Top News
As Trudeau confronts an anxious caucus, some Liberals say he needs to act swiftly

As Trudeau confronts an anxious caucus, some Liberals say he needs to act swiftly

The PM’s cau­cus sup­port has­n’t cratered yet — but par­ty sources say he has to prove he has a plan. The email from nation­al cau­cus chair Bren­da Shana­han reject­ing calls for an ear­ly in-per­son Lib­er­al cau­cus meet­ing land­ed in MP’s…

New Democrats say they see opportunity in Liberals' Toronto byelection loss

New Democrats say they see opportunity in Liberals' Toronto byelection loss

An NDP insid­er says New Democ­rats were sur­prised by the Lib­er­als’ loss in the recent…

How Canadian Liberals had cameo roles helping Keir Starmer clinch victory in Britain

How Canadian Liberals had cameo roles helping Keir Starmer clinch victory in Britain

Keir Starmer’s land­slide vic­to­ry in the British gen­er­al elec­tion was aid­ed in part…

Liberals reject demands for caucus meeting, sources say most MPs don’t want one

Liberals reject demands for caucus meeting, sources say most MPs don’t want one

The minor­i­ty Lib­er­als have reject­ed a call from some of their own MPs to hold…

In groundbreaking move, Poilievre campaigns among evangelical Christians

In groundbreaking move, Poilievre campaigns among evangelical Christians

Oppo­si­tion leader Pierre Poilievre went to church last Sun­day, not once, not twice,…


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This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
What is Motivating Voting Preferences in Canada?

What is Motivating Voting Preferences in Canada?

From June 20 to 25, 2024 Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 1,900…

World Cup red card? By a three-to-one ratio, B.C. residents say cost for games in Vancouver ‘not worth it’

World Cup red card? By a three-to-one ratio, B.C. residents say cost for games in Vancouver ‘not worth it’

Cana­di­an soc­cer fans are in heav­en this week, as Cana­da pre­pares to take on…


Justin Trudeau’s on the back foot, the opposition and media are no better. No wonder ruthless authoritarians are treating Canadians like a bunch of dim-witted lumberjacks
Justin Trudeau is caught in a different kind of Liberal leadership struggle

Justin Trudeau is caught in a different kind of Liberal leadership struggle

When Justin Trudeau took over the lead­er­ship of his par­ty in 2013, he vowed there…


Why are Trudeau and Singh avoiding Stampede this year?

Why are Trudeau and Singh avoiding Stampede this year?

More than a mil­lion peo­ple are expect­ed to vis­it the Cal­gary Stam­pede mak­ing…

Trudeau should expect criticism at NATO summit over defence spending

Trudeau should expect criticism at NATO summit over defence spending

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau heads to Wash­ing­ton for the NATO sum­mit ear­ly next…

Politician's Pen

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Liberals to spend $200M+ on new censorship bureaucracy, new PBO report finds

Liberals to spend $200M+ on new censorship bureaucracy, new PBO report finds

This morn­ing, Par­lia­men­t’s fis­cal watch­dog released an aston­ish­ing analy­sis of…

Bye-election: Torontonians sent the NDP/Liberals a message. Here's what needs to happen next.

Bye-election: Torontonians sent the NDP/Liberals a message. Here's what needs to happen next.

In a shock­ing upset, last night Con­ser­v­a­tive can­di­date Don Stew­art won…

Opinion (Continued)

Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden should both leave. That’s harder for advisers to say than you might think

Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden should both leave. That’s harder for advisers to say than you might think

Dr. Mar­tin Luther King said the true mea­sure of an indi­vid­ual is not how they behave…

Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden are used to being underestimated. That’s not helping now

Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden are used to being underestimated. That’s not helping now

The day after the dis­as­trous pres­i­den­tial debate, CNN con­vened a pan­el that…

Don’t be fooled by U.K. Labour victory: the construction of a ‘political sandcastle’ is a warning for Canada

Don’t be fooled by U.K. Labour victory: the construction of a ‘political sandcastle’ is a warning for Canada

