resign as Liberal leader

P.E.I. MP Sean Casey says vot­ers in his rid­ing have ​‘tuned Justin Trudeau out.’ A Lib­er­al back­bencher is pub­licly call­ing on Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau to step down as par­ty leader as oth­er MPs co-ordi­nate their efforts to force…

Liberal MP endorses 'robust caucus discussion' about whether Trudeau should still lead the party NOW PLAYING

Liberal MP endorses 'robust caucus discussion' about whether Trudeau should still lead the party NOW PLAYING

Amid mount­ing pres­sure from with­in the Lib­er­al cau­cus for Prime Min­is­ter Justin…

All party leaders should get security clearances to fight foreign interference: Trudeau's chief of staff

All party leaders should get security clearances to fight foreign interference: Trudeau's chief of staff

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre still has not obtained clear­ance. One of the…

India’s crimes in Canada and the politician allegedly behind them

India’s crimes in Canada and the politician allegedly behind them

Four­teen bul­lets fired at a home near Vic­to­ria. An Edmon­ton build­ing torched…

Canada sought to avoid diplomatic brawl with India over RCMP probe, source says

Canada sought to avoid diplomatic brawl with India over RCMP probe, source says

Cana­da attempt­ed over the past week to avoid the kind of tit-for-tat diplo­mat­ic…


Supported by

This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
Conservatives 39, Liberals 23, NDP 21

Conservatives 39, Liberals 23, NDP 21

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

NDP Steady, Conservatives Fall Behind in British Columbia

NDP Steady, Conservatives Fall Behind in British Columbia

Hous­ing, home­less­ness and pover­ty is still iden­ti­fied as the most impor­tant issue…


Seeds for a Liberal revolt against Trudeau were planted long ago

Seeds for a Liberal revolt against Trudeau were planted long ago

The first rule of regi­cide is: ​“if you come for the king, you best not miss.” Anoth­er…

How Much Does Likeability Matter? Can a Politician Win an Election Without Being Seen as 'Nice'?

How Much Does Likeability Matter? Can a Politician Win an Election Without Being Seen as 'Nice'?

As the talk of an ear­ly fed­er­al elec­tion con­tin­ues (I still high­ly doubt we will…


$7M Alberta advertising campaign against oil and gas emissions cap rolling out in 5 provinces

$7M Alberta advertising campaign against oil and gas emissions cap rolling out in 5 provinces

The Alber­ta gov­ern­ment is launch­ing a $7‑million adver­tis­ing cam­paign in Alber­ta,…

Washington mum on Canada's fresh allegations against India, expulsion of diplomats

Washington mum on Canada's fresh allegations against India, expulsion of diplomats

Amer­i­can offi­cials have opt­ed against con­demn­ing Indi­a’s response to the…

Politician's Pen

Shuttering Parliament benefits one person: Justin Trudeau

Shuttering Parliament benefits one person: Justin Trudeau

Don’t let any Toron­to Star colum­nists fool you — pro­ro­ga­tion would be all about…

Compassionate intervention is the lifeline Canada’s addiction crisis needs

Compassionate intervention is the lifeline Canada’s addiction crisis needs

Canada’s addic­tion cri­sis is wors­en­ing, claim­ing more lives each day and strain­ing…

Opinion (Continued)

Climate alarmism won’t save the CBC

Climate alarmism won’t save the CBC

Could more urgent cli­mate cov­er­age save the CBC from a Pierre Poilievre…

Liberals play diaspora politics to hide their failure to address foreign interference

Liberals play diaspora politics to hide their failure to address foreign interference…

Canada and India need to call a swift end to their diplomatic war

Canada and India need to call a swift end to their diplomatic war

While Cana­da has arguably ​‘pro­vid­ed space’ for extrem­ists, it is equal­ly appar­ent…

Your Presidential Election Gaslighting-to-English Translation Guide

Your Presidential Election Gaslighting-to-English Translation Guide

While it may not nec­es­sar­i­ly seem like it now, with all the usu­al stylings of…