On the sur­face, Britain’s elec­tion result looks like democ­ra­cy func­tion­ing as it…

Misconceptions about Canada’s $13 Billion Canada Dental Care Plan
Why does Justin Trudeau insist on staying on as Liberal Leader? To save democracy, of course

Why does Justin Trudeau insist on staying on as Liberal Leader? To save democracy, of course

Still reel­ing from the Toron­to-St. Paul’s by-elec­tion dis­as­ter, Justin Trudeau was…

Harjit Sajjan had the wrong priorities in Afghanistan

Harjit Sajjan had the wrong priorities in Afghanistan

The Sikhs in Afghanistan were proud of their resilience. Adher­ing to a strict code…

What does the St. Paul’s byelection result mean for the Conservatives?

What does the St. Paul’s byelection result mean for the Conservatives?

In the New Tes­ta­ment, St. Paul’s First Epis­tle to the Corinthi­ans is now less famous…

NATO, Canada, and the Demands of the New Battlefield

NATO, Canada, and the Demands of the New Battlefield

As we approach the July 9 – 11 NATO 75th anniver­sary sum­mit in Wash­ing­ton, it is…

Should the Senate block the notwithstanding clause?

Should the Senate block the notwithstanding clause?

I think a sleep­er issue, in our age of polit­i­cal tur­moil, is the ques­tion of…

Trudeau does the same things while expecting different results

Trudeau does the same things while expecting different results

The rea­son Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is refus­ing to say whether he’ll meet with…

Harjit Sajjan will remain in cabinet, and shame on you for asking about it

Harjit Sajjan will remain in cabinet, and shame on you for asking about it

One thing that Cana­di­ans have learned over the course of the past nine years is that,…

Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden are two leaders with one problem: Many of their supporters think their time is up

Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden are two leaders with one problem: Many of their supporters think their time is up

Justin Trudeau announced on Mon­day that he’s head­ed for Wash­ing­ton next week. What…

For progressives, the Trudeau by-election and Biden debate disaster were blessings in disguise

For progressives, the Trudeau by-election and Biden debate disaster were blessings in disguise

The siren sounds. For pro­gres­sives in Cana­da and the Unit­ed States, it’s an…

Canada and NATO at 75: Enmeshment Diplomacy Redux

Canada and NATO at 75: Enmeshment Diplomacy Redux

As we mark the 75th Anniver­sary of the North Atlantic Treaty Orga­ni­za­tion (NATO),…

The lone Liberal MP to call for Justin Trudeau’s resignation speaks out about the surprising response

The lone Liberal MP to call for Justin Trudeau’s resignation speaks out about the surprising response

It was a polit­i­cal call to arms that no Lib­er­al MP appears to have tak­en up. In…

L on wheels: liberals and centrists paving the runway for fascism to take hold

L on wheels: liberals and centrists paving the runway for fascism to take hold

Nev­er trust cen­trists or lib­er­als to get the job done. Last week, we saw…

The Supreme Court has just removed the last bar to Trump’s dictatorship

The Supreme Court has just removed the last bar to Trump’s dictatorship

The past week has made it mate­ri­al­ly more like­ly that Amer­i­ca will soon be liv­ing…

‘People should be afraid’: Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives have been targeting experts. Is this just the beginning?

‘People should be afraid’: Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives have been targeting experts. Is this just the beginning?

Dr. Andrea Sere­da hasn’t been sleep­ing. Late last month, the fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tive…

How AI is Changing Us as Political Writers and Analysts

How AI is Changing Us as Political Writers and Analysts

A friend recent­ly tried Chat­G­PT for the first time. She asked it a cou­ple of…

Anti-Trudeau fixation ingrained in UCP politics

Anti-Trudeau fixation ingrained in UCP politics

There’s no ques­tion that last week was an objec­tive­ly ter­ri­ble one for Prime…

Justin Trudeau’s leadership troubles aren’t going away

Justin Trudeau’s leadership troubles aren’t going away

This is a peri­od of Lib­er­al reflec­tion, we are now told by Justin Trudeau…

Trudeau's Canada Day message fell as flat as his polling numbers

Trudeau's Canada Day message fell as flat as his polling numbers

If you want a pre­view of the next elec­tion cam­paign, just watch the Cana­da Day…

Happy Canada Day, everyone! Or is it?