Can we talk about Poilievre? Whether his harshness is impulsive or strategic, it’s invidious

Can we talk about Poilievre? Whether his harshness is impulsive or strategic, it’s invidious

For­eign Affairs Min­is­ter Mélanie Joly is the lat­est pub­lic fig­ure to face Pierre…

A fringe party packed with conspiracy theorists could soon be leading one of Canada’s largest provinces. Here’s why I’m not surprised

A fringe party packed with conspiracy theorists could soon be leading one of Canada’s largest provinces. Here’s why I’m not surprised

British Columbia’s provin­cial elec­tion is get­ting extreme­ly weird, and it might be…

Liberal rebels will need steel spines to oust Justin Trudeau

Liberal rebels will need steel spines to oust Justin Trudeau

Over­throw­ing lead­ers is a tricky busi­ness. Are the rebels deter­mined enough? Is…

Robin Baranyai

Robin Baranyai

Every­one loves a quiz. It’s divert­ing to test your knowl­edge of the head­lines,…

Blame the four fatal ‘I’s of Justin Trudeau for the lacklustre state of the Liberals

Blame the four fatal ‘I’s of Justin Trudeau for the lacklustre state of the Liberals

Just shy of nine years ago, Justin Trudeau led his Lib­er­als to a major­i­ty…

Are Canadians souring on Pierre Poilievre? New poll suggests his popularity has taken a hit

Are Canadians souring on Pierre Poilievre? New poll suggests his popularity has taken a hit

Pierre Poilievre’s pop­u­lar­i­ty has tak­en a sig­nif­i­cant hit in the weeks since…

This man knows how to solve Canada’s extremism problem. Why aren’t we guaranteeing him the resources he needs?

This man knows how to solve Canada’s extremism problem. Why aren’t we guaranteeing him the resources he needs?

David O’Brien is used to deal­ing with neo-Nazis. He’s grown accus­tomed to han­dling…

Tensions growing among Liberal MPs | Political Pulse Panel

Tensions growing among Liberal MPs | Political Pulse Panel

Par­ty insid­ers dis­cuss grow­ing frus­tra­tion inside the Lib­er­al cau­cus over weak…

Climate-concerned Conservatives need to stop kidding themselves

Climate-concerned Conservatives need to stop kidding themselves

Can Con­ser­v­a­tive thinkers con­vince Pierre Poilievre to take cli­mate change…

MPs are right to take a stand: the government must give Parliament the documents it demands

MPs are right to take a stand: the government must give Parliament the documents it demands

Two dif­fer­ent forums of account­abil­i­ty, two very dif­fer­ent out­comes. Over at the…

Canada must stand against residential-school denialism

Canada must stand against residential-school denialism

After the orange T‑shirts worn by Cana­di­ans to reflect and remem­ber Indi­an…

To the victim belongs the spoils: Why is there such a big political fight to become a victim?

To the victim belongs the spoils: Why is there such a big political fight to become a victim?

The real vic­tims of the dead­ly hur­ri­canes Helene and Mil­ton are the cit­i­zens of…

Pierre Poilievre’s antics are making Parliament miserable for everyone. Give us a break

Pierre Poilievre’s antics are making Parliament miserable for everyone. Give us a break

It’s time to put this Par­lia­ment out of its mis­ery — or at least on life sup­port.…

In new ad, Pierre Poilievre pivots from relentless critic to peddler of hope. Why this may not work

In new ad, Pierre Poilievre pivots from relentless critic to peddler of hope. Why this may not work

“It takes a tough man to make a ten­der chick­en.” This slo­gan from the annals…

With introduction of anti-trans policies, Danielle Smith rewrites the rules

With introduction of anti-trans policies, Danielle Smith rewrites the rules

Alber­ta pre­mier Danielle Smith released a six-minute video last week to out­line…

The Senate is already spoiling for fight against a Poilievre Conservative government

The Senate is already spoiling for fight against a Poilievre Conservative government

If the lat­est polls are to be believed, the Con­ser­v­a­tives are on course for…

A disastrous campaign has cost Trump almost none of his support

A disastrous campaign has cost Trump almost none of his support

A com­mon­place of pol­i­tics holds that ​“cam­paigns mat­ter.” What­ev­er the polls may…

Breaking the Glass: How Generative AI Can Revitalize Canada's Productivity
A Very Canadian Nobel Prize: Why Geoffrey Hinton Is His Own Harshest Critic
Is the Liberal ‘Light Brigade’ following their leader into disaster?