Happy Canada Day, everyone! Or is it?

This will cer­tain­ly be a hap­py day for Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre,…

How do we stop Canadians’ creeping sense of distrust? Here’s your homework for the summer

How do we stop Canadians’ creeping sense of distrust? Here’s your homework for the summer

Years ago, at a Cana­da Day cel­e­bra­tion on Par­lia­ment Hill, one of the mar­quee…

In a country where immigrants are the majority, anti-immigration politics are obsolete

In a country where immigrants are the majority, anti-immigration politics are obsolete

Among the less com­ment­ed-on results of the Toron­to-St. Paul’s by-elec­tion was the…

Justin Trudeau didn’t just lose a safe Liberal seat, Pierre Poilievre figured out how to win it

Justin Trudeau didn’t just lose a safe Liberal seat, Pierre Poilievre figured out how to win it

For almost a decade, Con­ser­v­a­tives have been grap­pling with whether they can…

Charlie Angus takes a bow: Parliament’s punk rocker exits stage left

Charlie Angus takes a bow: Parliament’s punk rocker exits stage left

The recent announce­ment of NDP MP Char­lie Angus’s intend­ed exit from fed­er­al…

Alberta oil flowing, but that won’t help Trudeau

Alberta oil flowing, but that won’t help Trudeau

A pipeline that gave Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau a huge headache is final­ly…

An EV trade war with China will cost Canadian consumers heavily

An EV trade war with China will cost Canadian consumers heavily

Back when she was for­eign affairs min­is­ter, Chrys­tia Free­land rarely missed an…

Justin Trudeau is getting crushed by a mess of his own making

Justin Trudeau is getting crushed by a mess of his own making

When vot­ers stepped into polling booths across mid­town Toron­to Mon­day, they were…

Dumping Trudeau won’t save the Liberals

Dumping Trudeau won’t save the Liberals

Toron­to-St. Paul’s isn’t real­ly ​“one of the safest Lib­er­al rid­ings in the…

Justin Trudeau’s bleak poll numbers are part of a global trend as young voters reject incumbents

Justin Trudeau’s bleak poll numbers are part of a global trend as young voters reject incumbents

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau and his fed­er­al Lib­er­als are large­ly regard­ed to be…

Pierre Poilievre presents himself as a hard-scrabble populist. Away from the cameras, the truth is very different

Pierre Poilievre presents himself as a hard-scrabble populist. Away from the cameras, the truth is very different

Justin Trudeau’s fall from grace prob­a­bly has a lot to do with the per­cep­tion of…

News (Continued)

Canada's global reputation suffering under Trudeau, Garneau asserts in autobiography

Canada's global reputation suffering under Trudeau, Garneau asserts in autobiography

For­mer for­eign affairs min­is­ter Marc Gar­neau says Cana­da has lost its stand­ing in…

The Race Next Door: “A heartbeat away”.

The Race Next Door: “A heartbeat away”.

In 1892, Thomas Reed (who went on to be Speak­er of the US House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives)…

Canada's envoy in London hopeful Britain's Labour party will restart trade talks

Canada's envoy in London hopeful Britain's Labour party will restart trade talks

The Labour Party’s land­slide win in the Unit­ed King­dom elec­tion Thurs­day is…

Conservatives vow to remove Liberals' pick for Canadian Human Rights Commission

Conservatives vow to remove Liberals' pick for Canadian Human Rights Commission

The Oppo­si­tion Con­ser­v­a­tives are vow­ing a future Pierre Poilievre-led…

Human error caused 2022 Rogers outage, system 'deficiencies' made it worse: report

Human error caused 2022 Rogers outage, system 'deficiencies' made it worse: report

The 2022 Rogers out­age that left 12 mil­lion peo­ple with­out wire­less and hard-wired…

Liberal leadership and policy choices post-byelection loss will shape advocacy strategies leading up to 2025 election, say lobbyists

Liberal leadership and policy choices post-byelection loss will shape advocacy strategies leading up to 2025 election, say lobbyists

The Lib­er­als’ recent dev­as­tat­ing byelec­tion loss in a Toron­to rid­ing is…

MP Housefather appointed to new role fighting antisemitism

MP Housefather appointed to new role fighting antisemitism

Lib­er­al MP Antho­ny House­fa­ther has been named the fed­er­al gov­ern­men­t’s new…

Liberal national caucus chair shuts down request by MPs for summer meeting over byelection loss

Liberal national caucus chair shuts down request by MPs for summer meeting over byelection loss

Bren­da Shana­han tells col­leagues via email that a sum­mer meet­ing is…

Canada’s unemployment rate rose to 6.4 per cent in June as jobs market stalls

Canada’s unemployment rate rose to 6.4 per cent in June as jobs market stalls

The Cana­di­an econ­o­my lost 1,400 jobs in June as the unem­ploy­ment rate climbed to…

CSIS director David Vigneault stepping down after seven years on the job

CSIS director David Vigneault stepping down after seven years on the job

David Vigneault says he is step­ping down from his job at the head of Canada’s spy…

Government now says new human rights chief did disclose key information about controversial social media posts

Government now says new human rights chief did disclose key information about controversial social media posts

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment now says Bir­ju Dat­tani, the new head of the Cana­di­an Human…

U.K. Labour Party sweeps to power in historic election win, defeating Conservatives

    U.K. Labour Party sweeps to power in historic election win, defeating Conservatives

    Britain’s Labour Par­ty swept to pow­er Fri­day after more than a decade in…

    Trudeau, Poilievre, Singh begin fundraising campaigns in Alberta and Montreal

    Trudeau, Poilievre, Singh begin fundraising campaigns in Alberta and Montreal

    With the House of Com­mons on a sum­mer break, Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau and…

    A new U.K. government renews hopes for a free-trade deal with Canada

    A new U.K. government renews hopes for a free-trade deal with Canada

    The major shift in the British polit­i­cal land­scape after Thurs­day’s elec­tion will…

    LCBO stores closed for 2 weeks as workers strike, oppose plan to open up booze market

    LCBO stores closed for 2 weeks as workers strike, oppose plan to open up booze market

    Work­ers for Ontar­i­o’s main liquor retail­er, who say the gov­ern­men­t’s plan to open…

    Shrink government revenues? Grow TFSA room? Economists weigh in on what a Poilievre tax-reform panel could—or should—consider

    Shrink government revenues? Grow TFSA room? Economists weigh in on what a Poilievre tax-reform panel could—or should—consider

    In the wake of Pierre Poilievre’s com­mit­ment to launch a tax-reform task force in…

    Chrystia Freeland says Toronto MPs met in her backyard to discuss byelection loss

    Chrystia Freeland says Toronto MPs met in her backyard to discuss byelection loss

    Deputy Prime Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land told reporters Thurs­day that some mem­bers…

    Poilievre would repeal online harms bill after PBO report finds $200 million in new bureaucracy

    Poilievre would repeal online harms bill after PBO report finds $200 million in new bureaucracy

    Con­ser­v­a­tives are promis­ing to scrap the pro­posed fed­er­al online harms bill after…

    Furey says changes to cod catch are an 'affront' to N.L. in letter to federal fisheries minister

    Furey says changes to cod catch are an 'affront' to N.L. in letter to federal fisheries minister

    New­found­land and Labrador Pre­mier Andrew Furey, call­ing last week’s changes to cod…

    Well-funded Conservatives paid $8.5M on advertising in 2023, trouncing other parties

    Well-funded Conservatives paid $8.5M on advertising in 2023, trouncing other parties

    Ottawa — The well-fund­ed Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty of Cana­da spent more than $8.5…

    Boissonnault cleared in preliminary ethics probe of his business dealings

    Boissonnault cleared in preliminary ethics probe of his business dealings

    Canada’s ethics com­mis­sion­er will not be inves­ti­gat­ing claims that Employ­ment…