Is the Liberal ‘Light Brigade’ following their leader into disaster?

With the Thanks­giv­ing week­end approach­ing, there real­ly are only a very few…

Did Canada Betray Afghanistan’s Female Soccer Players?

Did Canada Betray Afghanistan’s Female Soccer Players?

When the Tal­iban retook the coun­try in 2021, Cana­da promised its nation­al team…

Beyond buzzwords: we need more disabled voices in Canadian politics

Beyond buzzwords: we need more disabled voices in Canadian politics

At the age of 22, I embarked on an exhil­a­rat­ing jour­ney work­ing on Par­lia­ment…

No Chip Wilson: David Eby and Justin Trudeau are not communists

No Chip Wilson: David Eby and Justin Trudeau are not communists

Chip Wil­son might be a bil­lion­aire, but he can’t buy him­self a clue when it…

Driving out deepfakes: Canada can lead on responsible AI innovation

Driving out deepfakes: Canada can lead on responsible AI innovation

Con­vinc­ing deep­fakes of polit­i­cal and busi­ness lead­ers pose seri­ous risks to our…

Pierre Poilievre's dramatic side could become his undoing

Pierre Poilievre's dramatic side could become his undoing

Com­mem­o­rat­ing the hor­rif­ic ter­ror­ist attacks by Hamas on Octo­ber 7th should have…

Pierre Poilievre, champion of the little guy, just voted to hurt young workers

Pierre Poilievre, champion of the little guy, just voted to hurt young workers

Back in 2012, a young Pierre Poilievre, who was par­lia­men­tary sec­re­tary to the…

Mélanie Joly is the one gaslighting Canadians about antisemitism

Mélanie Joly is the one gaslighting Canadians about antisemitism

“Anti­se­mit­ic mobs take to the street shout­ing, ​‘From Pales­tine to Lebanon, Israel…

How Talking AI is Changing Jobs that Rely on Speech
Conservatives are relying on Trudeau refusing to step down

Conservatives are relying on Trudeau refusing to step down

Pierre Poilievre and his Con­ser­v­a­tive mem­bers of Par­lia­ment must be ecsta­t­ic…

News (Continued)

Prorogation? Resignation? Liberals vow to push through House impasse as speculation swirls on the Hill

Prorogation? Resignation? Liberals vow to push through House impasse as speculation swirls on the Hill

The Thanks­giv­ing break week has grant­ed the Lib­er­al Par­ty breath­ing room on…

PMO staff say nobody told them about CSIS request to surveil Liberal powerbroker in 2021

PMO staff say nobody told them about CSIS request to surveil Liberal powerbroker in 2021

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s top advis­ers say they have no plans to inves­ti­gate…

Canadian support for Donald Trump higher than in last U.S. presidential election, survey finds

Canadian support for Donald Trump higher than in last U.S. presidential election, survey finds

While more Cana­di­ans are sig­nalling their sup­port for for­mer U.S. pres­i­dent…

Stricter regulation of candidate nominations a 'complex space': PM's chief of staff

Stricter regulation of candidate nominations a 'complex space': PM's chief of staff

OTTAWA — Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s chief of staff says there’s no sim­ple answer…

Samidoun, group behind ‘death to Canada’ chant, listed as terrorist entity

Samidoun, group behind ‘death to Canada’ chant, listed as terrorist entity

Cana­da has list­ed Sami­doun, a pro-Pales­tin­ian group behind a ral­ly where…

Top Mountie urges Sikh community to come forward as RCMP pushes ahead on India probe