    Netflix, Paramount Ask Canada Court to Quash Trudeau’s New Levy

    Netflix, Paramount Ask Canada Court to Quash Trudeau’s New Levy

    US stream­ing-ser­vice giants are ask­ing a Cana­di­an court to block Prime…

    Trudeau Catches Flak From West Coast Ally’s Reelection Bid

    Trudeau Catches Flak From West Coast Ally’s Reelection Bid

    A few months ago, David Eby appeared to be cruis­ing toward an easy reelec­tion win in…

    Creating proposed online harms regulators could cost $200 million: budget watchdog

    Creating proposed online harms regulators could cost $200 million: budget watchdog

    The par­lia­men­tary bud­get offi­cer esti­mates that staffing up the new reg­u­la­tors…

    Canada puts up $120M for program to help semiconductor startups get going

    Canada puts up $120M for program to help semiconductor startups get going

    The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is pro­vid­ing $120 mil­lion for a pro­gram to pro­duce…

    Canada Enacts Digital-Services Tax Amid Risks of U.S. Trade Retaliation

    Canada Enacts Digital-Services Tax Amid Risks of U.S. Trade Retaliation

    Cana­da autho­rized the imple­men­ta­tion of a dig­i­tal-ser­vices tax, a move…

    First GST/HST credit payment from 2023 tax returns set to arrive July 5

    First GST/HST credit payment from 2023 tax returns set to arrive July 5

    The first of four pay­ments from the GST/​HST cred­it is set to hit Cana­di­ans’ bank…

    Most Canadians think Trudeau will stay on to the next election: poll

    Most Canadians think Trudeau will stay on to the next election: poll

    A major­i­ty of Cana­di­ans think Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau will stay on to lead…

    Empty saddles: the RCMP's recruitment crisis is threatening the celebrated Musical Ride

    Empty saddles: the RCMP's recruitment crisis is threatening the celebrated Musical Ride

    It’s an image as Cana­di­an as any­thing on a coin — Moun­ties in their red serge…

    Trudeau’s leadership faces further stress tests in series of coming byelections

    Trudeau’s leadership faces further stress tests in series of coming byelections

    Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is fac­ing at least four more pub­lic tests of his…

    Sajjan's office cites privacy, won't say if he intervened for other Afghan groups

    Sajjan's office cites privacy, won't say if he intervened for other Afghan groups

    The fed­er­al Lib­er­als won’t say whether for­mer defence min­is­ter Har­jit Saj­jan…

    Insiders say Liberal MPs turned up the pressure on Justin Trudeau during a private call: ‘Some of your key players need to go’

    Insiders say Liberal MPs turned up the pressure on Justin Trudeau during a private call: ‘Some of your key players need to go’

    Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau was pushed to make seri­ous changes to res­cue the…

    As Trudeau insists he's staying on, one MP says some incumbents could sit out the next election

    As Trudeau insists he's staying on, one MP says some incumbents could sit out the next election

    A Lib­er­al cau­cus source tells CBC News a num­ber of MPs might not run again if…

    US Poli

    The Biden campaign drafted questions for the president's interviews on a pair of Black radio shows

    The Biden campaign drafted questions for the president's interviews on a pair of Black radio shows

    CHAPIN, S.C. (AP) — Pres­i­dent Joe Biden ​‘s cam­paign pro­vid­ed lists of approved…

    Biden faced a low bar in his first post-debate interview. It's not certain he cleared it

    Biden faced a low bar in his first post-debate interview. It's not certain he cleared it

    NEW YORK (AP) — With the sur­vival of his can­di­da­cy in ques­tion, Joe Biden sat down…

    The Race Next Door: “A heartbeat away”.

    The Race Next Door: “A heartbeat away”.