Top Mountie urges Sikh community to come forward as RCMP pushes ahead on India probe

The head of the RCMP is urg­ing mem­bers of the Sikh com­mu­ni­ty to speak out as police…

'The "defund" narrative has picked up momentum,' CBC president warns in email

'The "defund" narrative has picked up momentum,' CBC president warns in email

The push to axe fund­ing to CBC ​‘has picked up momen­tum’ espe­cial­ly when it comes to…

Justin Trudeau is killing Canada’s liberal dream

    Justin Trudeau is killing Canada’s liberal dream

    “It is a time of mas­sive anx­i­ety.” Justin Trudeau was talk­ing about Cana­di­ans’…

    Election Writ 10/15: Are the B.C. Conservatives falling behind?

    Election Writ 10/15: Are the B.C. Conservatives falling behind?

    With days to go in British Columbia’s provin­cial elec­tion cam­paign, have the B.C.…

    Canada's inflation rate falls to 1.6% in September, smallest yearly increase since 2021

    Canada's inflation rate falls to 1.6% in September, smallest yearly increase since 2021

    Sta­tis­tics Cana­da says the annu­al infla­tion rate con­tin­ued to slow in Sep­tem­ber…

    Foreign interference inquiry resumes after damning accusations levied against India

    Foreign interference inquiry resumes after damning accusations levied against India

    The pub­lic safe­ty min­is­ter is expect­ed to tes­ti­fy at a fed­er­al inquiry into…

    Carbon pricing rebates land in bank accounts as Liberals defend embattled policy

    Carbon pricing rebates land in bank accounts as Liberals defend embattled policy

    Cana­di­ans are set to receive car­bon pric­ing rebates Tues­day, as the Lib­er­als…

    Ontario taxpayers fork over $4.3 million to settle legal costs in Bill 124 cases

    Ontario taxpayers fork over $4.3 million to settle legal costs in Bill 124 cases

    TORONTO — Ontario tax­pay­ers have forked over $4.3 mil­lion in legal fees after the…

    How Indian government agents in Canada targeted Modi’s opponents

    How Indian government agents in Canada targeted Modi’s opponents

    Agents work­ing out of India’s high com­mis­sion in Ottawa and con­sulates in Van­cou­ver…

    Murder, extortion, coercion by India violate Canada's sovereignty, Trudeau says

    Murder, extortion, coercion by India violate Canada's sovereignty, Trudeau says

    Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says India has fun­da­men­tal­ly vio­lat­ed Canada’s…

    RCMP alleges Indian officials in Canada connected to extortion, homicides

    RCMP alleges Indian officials in Canada connected to extortion, homicides

    The RCMP is alleg­ing Indi­an diplo­mats and con­sular offi­cials based in Cana­da…

    Liberals announce new campaign director amid new push to oust Trudeau

    Liberals announce new campaign director amid new push to oust Trudeau

    The Lib­er­al Par­ty has named Andrew Bevan as its new nation­al cam­paign direc­tor for…

    The Liberal revolt is about Trudeau, communications, and the carbon tax

    The Liberal revolt is about Trudeau, communications, and the carbon tax

    The hopes of an anx­ious Lib­er­al cau­cus were first raised at the end of the sum­mer of…

    RCMP alleges violent Indian criminal campaign, sparking diplomatic retaliations

    RCMP alleges violent Indian criminal campaign, sparking diplomatic retaliations

    Accu­sa­tions of wide­spread vio­lent and crim­i­nal acts across Cana­da linked to agents…

    Public service union calls for investigation into return-to-office mandate

    Public service union calls for investigation into return-to-office mandate

    A union rep­re­sent­ing some 27,000 fed­er­al pub­lic ser­vants is call­ing for…

    3 in 4 Canadians show support for defence spending on new submarines, Nanos survey shows

    3 in 4 Canadians show support for defence spending on new submarines, Nanos survey shows

    Three in four Cana­di­ans sup­port defence spend­ing on new sub­marines, accord­ing to…

    NDP frustrations with B.C. Conservative campaign promises prompts McRib parody post

    NDP frustrations with B.C. Conservative campaign promises prompts McRib parody post

    British Columbi­a’s New Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty says it is respon­si­ble for…

    Could the House’s procedural impasse set the stage for a federal election?

    Could the House’s procedural impasse set the stage for a federal election?

    The Bloc Québé­cois is hold­ing firm on its dead­line for the gov­ern­ment to meet its…

    Mike Savage named Nova Scotia's next lieutenant-governor

      Mike Savage named Nova Scotia's next lieutenant-governor

      Mike Sav­age, who did­n’t reof­fer for HRM may­or this year, has secured a new gig.…

      Justin Trudeau championed free trade in Southeast Asia, but he may get ousted before his efforts pay off

      Justin Trudeau championed free trade in Southeast Asia, but he may get ousted before his efforts pay off

      In the last hours of his first vis­it to Laos, the prime min­is­ter watched two…

      First standardized housing designs coming in December, but won't be permit-ready until 'early 2025'

      First standardized housing designs coming in December, but won't be permit-ready until 'early 2025'

      The first iter­a­tion of the fed­er­al gov­ern­men­t’s stan­dard­ized pre-approved design…

      Conservatives lead by 21 despite negative impressions of Pierre Poilievre rising

      Conservatives lead by 21 despite negative impressions of Pierre Poilievre rising

      From Octo­ber 3 to 10, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of…

      Gov. Gen.'s spouse criticizes Quebec media over coverage of Mary Simon's trip to province

      Gov. Gen.'s spouse criticizes Quebec media over coverage of Mary Simon's trip to province

      Gov. Gen. Mary Simon’s spouse, for­mer CBC jour­nal­ist Whit Fras­er, is crit­i­ciz­ing…

      ‘Enough is enough’: nervous Liberal MPs push for Trudeau’s exit before the next election

      ‘Enough is enough’: nervous Liberal MPs push for Trudeau’s exit before the next election

      As some in the Lib­er­al cau­cus orga­nize a call for the prime minister’s…

      Is Justin Trudeau fated to lose just like Kathleen Wynne’? We asked MPs who were there for the last days of her government

      Is Justin Trudeau fated to lose just like Kathleen Wynne’? We asked MPs who were there for the last days of her government

      Is it déjà vu all over again? That’s a loaded ques­tion for the half dozen Lib­er­al…

      Are Canadians souring on Pierre Poilievre? New poll suggests his popularity has taken a hit

      Are Canadians souring on Pierre Poilievre? New poll suggests his popularity has taken a hit

      Pierre Poilievre’s pop­u­lar­i­ty has tak­en a sig­nif­i­cant hit in the weeks since…

      Trade minister says she is 'disappointed' by report of caucus revolt to oust Trudeau

      Trade minister says she is 'disappointed' by report of caucus revolt to oust Trudeau

      A grow­ing num­ber of Lib­er­al MPs are band­ing togeth­er to con­vince Prime Min­is­ter…

      Prime minister faces mounting pressure to step aside from inside caucus

      Prime minister faces mounting pressure to step aside from inside caucus

      Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau will face mount­ing pres­sure from his cau­cus this week…

      US Poli

      RFK Jr. suggests he'll have a significant role on agriculture and health policy if Trump is elected

      RFK Jr. suggests he'll have a significant role on agriculture and health policy if Trump is elected

      Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is sug­gest­ing he will have sig­nif­i­cant influ­ence on…

      Harris slams Trump for suggesting military handle 'enemy from within' as they vie for Pennsylvania

      Harris slams Trump for suggesting military handle 'enemy from within' as they vie for Pennsylvania

      ERIE, Pa. (AP) — Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris zeroed in on for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald…

      Man with loaded gun arrested at checkpoint near Donald Trump's weekend rally in Southern California

      Man with loaded gun arrested at checkpoint near Donald Trump's weekend rally in Southern California