    In 1892, Thomas Reed (who went on to be Speak­er of the US House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives)…

    Biden rejects independent medical evaluation in ABC interview as he fights to stay in race

    Biden rejects independent medical evaluation in ABC interview as he fights to stay in race

    MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Pres­i­dent Joe Biden, in a high­ly antic­i­pat­ed ABC…

    The Context

    The Context: Natural Health Products in Canada

      The Context: Natural Health Products in Canada

      The Con­text host Annette Goern­er sits down with Aaron Skel­ton, Pres­i­dent and CEO of…

      The Context: The state of critical work in Canada

        The Context: The state of critical work in Canada

        The Con­text host Annette Goern­er sits down with Der­rick Hynes, Pres­i­dent of…


        Supported by

        This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.
        Citing Supreme Court immunity ruling, Trump's lawyers seek to freeze the classified documents case

        Citing Supreme Court immunity ruling, Trump's lawyers seek to freeze the classified documents case

        WASHINGTON (AP) — Don­ald Trump asked a fed­er­al judge Fri­day to freeze the…

        U.K. Labour Party sweeps to power in historic election win, defeating Conservatives

          U.K. Labour Party sweeps to power in historic election win, defeating Conservatives

          Britain’s Labour Par­ty swept to pow­er Fri­day after more than a decade in…

          Britain's Labour on track for huge majority, exit poll suggests, amid frustration with Conservatives

          Britain's Labour on track for huge majority, exit poll suggests, amid frustration with Conservatives

          Britain’s Labour Par­ty was head­ed for a huge major­i­ty in a par­lia­men­tary…

          Georgia election workers who won $148M judgment against Giuliani want his bankruptcy case thrown out

          Georgia election workers who won $148M judgment against Giuliani want his bankruptcy case thrown out

          Rudy Giu­lian­i’s cred­i­tors, includ­ing two for­mer Geor­gia elec­tion work­ers who won…

          The Supreme Court has just removed the last bar to Trump’s dictatorship

          The Supreme Court has just removed the last bar to Trump’s dictatorship

          The past week has made it mate­ri­al­ly more like­ly that Amer­i­ca will soon be liv­ing…

          Think Tank

          Explainer: How Canada’s Deadliest Terrorist Attack Created Lasting Strains in Canada-India Relations

          Explainer: How Canada’s Deadliest Terrorist Attack Created Lasting Strains in Canada-India Relations

          In Sep­tem­ber 2023, the Cana­da-India rela­tion­ship hit one of its low­est points ever…

          Russia-North Korea Security Pact Fuses Northeast Asian and European Security

          Russia-North Korea Security Pact Fuses Northeast Asian and European Security

          A new and enhanced secu­ri­ty part­ner­ship between Rus­sia and North Korea marks…

          Government services faltering despite Trudeau’s tax hikes


          A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

          Can progressives stop a right wing sweep of North America?

          Can progressives stop a right wing sweep of North America?

          The future looks pret­ty dire for pro­gres­sive vot­ers in the Unit­ed States and…

          Hubris and survival in the news industry

          Hubris and survival in the news industry

          A new oral his­to­ry of the Vil­lage Voice, the week­ly rag that goosed Amer­i­can…

          Canada's access-to-info gamble

          Canada's access-to-info gamble

          Cana­di­ans are not whin­ers by nature, but some­times frus­tra­tion about bad ser­vice…


          Trudeau's and Poilievre's summer plans

            Trudeau's and Poilievre's summer plans

            The Toron­to – St. Paul’s byelec­tion ensured that this polit­i­cal sum­mer would be…

            Zain Velji: Behind the Naheed Nenshi leadership campaign

              Zain Velji: Behind the Naheed Nenshi leadership campaign

              The Her­le Burly was cre­at­ed by Air Quotes Media with sup­port from our pre­sent­ing…

              The inescapable implosion of Trudeau’s bizarro Liberal party

                The inescapable implosion of Trudeau’s bizarro Liberal party

                A col­lapse of their Toron­to — St. Paul’s fortress is just the begin­ning. All that…

                Introducing: The Secret Life of Canada | Sorry not Sorry

                  Introducing: The Secret Life of Canada | Sorry not Sorry

                  We’re bring­ing you a spe­cial episode of a show we love! The Secret Life of…