      COACHELLA, Calif. (AP) — A Neva­da man with a shot­gun, a loaded hand­gun…

      Moreno's abortion comment rattles debate in expensive Senate race in Republican-leaning Ohio

      Moreno's abortion comment rattles debate in expensive Senate race in Republican-leaning Ohio

      COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — An off-the-cuff com­ment about repro­duc­tive rights by…


      Supported by

      This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.
      Polish democracy leader Lech Walesa says a Trump victory would be a 'misfortune' for the world

      Polish democracy leader Lech Walesa says a Trump victory would be a 'misfortune' for the world

      WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Pol­ish democ­ra­cy cham­pi­on and for­mer Pres­i­dent Lech Wale­sa…

      US inflation reaches lowest point since February 2021, though some price pressures remain

      US inflation reaches lowest point since February 2021, though some price pressures remain

      WASHINGTON (AP) — Infla­tion in the Unit­ed States dropped last month to its low­est…

      Live updates: Hurricane Milton leaves path of destruction in Florida

        Live updates: Hurricane Milton leaves path of destruction in Florida

        Mil­ton made land­fall as a Cat­e­go­ry 3 storm Wednes­day night, caus­ing…

        Trump-Putin ties are back in the spotlight after new book describes calls

        Trump-Putin ties are back in the spotlight after new book describes calls

        WASHINGTON (AP) — A new book’s asser­tion that for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump may…

        Woodward book reveals Trump's calls with Putin and Biden's private remarks on Obama and Netanyahu

        Woodward book reveals Trump's calls with Putin and Biden's private remarks on Obama and Netanyahu

        WASHINGTON (AP) — Don­ald Trump has had as many as sev­en pri­vate phone calls with…

        Think Tank

        Southeast Asia, Cyber Threats, and Opportunities for Canadian Co-operation: The Cases of Singapore and the Philippines

        Southeast Asia, Cyber Threats, and Opportunities for Canadian Co-operation: The Cases of Singapore and the Philippines

        As the coun­tries com­pris­ing the Asso­ci­a­tion of South­east Asian Nations (ASEAN)…

        U.S.-China Competition Looms Large at Seoul Summit on Use of AI in Military

        U.S.-China Competition Looms Large at Seoul Summit on Use of AI in Military

        The sec­ond Respon­si­ble Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence in the Mil­i­tary Domain (REAIM)…

        Adjusting the Sails - 2024  Atlantic Canada Momentum Index

        Adjusting the Sails - 2024 Atlantic Canada Momentum Index

        This year’s Atlantic Cana­da Momen­tum Index offers evi­dence of a region at…


        A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

        An error-prone 'transparency'

        An error-prone 'transparency'

        The pro-active pub­li­ca­tion of inter­nal doc­u­ments by gov­ern­ments has long been…

        Delay is toxic for freedom of information

        Delay is toxic for freedom of information

        In pub­lic affairs jour­nal­ism, all infor­ma­tion has a best-before date.…

        Why Israelis and Palestinians both feel war is justified

        Why Israelis and Palestinians both feel war is justified

        The prospect for peace in the Mid­dle East is far­ther away than ever, with both…


        David Eby pivots in panic away from the NDP’s unpopular policies

          David Eby pivots in panic away from the NDP’s unpopular policies

          British Colum­bia vot­ers are so unhap­py that they might elect a par­ty this week…

          How a New Brunswick Policy enflamed the 'parental rights' debate in Canada

            How a New Brunswick Policy enflamed the 'parental rights' debate in Canada

            At the time it was imple­ment­ed, there was noth­ing at all remark­able about Pol­i­cy…

            Ashley Madison

              Ashley Madison

              David Her­le, Scott Reid, Jor­dan Leich­nitz and Kory Ten­ey­cke pro­vide insights on the…

              Even A.I.’s Creators don’t Understand how it Works

                Even A.I.’s Creators don’t Understand how it Works

                “Arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence was con­sid­ered the realm of lunatics and wack­os and…